1人です 혼자 왔어요 ホンジャワッソヨ
焼酎とおつまみください 소주랑 안주 주세요 ソジュランアンジュジュセヨ
すいません〜焼酎もう1本ください〜〜 저기요! 소주 한 병 더 주세요
チョギヨ〜ソジュ ハンビョン ト ジュセヨ!
お会計お願いします 계산해주세요 ケサンヘジュセヨ
使ってみてくださいね〜 韓国語間違ってました。すいません!!!
よかったでしょう〜 また歌ってほしいです〜
お悩(なや)み相談(そうだん)は、いつもSHINくんのアドバイスが心にしみます。😍無理(むり)に前向(まえむ)きになろうとしなくていい 。素敵な言葉ですね。😌心がかるくなりました。😊
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2017年9月18日 (月) 21:20
Hi hero...
How was your day? Did everything go well? I hope you are well and fine... Please look after yourself well for us. We never know how you're doing until after so I hope you're doing your best to keep yourself healthy and happy.
Made a hard decision i didn't want to have to make today.. I had tried to compromise for months but it never achieved any results at all.. At least I tried, right? My leadership skills are clearly pretty awful, aren't they? I tried so hard... T-T Life is stressful sometimes...
Physically, eh.. My throat hurts and I'm tired a lot.. I'm doing my best to stay healthy too but it's hard when you're already sick, lol. The tired a lot is really the worst.. I already don't have enough time in a day.. Hopefully at worst only a couple more weeks like this.. Some colds are much nastier than others..
I should sleep again since it's the one thing in really good at now..
I hope you have a good night tonight and sleep too when you can.
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月17日 (日) 23:18
投稿: jasmin❤️ | 2017年9月17日 (日) 13:50
ベーッてしてるキティちゃん (^^) いいな♪
投稿: SAKU | 2017年9月17日 (日) 07:52
Hi Shin-kun!
It's been days since your last update. You got more busier than usual. Hope you are okay. Please dont drain yourself. Take some rest and eat your meals on time. Take care a lot okay, please.
I love you... And i miss you so much..
投稿: _Loki (Vanery) | 2017年9月16日 (土) 23:54
How was your day? How is filming going? Are the other cast fun to work with? Your last co stars sounded so amazing so I hope you're having another good experience with another great cast. But we know you are a really beautiful person and that always shines through, so good people will naturally gravitate towards you..
Are you learning much? Everyone has something new to teach us. I'm sure you know this though and are paying attention to others for more XP, lol.
You must be looking forward to this airing too though.. Getting to talk more about it on the show. Watching CandYs reactions.. That's the point of it all, yes? Well we are ready for sure.. Well, I almost am.. hehe
I miss you though, so it's going to be nice seeing you all the time again and meeting the character keeping you so busy. No doubt many CandY can relate..
A week is a long time these days.. But it's almost chuusday..
I am going to go to sleep soon now though so I'll go now.
I hope you have a good night and some rest too.
I love you, hero
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月16日 (土) 23:36
投稿: みぅか | 2017年9月16日 (土) 19:16
How was your day? Hope you had a good one. And I hope you're happy and healthy too.. As much as is possible anyway..
I'm really not doing anywhere near as much as I could.. sigh. I did find a nice distraction today though. It's not as good as I would normally like but it was impromptu and I was very under prepared, lol. Still, it's nice.
I went out for dinner too.. change of scenery from walking lol. I did have to rest a bit though. Got really dizzy for no good reason. 😕 But I was okay after I ate.
I'm kinda really glad it is Friday though.. I've been so tired recently and even getting up this morning was a challenge.. So at least I should be able to sleep in tomorrow, guilt free, right?
I have some goals I'm working on right now and I'm hoping to get some stuff in motion to make them happen tomorrow.. Just carefully going one step at a time.. I hope it all works.. T-T
How is the filming going tho? We're one day closer to finally getting to see it.. You're so busy and I'm looking forward to seeing this and supporting you through another drama.. I have this special love for Shin Wonho the actor.. I think it's because that's how I expected to be supporting you at first lol. So it's like every time you do, it's really important that I am there for all of it. But then, I'm determined to be there for you through everything, no matter what it is..
Ah, I guess I should try to sleep..
I really miss you and hope that you're having some fun while you work.. Wonho Fighting!
I love you very much Shin Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月15日 (金) 22:53
投稿: ほしかわ | 2017年9月15日 (金) 21:36
How was your day? Hopefully you've had a good day today.. I would love to know it was productive and you were happy with it.. Would make me happy to know you are..
Aye so yes, this is earlier than usual for me, but I'm going to try sleeping earlier.. I just want the day to end and hopefully have a better day tomorrow.. Wasn't that anything bad happened.. was just me.. I guess some days are just going to be like that..
I'll try to be my bouncy, talkative self again tomorrow..
I really hope the rest of your night goes well and you get whatever rest you can tonight too..
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月14日 (木) 20:35
おなやみそうだんを出してくれたかたにも感謝ですm(_ _)m
とても勉強になりますm(_ _)m大変だと思いますが、これからもよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
投稿: MIKAN | 2017年9月14日 (木) 07:41
Hello hello Shin~
Once again, such an amazing radio program indeed! Thank you, Shin. I am really thankful for being able to listen to your broadcast every Chuusday^^
Drunkard Shin is great, can still teaching Korean words while drunk~ I will try to use it when I got a chance! Hehehee
Shin's advice is so true~ I agree with you, don't have to force ourselves and let it naturally forgotten, because time really heals. I remember a nice quote that I like 'This too shall pass'. When facing difficulties and problems, sometimes I like to think that even when it's hard, those problems shall pass in the end. That way I could be a bit calmer
Han River is so beautiful, I hope one day I could stroll around Han River too~ I just noticed that your instagram post is related to this strolling^^ Thank you for sharing the beauty of Han River with us and also the poetic words from you. Beautiful!
Lovely Utadon! Like I said before, Shin is talented and has beautiful voice, I love your voice~ Your choice of song is always wonderful too! The melody and the lyrics are really nice
I also love your kitty-chan drawing, it's cute^^ I think drawing is hard, but each of your drawing is nice and cute. Indeed, multi-talented Shin.
This evening I saw that you will be guest on Weekly Idol again next week~ Congrats! Looks like a lot of fun, I love seeing you smile and laugh! Will be looking forward for it^^
Ah, how is your drama filming nowadays? I wish you enjoy it^^ Take care! I hope you had a great day, and always remember to rest and eat well.
I love you
投稿: devina | 2017年9月14日 (木) 02:21
投稿: マカオJ | 2017年9月14日 (木) 00:41
投稿: 에르나 | 2017年9月14日 (木) 00:22
投稿: 에르나 | 2017年9月14日 (木) 00:20
Hi ^_^
How did your day go? I hope you had a lot of fun today and that the filming is going smoothly.. Are you eating well? Resting when you can? Please take good care of yourself for us...
Drunk Shin is really an interesting character.. But it's nice that he can still teach Korean when he can barely speak lol. I'm not sure how to get to a bar in Korea.. I'd need to work that out before I could use what you've taught us. T-T I think I remember seeing something that last time I was there but I am not sure if I'm actually thinking of Japan instead. I've been wrong before so I can't commit to that memory being correct, lol.
seriously, I think the only reason I can find bars in Australia is because every single town has at least 3...
I agree with Shin's advice wholeheartedly again.. Shin truly gives the best advice you his fans.. Healing will take it's own time and will complete itself in its own way.. And whether or not you truly forget the memory remains to be seen too, but you can make peace with it.. and it will then move itself out of your daily life of its own accord..
I had many terrible memories I'd sooner forget.. but to do that would honestly need near total amnesia up to a certain point in my life.. And I think if that happened, then all the wisdom, perspective and humanity I gathered from all of those experiences would be gone too, and that would mean that I went through all of it for nothing.. Can you imagine anything worse? Just because my mind may forget, doesn't erase the past.. The scars would remain. Can you imagine having gone through something terrible and at the end, you went through it for absolutely nothing at all.. "Brokenness leads to such beautiful art sometimes"... The concept of the wounded healer like in Astrology.. Only those who have suffered the deepest wounds and understand that pain on very personal levels can truly sympathise with another's suffering and help them recover.. I have my wounds but I'm still here.. And my experience can help others.. I wouldn't trade that ability away for the ability to simply forget something that still happened.. Does that make sense?
But I have made peace with it all now.. One day, something or someone will come into your life who can heal you.. And when that happens, looking forward is not just something you can do, it's something you throw yourself into.. I'm ready for that now..
And yes, lol, I did know astrology.. One of those things I learnt in an attempt to have things in common with my mother, lol.
Ah, I have made this long enough and you're busy.. I'll continue again tomorrow..
I hope you have a good night.
I love you my hero
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月13日 (水) 23:52
投稿: SHIHO | 2017年9月13日 (水) 22:36
Hi oppa! Your drawing is very beautiful and the song you sing at the end was very beautiful. Fighting
Maryam from Iran
投稿: Maryam | 2017年9月13日 (水) 19:49
シンくん 歌ドン
이 노래 (この歌)という意味だったんですね。。。
신군 를 만나서 잘 됐어요
나는 행복합니다
행상 고마워
投稿: 和ママ | 2017年9月13日 (水) 17:19
Me again lol I forgot to say this: You Kitty chan is so cute~~~
And the thing about letting things be forgotten naturally, It really is true and it sure worked for me. I used to blame myself so much for anything I did wrong, or bad things that happened. But now, I don't (at least not as much as before). everybody makes mistakes right? And rather than letting the bad memories eat up my brain, I do other stuff. Sure there are much more things in everyone's lives that need the attention, right? I hope anyone who has this problem would listen to Shin kun and let go of unnecessary thoughts and let them be forgotten.
Thanks for your wise words oppa, always.
投稿: FtR | 2017年9月13日 (水) 17:11
Shiiiiiiin kun~
I missed the radio last night AGAIN TT But I listened to the recorded audio and the うたドン WAS AMAZING TT Loved it I always love it when you sing, speak, whatever TT Just yesterday I was telling my sister how I love Shin-kun's voice~ Oppa thank you so much for another awesome program aaaaand the beautiful うたドン~
Love ya~ FiGHTiNG~
PS: This comment is full of 'TT' lol It's not a sad TT tho ^^
投稿: FtR | 2017年9月13日 (水) 16:58
シンくん、ありがとう^ ^
投稿: ユミコ | 2017年9月13日 (水) 16:55
投稿: りぃ | 2017年9月13日 (水) 15:28
投稿: R E I ♡ | 2017年9月13日 (水) 12:36
投稿: よしの | 2017年9月13日 (水) 11:10