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2018年2月27日 (火)






気になりますよね〜 こんな感じになりましたよ〜
























tulipCROSS GENEの1年ぶりの単独ライブ

4月30日(月 祝)17時30分開演 国際フォーラムホールC



シン君 おはよ~
“ぽんずかつお しょうゆ味”たべたよ~やきそばコーナーでシン君がたべてるの ぜんぶ みつけることが できないんだけど、これは いままでで いちばん おいしかったよ(^o^)




ゆめに でてきそうな
きょうりゅう ですね!笑
カラフルで かわいい💖

いつも せなか おされます💞
しんみになって こたえてくれる所






I hope you had a nice day.. please always look after yourself. you're very important to a lot of people..

Please sleep well tonight.
I love you

Hi my sweet boy, how are you? I hope fine, have you already eaten something? I want to believe that yes. Don't forget to eat healthy and rest. I want to comment something, we know that Seok-kun recently appeared in a musical and Takuya-kun in a movie, do you have future plans in some drama or something similar? I was recently seeing BIG again, and I can't believe how much you grew up. On the other hand, it does not have much I have joined CandY, even so I miss Cross Gene a lot, I'm probably not the only one, I've been doing you choreography while I'm waiting for you return, but for someone uncoordinated like me it's not that simple. 😂

I hope you don't take long in the comeback, listening to their voices is what I love the most. And I dream that one day you will come to my city (Mexico).

To say goodbye, I hope you keep having fun and taking care of yourself. I love you so much. 💕

Hello hello 💕
Are you having fun today? I hope you enjoy your day also could take time to rest and eat well 🤗
Happy March~ It's been a year since I become CandY~ This is a really special month. Supporting and becoming your fans is the best decision that I ever had 💖💖 I love Shin, I love Cross Gene. Thank you for everything. I will try my best to support you from now on too^^
Ah I saw the updates from Nii previously. Nii clothes are great and Shin looks really awesome on those clothes. I love it all, especially that white denim jacket and the black hoodie jacket~
The video on CandY Planet is lovely. I love seeing you guys together 😍 Live concert seems amazing. Good luck for it 🎉🎉 I am happy for you~ Cross Gene performance on stage is awesome and great. Even when I only saw you through video until now, it's truly wonderful. You always done amazing performances 😘
Take care and good night~
I love you, Wonho-ssi 😊


Did you have a good day? Hope you ate well and are feeling good.. Was glad to see video of you all again. You look really well and that makes me very happy. I hope it stays like that.

I've pretty much mostly done what i set out to do this past week and I'm happy about that.. i added more to it but that can be done this weekend. I'm just really happy with the results so far.

I was grateful for your words on relationships.. It is comforting to know that even my idol understands that sometimes we just need the space to breathe.. for some of us the thought of interacting becomes scary.. it's an awful feeling to be scared of talking to your own friends.. so it's hard to think you're doing the right thing.. why should my friends scare me? I simply cannot explain how or why it happens, only that it does and I need to sit out for a while.. maybe it's just my history with my other relationships of all kinds.. for more than one reason.. I know there is a fear of obligation in that.. like I'm still learning to say no really so avoiding the situations in which i would need to.. stuff like that.

We are all very different and as much as I'm probably difficult to understand for some, i am equally unable to understand how these things are so easy for others.. and I often wonder, what does that feel like? What does it feel like to be able to walk into a room of strangers and just start talking to others without anxiety? I would like to know.. But I feel that's something you can't tell me either.. but you're much better at coping with it than me.. That's why you're the idol and I'm the basketcase lol.

But you are indeed my strength.. every day i draw my strength to do what must be done from you.. and I know I'm never alone because I have you and I have cross gene.. but sometimes it's hard not to feel lonely..

So i finally have my ps4 set up in my room.. I think i may sleep to the sounds of cross genes concerts.. those are special memories for me that I'll never forget and may help me avoid those unwanted bad dreams i have all too often.. I know I need to go see someone, restart some kind of therapy and hopefully rid myself of this ptsd forever, but I've had no time for me at all recently. maybe soon tho..

ok i should sleep. please sleep well tonight my wonderful superhero.
Thank you for always being my biggest supporter.
I love you so much my Wonho

今週は少し前に送ったメールなのに読んでくれてありがとう😆💕✨感激です。いつも30分があっと言う間でもっともっとしん君の声をきいていたいといつも思っちゃいます🎵🎵 今ごろライブの準備で忙しくしているかな?ライブも行きたいし、公開録画も楽しみにしているのでお知らせほしいです🌷🌸

“にっこにっこにー♪ あなたのハート(こころ?)ににこにこにー"



Hello Shin-kun!~ How are you? I hope you are doing fine, better than me haha I have been having a really bad week, tho its just wednesday (in Mexico City) but I will go through it ^^ Waaah, you are such a great painter!! haha hontoni XD Such a great guy~~ I love you so much and I miss you lots!!! I gotta cause Im tired, but the nest week I will be here c: Please stay healthy xxoo

안녕하세요 원호오빠~ (*´∀`)
How are you? Are you eating well, having enough rest and doing what you like? I really hope that you're always spending your day the way you want it to be :)
Also, Im sorry my comment is late again ㅠㅠ yesterday was a very tiring day for me as I had a practical exam, and I guess it turned out kinda alright compared to the past exams I had lol. I'm sure I was able to have alot of strength yesterday because of your encouraging words last Chuusday~ thank you very much for it 😄♥️

I love how you started the show filled with lots of energy and happiness on it, like anyone who'll listen to your radio would feel alot more better and cheerful after 😊 해피 원호오빠 is the best 💓 Yes, I think you'll be a great manager because you're a very caring and responsible person who always do all the way you can and doing your best in every aspects~ We can see clearly throughout the years of leading your group Cross Gene. You always find a way to let more people know your wonderful group and you're supportive to the members' individual work as well which is beautiful 💕

Haha I knew it~ as expected the color that you did for the dinosaur would be bright and unque which describes you as a person.. no one would color the same way as you do, just like when you're doing some other things too for example, I can't imagine another actor portraying 'TaeO' and 'SaMinho' as those characters were actually made for you 😊 you're truly an artistic person~

As for me I think there's nothing wrong if some holidays and events aren't celebrated~ just like for Valentine's day, like there are lots of days a person could show and prove someone how special they are to them right? Not just for Valentine's day. I mean any day a person could show his/her appreciation not just for that particular event lol honestly, if someone truly loves a person he/she can show it everyday even just in small and simple ways. Anyway, I think you're a thoughtful person because despite of having an unpredictable schedule you'll still find a way to celebrate the important days 😄 and I agree that its important to say 'Thank you' to the special person because even if its just a simple word its powerful and giving assurance that's showing appreciation 💓

Oh and regarding the interpersonal relationship, you said that 'the interval of having distance with people is important'
I really agree with this one as it applies for me as well.. recently, I can't understand what's wrong with me because there are some days where I struggle and avoiding to talk to anyone (including my close friends) because I have this mindset that I don't want to be toxic when I'm feeling down, but because of that thinking it just made my case bad.. it happened that because of lack of communication from both sides we end up having misunderstanding. And because of it, I realized that its my fault because I keep on shutting people off and not opening up with them~ If I haven't experienced that maybe I'll still be the same and won't have a progress in improving my mistake.. I'll take note of your advice as well, having the assurance of you being on our side is a big help thank you so much for it 🙂♥️

Btw, Happy 1st of March~ Hopefully this month would be filled will provide you happiness and everything that you want :) also, your web drama will be out this month right? Aaahh I'm so excited 😍 time flies really.. I remember having the same thought last January haha. I'm sure you gave life to the character you portrayed in the drama, that makes us proud again as always 😄💓

기악해 이곳에 있을게 영원히 이렇게 네 곁에~ 💖
너무 사랑해요 원호오빠 😘♥️




Hello hello Shin~

Thank you for your awesome radio always. I love yesterday program. Shin sounds really adorable when you're so enthusiastic. But no, Shin always been adorable and great happy01

The painted dinosaur is so cuteee heart04 I like the way you use different color for both the left and right side. It's unique and interesting. Shin-ish dinosaur is wonderful. The happy Shin when demonstrate your art skill filled myself with happiness too. Hopefully you will be always happy and could do things that you want to do.

Ah, manager Shin sounds great. I think you will be excel in whatever position you're in because Shin is great and always give your best effort in your work. Of course I am also happy with your current job now. Shin is a truly wonderful actor, singer, radio DJ and best leader of Cross Gene smile

Korean anniversaries is interesting. I wonder where is the sequence of 22th, 100th, 200th comes from~ Heheeh I guess here in Indonesia, the couple will celebrate their anniversary each month and/or each year, also the regular birthday, christmas and valentine celebration. In my opinion, actually it doesn't really matter how many times or in what occasion we celebrate it. I think the matter the most is to show our love whenever we can and with sincerity. These are applied not only for couples, but to all our loved ones including friends and family happy01

I love your words for the Kabedon lovely I would say the exact same words for Shin. I will always be your supporter forever. Please remember that CandY will always be with you forever and ever.

Good night and sleep well tonight~
I love you heart01


How was your day? Did you have a good one? I hope you ate well and the weather is warming up for you nicely.. I know it's getting warmer but to be honest I'm not sure what a good temperature is to you, lol. I remember I had this friend in England once.. and it was winter for me and I was really cold.. but it was summer for her and she was far too hot.. So because I was freezing and she was sweltering we joked about splitting the difference in our temperatures and both being in perfect weather.. so then we both checked the temperature for us..
For me it was 18c.
For her it was 17c...
A hilarious reminder of how we acclimatise differently in different countries.. And I know that like England, Korea is more extreme in cold.. so my perfect temperature of 27c may be way too hot to you.. So whatever you find the best, I hope that its getting closer to that. 😊

So you would be a manager huh? Well I know a group.... lol. I think you would be a good one too. Actually I tend to feel that former idols would be the better future managers and executives.. Anyone can get business training but the truest understanding of idol life can only come from living it.. and business lacks heart and soul these days.. I think the only way for it to improve all around is for positive changes that can only come from listening to those carrying the heaviest load.. Currently most idols have no voice and that will always be to the detriment of the industry imo.

But anyway, I would love to hear you all produce more.. Seyoung's songs are so beautiful, and Sangmin's are bops.. and then there is Shin's songs, my favourite ones.. I would love to hear a song that is the result of your three styles fused together harmoniously.. I am looking forward to the day we get to hear more of Seyoung's music and Shin's lyrics.. I know you all work hard on these things all the time, but they're still kept in your books and computers.. But onec day... 😊

ok I'm up too late already.
Please sleep well tonight.
Thank you for your spirit.. It always brings my mood up when you sound so happy and silly.
I love you so much my Wonho

고집이 세는 원호군도 좋고 기년일을 별로 못하는 원호군도
좋아요^^ 사실 제 생일이 한국에서 기년일인데 좋지 않은
기년일이에요^^; 한국에서만 있는 기년일.

이번에도 라디오 너무 즐거웠어요~!


m(_ _)m。





シンくんの、ダイナソー、かなり ざんしんな色づかいだね😳
シンくんオリジナル ダイナソー!当たったら、落ちないようなところに、かざらないとね😊


そしてCROSS GENEになってくれてありがとう❤





メチャクチャダイナソー すごいカラフルでじょうずにぬれたね👏🏼✨かっこいい しあがり😊

シンくん あんにょん

すごい ざんしんな いろづかいだね
といえば シンくんぽいのかなw

人間関係って かんたん だったり
ふくざつ だったり
でも シンくんが横にいるなら
ぜんぜん へいきだ!

ものすごく ひさしぶりに
かぜひきました…ㅜㅜ 体がおもい…
シンくんも からだに きをつけてね~

원호군 안녕하세요^^
芸術魂 さくれつしましたねㅋㅋㅋ
다음에 만날때를 기다릴게요 .
