ポゴシポ 보고싶어は、電話で直接会いたいよ〜と伝える時に使うといいかも。
ポゴシプタ 보고싶다やマンナゴシプタ 만나고싶다は、独り言や第3者の人に言う時に使うといいかも。
ポゴシポ 보고싶어と言うとキュンとする
マンナゴシポ 만나고싶어は、遠い距離感があるそうです。
日韓交流おまつりでCROSS GENEを好きになってくれた親子。
シンくんあ「CROSS GENEのことを愛してくれる家族がいると心強いです。
遅くなりましたが、3月13日、CROSS GENEさん日本デビュー6周年おめでとうございます🎊👏✨
投稿: XiangYun | 2019年3月20日 (水) 16:01
Congratulations on 8 years since your debut.
Even though I know over the years you've never really made a big deal over this, it's always a big deal to me because this was the day you took one of the biggest steps towards your dreams and of course the day that I discovered you♡
Can you believe it's been 8 years? some of the stuff I have posted feels like yesterday.. Was Brazil really in 2015? that feels too long ago.. But why does Ying Yang promotions feel like forever ago? it's all in there, in my head and my heart.. It will always be in there hehe.
You've given so much over the years. as much as you possibly could. You've worked so hard and never stopped trying. It's easy to see why you've been such a great leader for Cross Gene over the years too..
Thank you for every year you've given us so far, and thank you for the years you will still give. Thank you for being CandYs most precious gene♡ Thank you for being Cross Gene's leader.
Thank you for choosing to challenge this path in the first place. I don't think it was an easy path at all, but your strength always shines the brightest on the difficult paths.
These 8 years have been the best years for me because I got to watch you shine. And in them you've given me the best memories I have in my life and I'm so grateful. I'm looking forward to making more memories with you and with Cross Gene in the future too..
Ah I fell asleep before I posted T-T I'm sorry. I'll try to get more sleep but i think it was coz i finally ate yesterday.. lol body went into a food coma haha.
I just wanted to say that I'm so very proud of you. I've always been proud of you and I've always believed in you. I know you can be a big star because you already shine like one.
Please have a really wonderful day today my superhero.
Thank you for 8 wonderful years, all the precious gifts and the amazing memories i get to cherish for the rest of my life. And thank you for today too♡
I love you so much my Wonho♡
投稿: 夏 | 2019年3月19日 (火) 06:35
Hello my dear Shin! I bring my congratulations to you for being 8 years with us! You worked hard and tried yourself in the diffetent areas of activity. I'm very proud of you! 😊😃😉😘🙌👍👏🌷🌹🌸🍬💕💗💋
投稿: Nastya (Aviterra) | 2019年3月19日 (火) 04:55
안녕하세요 원호오빠~ (^^)/~~~
Its been a long time since the last time i've left a comment here ah im so sorry :( but i won't let this day end without dropping here since its your debut anniversary 🌟
Happy 8th anniversary to the one of the most dedicated, amazing, talented, handsome, hard-working and to make it short perfect idol in the industry! 😊❤️ I know i couldn't thank you enough but still, Thank you for everything that you did in the past 8 years~ I'm sure you'll do more beautiful things in the future, and CandYs are always on your side to support you!
I hope you had an awesome day and now having a great night as well 😄
Here's to many more beautiful years our hardworking leader 💪
I love you so much ♥️
投稿: 유니 (필리핀) | 2019年3月18日 (月) 22:28
원호くん 안녕
이번 라디오도 재밌게 잘 들었어요.
드라마 얘기를 들으면서 역할이
얼마나 나쁜지 궁금해졌어요.
"하아~~~너 보고싶다" 보고싶다를 설명하는데

갑자기 연기자가 된 원호くん
하아~~~보고싶어요 원호くん...
그리고 운동 화이팅
알배겼다던데 지금은 괜찮아요?
投稿: 마스미 | 2019年3月17日 (日) 19:54
I hope you are having a really wonderful day today! Don't forget to eat a delicious lunch and smile brightly because its your day!
And tomorrow is your day too!!!
Can you believe it's been 8 years? Crazy right? I promise there will be a big post here tomorrow to celebrate with you!
I hope you'll see the deep love we all have for you! I'm going to do my best to make it a wonderful day for you too ♡
I must go to the shop today haha. Finally i can eat again. I think i might get myself some ramen. It's raining and cold here so ramen is a good choice, right?
Tomorrow we will have cake to celebrate 8 years with our precious Shin Wonho. I hope you know how loved you are♡
fighting today too!!
Thank you for another and every single precious and treasured day with you♡
I love you always and forever ♡
投稿: 夏 | 2019年3月17日 (日) 10:13
How are you today? I hope everything is going really well for you this weekend! Always eat well and rest as much as you can each night.
I don't really have a lot to say today as i am simply waiting today haha. nothing more, nothing less.
Today is just a day of waiting. ^_^
I still have a shade of the headache from yesterday too so i may just hit it with some hard painkillers and sleep again. It's really no big deal i guess.
But i hope that you're having a really good day and I'm looking forward to hearing your voice again on Tuesday!
Please take care of yourself today too
Thank you so much for every beautiful precious day that you bless CandY with♡
I love you always♡
投稿: 夏 | 2019年3月16日 (土) 10:29
How are you? I hope you're doing well. Not sure what you're doing of anything haha, but i just hope your day is nice. Always stay happy and healthy.
As for Me? eh. it is what it is. I'm kinda just waiting.. kinda wish i could just go to sleep until life gets better. or at least until i get paid so i can eat lol. of course i would be hungry when i don't have the food.. when i do have food i can go a whole week without feeling like eating -_-
I'm always grateful for the help i do get from my sister tho so... I'm not really complaining. It's just been really hard to cover the rent and bills on my own here since my roommates moved interstate. it's more than i can afford but I'm not in a position to move right now. because i don't know when things I'm waiting for will happen haha. it could be next week, it might not be until 3 years from now.. but i don't know so I can't really make long-term decisions like signing a new lease on a cheaper house.. so it's not really something i can change either. It doesn't really matter tho coz i always get thru somehow..
Anyway, that's just some of the things I've said I'm my head that is written now so maybe i can understandv me better now.. 😊
I need to remember to write things down more coz it definitely helps with understanding better hehe.
I'm gonna go back to sleep i think lmao.
Please have a wonderful day today
Thank you for each and every precious day. I love you so much beautiful Wonho♡
投稿: 夏 | 2019年3月15日 (金) 14:59
シンくん안녕 😅
원호군 보고 싶어。 보고 싶어요 ~~~💓
投稿: かずママ | 2019年3月14日 (木) 23:02
SHIN君😊안녕💕ダイエットに、トレーナーさんが、ついているんですね。安心しました。昨年の夏は、心配でした。ミュージカル、がんばって👊😆🎵ください。そして、また、日本て、再演してください。前回は、息子の、受験で 行けなかったから。次回は、ぜひ、SHIN君の歌声やピアノを聞いてみたいです。では、体調に、気をつけて、파이팅💖💖💖💖💖😊
投稿: 池ちゃん | 2019年3月14日 (木) 22:31
Hello my love! Hello my beautie Shin! I'm so happy that you did vlive today! 😆😻😻😻 It was a great surprize for me- it was a begining of my work time)))😸😏 I'm so happy today, happy to see you online!😊😊🙌
You are handsome like always! 😋😊😻 I hope that it will be a lot of vlives and another nice surprizes from you and all of Cross Gene! I love you!!! 🌹💖🌹💗💝
P.s.: I hope that you have seen my congratulations with 6th anniversary of Japanese debut! (anywhere - twitter or Instagram)
Saranghaeyo! 💝💝💝💕😘😘😘
投稿: Nastya (Aviterra) | 2019年3月14日 (木) 18:27
投稿: ゆりママ | 2019年3月14日 (木) 16:53
크로스진 일본데뷔 6수년 축하합니다🎉💓
앞으로도 영원히 응원하고 있습니다💪😊
앞으로도 영원히 사랑해용💖
投稿: 아짱 | 2019年3月14日 (木) 08:30
投稿: はるはる | 2019年3月13日 (水) 21:52
How are you? I hope you've had a really good day today! Please always remember to eat well and rest as much as you can too ! Health and happiness first and foremost.
Ah you were busy today hehe. And you got to see Ken ^_^ Still funny to me that it's Shin, Ken and Jihoon but Shin is J, Ken is S and Jihoon is K.. life is funny like that hehe.
no it really is. it will do strange but wonderful things. Like today i thought Park Bom was performing with her 2ne1 Mic but really it just kept catching a green light.. gone but never forgotten hehe. she may have not gone out with her signature green Mic, but that didn't stop the universe from making sure that's what we saw..
this is part of what i mean when i say life if full of beauty and you have to pay attention to it. life can give you an incredibly beautiful flower to look at. A pattern on the sky at sunset that can be spectacular to behold.. or it can give you things that may not be there but it will show you anyway.. like turning a black Mic green and love hearts where you least expect them hehe. The universe will give you not just beauty every day but messages of hope and strength in the wonders it provides.. so always look for the beauty in every day coz you never know what its going to show you this time.
So fighting today and every day my hero.
Ah but thank you. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your beautiful show last night. Thank you for the effort and time that went into making it. Thank you for your time planning and recording it too. Thank you for teaching us as much as you can. and for the great songs.
I really enjoyed the show so much last night. i knew 보고싶어 but not without confusion. I think though you helped with that.
When we deal with translating, 보고십어 becomes a really common phrase for us which is I miss you. But 보고 is to see and the phrase literally translates to I want to see you.
in essence they are the same but we generally don't use "i want to see you" in a situation where it's not currently possible. we would say I miss you because it acknowledges birth that the person is missed and that we want to see them again, but that it cannot happen now so they are missed.
and you said with 만나고싶다 there is a "sense of distance"? in that case 만나고싶다 is definitely more suited up "I miss you"
i think i still need to study more hehe.
Thank you for the photos of you today too. It is really good to see you and everyone has been missing you a lot. you really made a lot of half people today so thank you for that too.
Please sleep well tonight my hero. Thank you for another beautiful precious day with you
I love you so much my Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2019年3月13日 (水) 21:12
CROSS GENE日本デビュー6周年おめでとう🎊🎂💐
お体 無理せず、おけいこがんばってね💪🏻🔥いつも応援してるよ😊❤️
投稿: R E I ♡ | 2019年3月13日 (水) 14:46
はじめての あくやく
そして えんじていて
つらかった という
やっぱり シンくんは
やさしいな と思いました😊💓
韓国での ミュージカルも
投稿: なっぺ | 2019年3月13日 (水) 14:36
CROSS GENE日本デビュー6周年おめでとう!!
빨리 보고 싶어
投稿: monbon | 2019年3月13日 (水) 07:47
Good Morning shin-kun
How are you? Are you doing fine?
You know we really miss you, it's been a long time since your last post in your instagram we miss you selca day.
I wonder what are you doing?
I'm really excited to watch your new drama I want to see the long hair Shin hahaha it's very suit to you I remember the Shooting star era hahaha.
So I will end my letter always take care and I love you 😘
投稿: eden | 2019年3月13日 (水) 06:50
❤︎❤︎보고 싶어 ❤︎❤︎
投稿: ゆ こ❤︎ | 2019年3月13日 (水) 06:31
Shin sunshine pogoshipo🤗🤗😊💗 I love it when you teach us Korean thanks kkk I'm so happy for you to play "mad sonata" musical in Korea as well you'll do great as always have fun while doing it 😉 I'm really exited to see play a villan role it's really hard to imagine since you're such a pure soul but it's a great acting experience I love it when you challenge yourself in acting you doing great you have huge potential and I want to see it bloom so good luck with with everything you do 😘 I miss cross gene solo releases are great and the songs beautiful but I still hope to see a group comeback sometime this year cross gene fighting! Shin eat well sleep well I LOVE YOU❣❣❣
投稿: Irinka | 2019年3月13日 (水) 04:55
Pogo shipo my dear Shin! 💖😢 I miss you! 💓💗🙀🌷🍬
投稿: Nastya (Aviterra) | 2019年3月13日 (水) 02:49
投稿: なりこ | 2019年3月13日 (水) 01:16
원호야 보고싶어 💕
投稿: ずっとずーーっとSHINくんオタクのmaya | 2019年3月13日 (水) 01:02
신군 보고 싶어요~‼️
投稿: ひろしまの赤い목미 | 2019年3月13日 (水) 00:38