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2017年7月18日 (火)





(写真撮影 SHIN)








しましょうね〜 シンじいちゃんに答えてもらいたいことがあったらメールで送ってください。













searchシンくん、これからもCROSS GENEのリーダーとして頑張って!!



How was your day? I hope you're doing okay. Guess you're pretty busy these days huh? You've been fairly quiet for a while now, so I hope you are making sure to look after yourself too. I tend to worry about you, lol. But chuusday tomorrow so we'll get to hear your voice again. That's something to look forward to.

Gonna go to sleep so I can get to that part sooner. Miss you heaps. I really hope everything is good for you.
I love you





I hope had a good day and ate well today.

Chuusday really soon now and one less than a week until the public recording. An exciting week to say the least. I'm looking forward to it. Anxious though. I always get anxious when I travel, lol. So nothing new there. But I reminded myself that I am capable off looking after myself when I need to. somehow lol.. Still doesn't make me less anxious but it got the job done lol.

So there was a leaked trailer for infinity war out from comic con. It looks so good!! I'm so excited. It's one of those movies I refuse to miss. Doesn't come out until April next year but I really don't care what I'm doing then, I'm going! lol. Also the new Thor and Black Panther coming out. If only Fox wasn't out there ruining X-Men at every chance. T-T I used to watch xmen every morning.. it and tekkaman blade were on every morning before school and it was awesome. So I had a lot of love for xmen.. just didn't get it shown as well on the big screen. But! Marvel are doing boss with the others did I'm good.

ok, time to be productive!
Will get my tests done this week coz this level of tired is not so good. Hopefully it's just the cold.
I love you so much.
Have a good day today

안녕하세요 다시 신! 나는 지난 밤에 프로그램의 일부 번역을 읽었습니다.
그녀는 모든 번역 하지 않았다 하지만 일부 대화는 괜 찮 아 요. 그녀는 고등학교 때 1 사랑을 했다 고 말했다.
첫 사랑 잊 었 단 이며 정말 아파요. 단지 나는 그것에 게 작년을 경험 한다. 우리가 지속 그래서 거의 4 년 동안 그것은 아픈 내게 너무 많은.
하지만 지금은 괜 찮 아 요. 알다시피, 그것은 당신과 그 이유는 크르스진 때문에 그러한 비극적인 경험에서 완.
하지만 내 경우 엔, 난 아직 그가 나에 게 하 하 하 준 그의 물건.
하지만이 지난 몇 주 동안, 난 계획 던져 또는 그것을 구울. 너무 좋은 추억이 있다 하지만 난 그것을 더 이상 필요 하지 않았다. 지금은 괜 찮 아 요입니다.
그것은 누군가 사랑 하 고, 그래서 좋은 느낌 당신을 사랑 하는 사람 특히. 그래서, 제발 하지 않습니다 방해 전직-여자 친구와 너무 많이.
당신은 너무 많은 팬 들을 제공 당신이 두 번, 아니, 트리플 하 고 더 많은 시간 전 보다 준. 행복 하시기 바랍니다. 행복 한 당신을 보고 우리에 게 기쁨을 가져온다.
글쎄, 난 당신의 첫 번째 우리 하 하는 만큼 당신을 귀찮게 하지 않습니다.
음. 그는 오늘은 충분 하다. 난 당신이 지금 행복 하다. 만약 누군가 특별 한 당신의 마음에. 나 당신을 위해 행복 할 것 이다입니다. 그리고 당신의 경험을 공유 해 주셔서 감사 합니다. 난 그렇게 쉬운 하지만 난 당신이 알고 지금은 괜 찮 아 요. 돌 ~ ^ ^

안녕하세요 신! 그것은 내가 몇 가지 메모를 보내 마지막 시간 이후 한 동안 되었습니다.
지난 화요일 일부를 보낼 수 없는 것에 대해 미안 해요. 나는 너무 바빠. 그래서 강조
그건 그렇고, 난 분 및 석 어제 라이브 할 기 뻐.
우리는 너무 많은 라이브 놓칠. 우리 모두 바쁜, 그리고 그것은 여러분 모두를 볼 수 있게 되 고 우리에 게 걱정을 제공 알고 있다. 이런 것에 대 한 미안 해요입니다.
우리는, 특히 나 당신과 당신의 그룹에 게 더 많은 프로젝트 오고 있다 알고 너무 행복 하다. 제발 할 돌.
당신의 건강 (물론, 애 들도)은 우리의 우선권 이다. 시간에 식사 하 고 항상 미소 하시기 바랍니다. 알다시피, 당신의 미소를 행복 하 게 얼마나 많은 팬 들.
그리고 또 한 가지, 당신의 새로운 드라마에 축 하! 알다시피, 많은 필리핀 팬 들은 다시 연기 보고 너무 흥분
그래서 당신을 위해 기쁘게 생각 합니다. 난 언제나 처럼 잘 할 것입니다.
난 지난 밤에 자 고 했다. 그리고 라이브 스트리밍 하지에 대 한 미안 해요. 하지만 난 당신의 guesting 어젯밤과 게시물을 보았다. 너무 달콤한 목소리를 듣고 기쁘게 생각 합니다. 당신은 항상 같은 진정 항상 있습니다. 당신은 정말 우리에 게 기쁨을 가져온다.
내가 사랑 하는 둘 다 당신과 당신이 홍 기. 그리고 난 내가 내 큰 우상의 목소리를 듣고 행복 해요. 나는 모든 사람 특히 당신이 신에 당신을 보고 희망 하 고.
내 메시지에 너무 오래 있어 하 하 하. 많이 보고 싶어요. 난 항상 당신의 Instagram 업데이트를 기다리고 있다. 당신은 괜 찮 아 요 만큼 너무 오래 걸리는 경우 괜찮습니다. 난 그걸로 행복 해요입니다. 다시, 내가 당신을 사랑 하 고 돌. 진심으 당신 것, Vanery입니다.


How was your day? You sounded bright on the radio tonight so I hope that means you had a good day. I know Sangmin and Yongseok ate well today.. did you?

That was an interesting show though. Shin is a very decisive person, isn't he? I am the same in the same situation though. Not that it was gifts, but all joint purchases I didn't want to keep. Throw away the car hahaha. Dude no. You sell it. lol.

They say that feelings can embed themselves in the items around you. Particularly strong ones. So yes I can understand the want to remove them from your life. I moved again recently with almost nothing because I couldn't have any of the past with me. Hence why I own very little. Not coz of a break up coz that happened ages ago, but the fallout from it carried on and became a bigger problem.

Aye, I fell asleep on you again. I need to stop doing that. I'm sorry. But its been a long week. Looking forward to next weekend very much though.

It's a beautiful day today here so I hope the sun is shining and keeping you warm too.
Please have a good day today.
I love you very much

Hi! I really love you and your voice. I want to tell you that you (Cross gene) have fans even in Kazakhstan. I'm actually from there.
Shin, I love you very much, I wish you luck in the future.

Hello hello Shin~

The takoyaki flavored yakisoba seems delicious^^ I am happy when Shin enjoy your food. I hope next time the staff liking will be Shin's liking too smile

New character Shin-jii-san is great~ As I said, reminds me a lot of my grandpa, the angry tone, the coughing. Lol. But I also think Shin is great in all other characters. You are really impressive^^

Shin is right. Being a leader is not an easy job. We have to be responsible and confident, also care about our group. Shin is the best and amazing leader of Cross Gene lovely

Udon! It was unexpected but lovely~ Udon, Kabedon, Utadon. Shin always has great ways to end the show. That make me missing Shin right after the shows ended~~

Shin is so busy these days, new shows, new dramas. All of it looks so interesting and great. Looking forward to it. So proud of Shin, I'm sure you'll done excellent job just like always happy01 Congrats and good luck for all your activities! I will always support you~ But I hope Shin take care of your health. Take time to get enough rest and also eat lots of healthy food, Shin heart04

Ah today, Shin will be guest in radio, right? Can't wait for it^^ I thought it was yesterday, but it turns out it is today~

Take care and I love you heart


How was your day? Did you have a good one? I hope so very much.

Late again. Hopefully all this work and exhaustion is just pretext for better days ahead.

So congratulations on your new role. I sure sounds interesting and I know you will do well. Didnt I tell you that you're good at this? This role sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun though.

You have been pretty busy recently it seems so please remember to stay more aware of how you're feeling. You've pushed your limits a lot before so you should know what they are by now. Remember to do what you can to keep your body healthy and let it rest when you can. I trust you to look after yourself for now lol. You end up sick though I'll be right back here nagging you... so do a good job, okay!

Ahh its still so cold here. Also I can't breathe properly in my bedroom so there is something in there that's not good. Possibly mold on a wall that I can't see from the temperatures. Might have to find it and get someone in to clean it. T-T

Apparently Saturday happened before i even realised. I thought it was Friday. Usually I'm not this bad with the days but I didn't have to do the deadline work on Thursday coz I've been busy elsewhere so I lost track of the days again. I think today I'll get ready for tomorrow. Some Netflix and Shin will make my day really awesome I think.

There is still more of the radio show for me to talk about, isn't there? I'll see what i can do tonight.

Ah I'm still so tired. But the sun is up so i guess I should go be productive. I need to wash clothes and get ready to fly soon too.
Have a lot of fun today, okay?
I love you very much


신군, 안녕😊
드라마「20세기 소년소녀」캐스팅, 축하해요🎉💗🎉
신군의 어떤 모습을 볼 수 있을까요?!
많이 기대됩니다💓
날씨가 더우니까 몸 조심하세요.
배우 신 원호 화이팅!!!!
일본에서 응원하고 있어요💕


俳優신원호、おおいそがしですね!その間、ラジオ公開収録、BUZZ UP出演など日本での活動もあるので、たのしみにしてます😍❣️体調かんりにはきをつけてね(^^)💦


シン君 こんにちは♪
シン君 またドラマにでるんだね^^ おめでとう~! しばらく会えないのは、さみしいけど、シン君のかつやくを きたいしてます。ファイティン! o(^▽^)o

よく読まないでコメントしてごめんなさいm(_ _)m


シン君!'20세기 소년소녀' 出演おめでとう〜✧ \( °∀° )/ ✧
ハン・イェスルさんの弟役だなんて、凄すぎる(T ^ T)
撮影頑張ってね✧(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑✧


I hope you had a good day. Ate delicious food. And smiled a lot. You deserve all three.

I am sorry I didn't post last night but I've been working really hard these past few days and I'm really exhausted by the end of it all. I've even fallen asleep 3 days in a row without plugging my phone in coz I'm so tired. Makes mornings interesting lol.

Today though I got online to news I didn't want to read. Shattered and heartbroken. I'm not sure what else to say. I cried.. as ridiculous as that probably would be to other people, but I did. Trying to remind myself that it's a selfish cry. Yes of course I'm upset for others for the more deeply personal loss they feel.. but it hit me so much because it changes my world. That voice and light is now missing from /my/ future. And it hurts. It's not very fair of me, is it?

Anyway.. Are you really popping up in another drama? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised, it feels like you're always busy with something these days. I guess we'll see.

Also I forgot to mention U-don..
It's always something new with you, isn't it? Chuusday going full asmr on us? Well at least I know you're eating. lol

I obviously fell asleep before Ten last night. I'll watch it today tho. But Shin is always precious so I expect he will always be. You guys are awesome on there though. I am glad you have been given the opportunities to do such a variety of different things. The world is an interesting place. We should always try to enjoy as much of it as possible.

Anyway, I should go do work.
Have a good day today my beautiful prince. hehe
I love you very much



ウィンくんの?…な^^;しつもんのおかげで、シン君はゆき*が大好きって、わかって、シン君のまさはるくんへのしつもんはいつも やさしいなぁって かんじます♡
こうかいしゅうろく 楽しみだね(^-^)

PS シン君のやきそば たべる おと?も好きだけど、おいしいもの食べさせて、あげたいなぁ… たとえば…にほんかくちの おべんとうを食べるコーナーとか?ダメかな…?(^.^)
シン君 サラゲ♡

안녕하세요 신오빠~ (*^▽^)/
Im so happy today because you've updated your instagram it seems like you had a good day today~ Hopefully, you're happy, eating and staying happy as always! ❤️

Btw, your radio show last tuesday was awesome as always~ I loved everything about it especially your helpful advices ^^ and I totally agree with you being a leader is not an easy task it takes alot of effort, responsibility and pressure but since shin-oppa is a strong person he can handle all those! We're always grateful to you for leading your team accordingly 💕Hmmm and for the 'yakisoba corner' yes I knew it was seafood flavoured haha Takoyaki is one of my all time favorite snack~ I wanna try that yakisoba too when I got the chance to ask my Japanese friend to send one to me xD and for the new character its 'Shin-Jii-san' lol I knew it since it was said that the new character would be a little bit hot tempered 😅 and its also the same here in my country older people are treated as superiors and absolute too and there are lots of elderly couples who are still staying strong and being lovey-dovey like holding hands, eating together and stuff which is kinda rare nowadays~

Im looking forward for your next week's radio show!
Have a great week to you~ ヾ(^∇^)
안녕히주무세요 내 해피 알약! 사랑해요 항상 ♡^▽^♡











How was your day? I really hope so. I'm pretty sure I had a stressful enough day to cover for both of us, so you better have had a good enough day to cover for both of us. That would make me feel better about my day anyway. lol.

Sorry I didn't write last night. I kinda fell asleep waiting for the translation so I could post it first.. But Rabia fell asleep too so it was probably for the best.

But I did enjoy the show. Shin is always good at this. Win remains interesting, lol. Winter certainly leaves me cold. I know it coz I'm cold right now. It's extra icy feeling today. But I believe I mentioned before that I haven't ever seen snow before so I can't comment on that. But no doubt all your fans named Yuki were happy to hear how much you like them, lol.

Ah but as I've heard, Shin likes Winter more than Summer so I may never get as lucky. T-T It's okay though. I still love you. hehe

The Yakisoba intro was too adorable. I loved it. You really are so full of life T-T

Takoyaki yakisoba sounds interesting. I love takoyaki. I've not had freshly cooked takoyaki for a while though. So depressing. But it always makes me think of Taku, lol. I'm sure that makes sense to someone.

Shinjiichan actually made me happy to hear. Shin is still amazing to listen to even when he's old, so I look forward to listening to your voice for the next 60+ years. Do you think FMYoko will let you still have chuusday nights for the next 60 years? lol. Next time I wanna hear him sing 😜

But he didn't really sound angry. Just passionate about what he was saying. I think I can live with that. And don't worry. I respect my elders...

Shin is a great leader though. Very clever and dedicated enough to make it work. I think he takes it just seriously enough that he understands the great deal of thought that also must be involved. I think it's not really something everyone can do. I think trying to lead when you don't understand the complexity of it would be like trying to read another language you can't really speak. It's hard to have any confidence like that.

Thankfully Shim doesn't have these issues. I'm glad he's the leader of cross gene

I should go. I hope you're sleeping well tonight.
I love you very much


聞こえちゃいました( ̄▽ ̄;)

新しいシンじーさんも楽しみにしてまーす\( ・ω・ )/


신군 수교 하심니다🙇

모는도 덥네요 ☀😰
더울 때는 몸 조심하세요。




일 바쁘다고 냉각합니다만
건강 해치기 않게요 😉



これからよろしくお願いします^ ^
