シンくんわりと切れてました笑 この意味は、いつミャンマーで遊ぶ?でした。
このシンくんのラジオが全世界で聴けたらいいな〜 FMワールド作ろうよ〜
投稿: ほしかわ | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 19:31
シンくん、ヘヨTV見たよ^ ^
カッコよかったです^ ^
投稿: 유미코 | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 17:22
投稿: ちむ | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 15:00
Hello hello Shin 🌸
Did you have a great time yesterday? I hope you're having fun and take time to rest and eat well ☺️
Do you remember that I bought the Zedd dvd earlier? I already watched it~ I rewatch the movie and watch the making of zedd video. It was great and lovely 💕 Thank you for all your hard work. You guys are amazing, in the Making of Zedd video, you really show your best effort and it's awesome. I am proud of you 😘 I also love the movie, music really saves the world and the multilingual dialogue is fantastic.
Now I need to save more money to collect your other albums/dvd 😆 It might be slow, but for sure I am going to collect all of it, because your albums make me happy 😍
Take care and have a blessed day!
I love you 💖💖
投稿: devina | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 11:40
投稿: | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 06:12
投稿: | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 06:11
投稿: | 2018年2月 4日 (日) 06:08
投稿: ま り こ | 2018年2月 3日 (土) 22:40
are you well? Hoping so. Please keep yourself healthy and warm thank you.
ah I know I said I'd do a better post today but i don't think today is the day for it.. nothing big happened today.. i just woke up in a wrong mood and haven't been able to change it at all day.. I'm not sure what else to say today really.. I'm tired of words anyway. So I'll just go back to sleep again and hope I can do better tomorrow.
pleas sleep well tonight.
Thank you for being you
I love you very much
投稿: 夏 | 2018年2月 3日 (土) 20:34
Happy Weekend
Yey it's weekend already. In just few days, it would be Chuusday again and we will be able to listen your radio again
What are your plans for today? Hopefully you're doing well, could rest and eat well^^ Keep yourself warm and enjoy your day!
I love you, Wonho-ssi~
投稿: devina | 2018年2月 3日 (土) 13:48
How was your day? I hope it was nice. You know the list right? All the things that I hope are true for you. I want only the best for you at all times and so long as that's always true, then I can say my day is great and I'm truly happy.
What are you up to huh? I'm always so proud of you. You always work hard.. but I always hope you're not overdoing it and you're getting enough rest. Wah please be good.. T-T
My week is over-ish for two days. Still lots to do at home but I'm a little more chill.. The important meeting i had for this week got rescheduled to next week and I'm kinda annoyed at that because that technically takes two weeks off of me.. I can't plan other things which go for longer when one thing sticks itself on a Wednesday and then changes it's mind to next Wednesday. that's still annoying me lol. And I'm not even sure how it's gonna mess hoop everything else.. Frustrated with the whole thing now and just wish I could leave the whole lot behind.. T-T
I'm not a perfect person but I'm not a bad person either.. So why everything is always like this.. I just don't understand. I can only keep doing my best.. But then, even if i spend the rest of my life with you being the brightest light in it, I'm happy with that.
I guess I should sleep.. Hopefully I can leave you a better post tomorrow.. my brain is barely functioning tonight.. just too tired to focus I guess T-T
Please rest will tonight. I hope you will sleep a lot and wake up feeling good too.
Thank you always for being so wonderful.
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 22:56
投稿: 마스미 | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 21:54
가장 길고 유창한 영어를 한 신쿤... 그 어디에서도 들은 적 없는... 킵 고잉 코멘트 오예~~~~ 새벽 2시쯤에 잠든다굽쇼?? 와이리 늦게 자는교... 뭐 다 큰 으른이지만... 키도 다 컸지만... 그래도 셍체리듬은 소중한 거니까여... 쪼맨만 더 일찍 자면 더 좋을 듯 해요~~ 신쿤은 소중하니께... ㅎㅎ 봉투값 20원 받는다고 설명해 주는거 정말 디테일 한 설명 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (근데 50원 받는 곳도 더러 있어요~~ 안물안궁인가... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 다이소가면 무조건 젤 큰 봉투 달라고 캐셔분에게 말씀드리고 봉투에다가 플라스틱, 비닐 이런거 분리해서 버리면 좋아요~~~~ 전 알뜰살뜰한 자취생이니까요~~ 유 스틸 마이 넘버원 신쿤~~~~ 그럼 담주에 또 보입시데이~~~~ 뿅뿅!!!!
投稿: 단호박말랭이 | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 21:36
投稿: jasmin❤️ | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 15:47
Hello hello Shin~
Did you sleep well last night? I fell asleep again while holding my phone *again* I know it's a bad habit. We should stay away from our phone when it is time to sleep~ I will try to do that, starting today Hehehe
Ah, did you know? I bought your movie DVD Zedd and it finally arrived yesterday~ I love it~ I am so happy. Thank you for your hard work for it. Actually I already watched the movie last year and it was great, but this edition has the 'Making of ZEDD' bonus dics. I am so excited to watch it~ I will watch it this weekend^^ Sorry I am so late to be CandY, but it's better late than never, right? Now I am determined to collect Cross Gene albums one by one Your albums are lovely~ It makes me happy every time I got one^^
Take care~ I hope you sleep well though, and also eat well and having fun whatever you're doing
I love you
投稿: devina | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 10:44
ウォンホくんの存在の偉大さを 理解していつまでも、元気に頑張って下さい😘😘😘💕💕💕
投稿: ふじちゃん | 2018年2月 2日 (金) 01:12
投稿: itsy | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 23:57
韓国の話を聴くと韓国に行きたくなります~ 親友は韓国に住んでいますし、本当に行ってみたいですが、まだ行かなかったです。
投稿: Rabia | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 23:42
How are you today my Wonho? Did you have a good day? Are you happy? Did you eat some good meals? Are you keeping warm enough? Don't go swimming in cold baths this winter please, okay? Always take care of yourself for me.. ♡
Only 2 weeks until the lunar New Year 😄 the lunar New Year is actually Mr favourite.. and only 2 days after valentines day.. That week be a nice week. I hope you be happy through it. I'll do my best to show you lots of love.
Then the month after has at least one good day in it. The 7th anniversary of your debut.. and for me, 7 years that my life has been blessed by knowing you. I hope you have some fond memories of those years.. and i hope this time I'll have more luck slowing my appreciation to you for these years.
this time of year really is eventful aye..
I'm going to go to sleep now as I'm tired and sore after several busy days.. and it's not over yet!
I hope you sleep well tonight and have great dreams too.
Thank you for all of your tireless efforts that make me always proud of you.
I love you so much Shin Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 21:58
子供たちも楽しそうに雪だるま⛄を作ったり、 snowball fightやったりするのを見ると、私もとてもいい気分になる😄 (ただ、道がすべりやすくてこわい😅 笑)
ソウルは雪がたくさん降ってるよね? シンくんも風邪引かないように気をつけてね🎵 いっぱいビタミン飲んで、暖かくしてね👍
横浜の紹介を聞いて、なつかしい〜 ってなったの😄 日本に来て、初バイトで赤レンガで働いてて、素敵な思い出になった😀 あと、こないだDJ Shinが出たFM Yokohamaの生放送も見に行ったときもいいきおくになった🎤 やっぱりなつかしい〜
もうすぐクロアチアの友達とまた横浜に行く予定だから、ちゃんとChinatownに案内してあげたいと思う🎵 Good Chinese foodも楽しみです🍲
あと、 クロスジンにまた会うのも、
すごくたのしみでーす❤ 笑
投稿: 에르나 | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 21:51
私は김동률さんの그게나야だけは、しっていて ひさしぶりに思い出したので きいてみました💖ほかの曲もきいてみたいので、またラジオでかけてくれたらうれしいです😊
シンくんの英語は ききとりやすくて、英語がにがてな私にもわかったよ✨👏🏼
해요TVの ないようもまとめて日本語にしていた方もいて、私はそのおかげでシンくんの話してることがわかりました。クロス愛にあふれたファンの方ばかりで本当にありがたいなと思います☺️
신군을 만나고싶어서 외로워ㅜㅜ
오늘도 좋은 하루 보내세요 🍀
投稿: R E I ♡ | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 14:23
Shin-Kun~ 안녕!
Shin-Kun의 영어 너무 잘했어요! 와 난 정말 뿌듯해요!! T.T
천재 입니까? 아니면, 이렇게 완벽한 사람 있어요?
잘하고있어요? 이제 2월이야. 내 비자를요, 시간이 얼마나남았어. 힝~
다시 볼수 있을까요? 매일 매일 그리워요.
그리고 한국에서 라디오도 할수있으면, 좋겠다! "해요 TV" 에서 잘해잖아요.
기대합니다. 물론 나는 라디오를 계속 듣고있어요. Shin DJ 화이팅!
싱가포르 팬 입니다.
投稿: PXG | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 12:39
Shin hyung! I hope you had a lovely January! Valentines day is coming up, I wonder, will you be my valentine?
Stay warm and eat well!
投稿: Laur | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 10:26
Good morning 🌸
Did you sleep well yesterday? I saw that he temperature in Seoul is still below zero 😰 Please keep yourself warm and eat well 😘
Win-kun questions are always interesting^^ And hearing Shin's response is really fun ☺️☺️
Shin's solo song is really lovely 😍 Your voice is beautiful and the song is great~ I love listening to your voice.
The show in HeyoTV is amazing. I love it so much. My favorite part is all of it~ Hehehe I love when you're talking about Corn-chan, I enjoy your quiz with Takuya, I like your choice of songs. Writing about the show makes me want to rewatch it 😂 Hmm maybe on weekend I will have the time to rewatch it~ Ah, FM world~ that sounds great, le's create the FM world together 😄
It's nice to know how the Korean supermarkets are. Thank you for telling us~ Yes in some country the shopping bags cost money. In my country, I think they also tried that kind of regulation, but didn't last long. Only after a few months, most of the supermarket didn't charge anything for the plastic bags as previously 😂 Actually I think the regulation is nice because people would be aware not to use a lot of plastic bags^^
Shin on that sofa is adorable 💕 But since Shin is so tall, I hope you're comfortable in that sofa. If it were me, I guess I can sleep on that sofa. It's because I am so short 🤣
Take care and have a blessed day!
I love you, Wonho-ssi 💖💖
投稿: devina | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 08:51
How are you today? I hope you're fine.. ok actually you are hella fine but i hope you are feeling fine too lol.. Stay warm and healthy please. it's important to CandY that you are.
Ah I was sad tonight as for the third time in a row, I couldn't see anything because of thick clouds. It was worse this time because it was also an eclipse. T-T Oh well, there is another lunar eclipse in July. ^_^ On that day, Mars will be almost at its closest orbit to earth so it will be large and bright in the sky. I hope maybe you got a moment to see the eclipse though. We may be stuck on this big floating rock, but the universe still puts on a show when it can. The next thing I'm looking forward to is in March.. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will all line up with the moon in the sky. The stars really do align. ^_^
I'm late to go to sleep now coz we were hoping to catch something here.. but it's definitely over now so of course i have to sleep now.
I'll be back tomorrow of course.
Please sleep well tonight my hero.
Thank you for being your wonderful self.
I love you always
投稿: 夏 | 2018年2月 1日 (木) 00:14