これからはCROSS GENEでの活動が待っていると思うので、楽しみにしてます〜〜〜
p.s. I hope you'll have a great day today and on the following days as well~ 😊💕 Stay happy and positive as you are! Fighting 💪🏻 Thank you for inspiring us always in so many ways~ I love you so much 😘♥️
投稿: 유니스 (필리핀) | 2017年12月 5日 (火) 05:48
안녕하세요 신오빠~!! (^。^)
Good morning and Happy Chuusdayyy~ finally its chuusdaayy again 😍😊
How are you doing? What are you up into these days? Hmmm I really wonder~ whatever you're being busy with Im sure you'll always do fine 😄 its really cold in there now -7?? Omg, I couldn't imagine myself being in a temperature like that 😅😂 because here in my country it seems our season is just Summer all throughout the year lol. Yes even if its December its a little bit cold but eh just a cold breeze and when sun rises it will be gone. Anyways, I hope you're keeping yourself warm and always eating healthy~ 😊💞
And I know Im too early today because I've been awake since 3am studying for my Final examinations~ I need to wake up early in order to finish all the topics I need to study again since all of my subjects has a coverage of the exam from the very beginning of the semester up to end ㅠㅠㅠㅠ aaaahh honestly Im having a hard time this week well who doesn't when it's exam week haha but on the positive side atleast im almost on the end already 😂 yes, I can't wait for this week to finish already so I can watch all the dvds in the history box without any guilt of not studying instead lol.
Can't wait for the show later~ Im sure I'll have a great and happy night as always. I love you so much~! Will be back to you in awhile 😄😘♥️
投稿: 유니스 (필리핀) | 2017年12月 5日 (火) 05:42
How was your day? Hope you guys had a lot of fun today. But you guys always do. Did you enjoy your meals today? I had a nice lunch myself but dinner was meh. lol.
It's raining here right now, and very cold. Australia forgot how to summer. I'm not complaining too much tho coz Australia also over does summer.
December is progressing quickly already. I guess this is what happens when you live chuusday and chuusday.. the rest of the month doesn't seem to register 😂
Speaking of which, Chuusday is upon us at last.. Shin's day ♡ Still my favorite day of the week. But only because its chuusday.. if it was just Tuesday then meh, there is better days, lol. Tuesday's for some reason tend to like being extremely stressful. I'm actually scared of the day, but thankful it always ends well thanks to you. I'm hoping tomorrow will be different though.
ok, it's 2am so I should sleep.
please sleep well tonight and have nice dreams.
I love you so much my Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2017年12月 5日 (火) 00:00
SHINく~ん💕History Box🎁届(とど)きましたよ。😉👍あまりの重量感(じゅうりょうかん)にびっくり。👀写真集📕も7年間の想(おも)いがたくさんつまった素敵なものですね 。😍
MIRROR LIVE DVD💿を観(み)たら4月のことなのにすごく時間がたった気がして、きっとCROSS充電🔋(じゅうでん)が切れたのね!😁
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2017年12月 4日 (月) 21:21
History Boxすごい重さでビックリしました!写真集を見るのが凄く楽しいです!ありがとう😊これからも応援しています!
投稿: ごらこ かな | 2017年12月 4日 (月) 17:23

チューすDayでは、ドラマややBZZA vol2での現場からのレポなどもあってその場の様子が分かるのがおもしろいし、ありがたいです。
投稿: monbon | 2017年12月 4日 (月) 09:16
Hello hello shin~

How are you? Are you eating and sleeping well?
Congrats for finishing your drama, you've done excellent job. Thank you for your hard work and I will be waiting for your next drama and of course, activities with Cross Gene. But, first you could take time to rest now, right~
At least until December event in Japan and Korea~ Btw, the history box looks so lovely. I haven't got my boxes as I will get it later on the event. But I am really happy to know that it's already been delivered^^
Fridge with flower pattern is indeed pretty, too bad I also don't have it here. Hehehe.. So sometimes we decorate it by putting magnets with funny cartoon characters or places that we had traveled to. Have you ever done it too?
Ah oden, white jjajangmyeon, I would like to try those someday because it sounds so delicious~ From Shin's stories, now there's a lot of food that I would like to try~
Tomorrow is Chuusday, so see you tomorrow, Shin~
I love you
投稿: devina | 2017年12月 4日 (月) 02:54
ピンクの髪型可愛かったけど、今は黒に戻ったよね? 初めて出会ったシンくんも黒髪だったからお気に入りかな〜😶😄
東京も寒くなったけど、綺麗なイルミネーション、どこに行ってもいっぱいかざってあるから冬も好きだな〜と思っちゃう🎄 ちょっと寂しくもなるけどね😭
コーヒー毎日3杯にしてるのはえらいね😄 私めっちゃ飲んでるから、これから頑張って3杯まで! にしようと思っている💪でもコーヒー飲まないとエネルギーが全然ないからたいへんだよ😭
仕事の途中で寝てしまう事にならないようにコーヒーのかわりにウーロン茶飲んだほうがいいよね? シンくんのまねしようかなあ😋 笑
投稿: 에르나 | 2017年12月 3日 (日) 23:51
How was your day? I'm sure you guys are working hard, and having some fun too. Was your meal good tonight? Can't wait to see what is being worked on these days. Given all the stuff that's been posted it's obvious where you all are and a general idea of what you're doing.. y'all keep yourself healthy and take care okay? no hurting yourselves.
This upcoming comeback is kind of exciting to me.. well they all are, but this one is sort of different.. even though it's not, but it is.. I hope though that if this is how it is to go, we get to see you all shine a bit brighter. Have faith in yourself always.. because you are amazing.
Ok, I should sleep as there is much to do tomorrow and i want to be rested.
please have a good night and sleep comfortably tonight too.
I love you infinitely
投稿: 夏 | 2017年12月 3日 (日) 22:37
二週間後に憧れのCROSS GENEのメンバーに
投稿: 愛 | 2017年12月 3日 (日) 18:38
・・・( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ д ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )
投稿: ナリ | 2017年12月 3日 (日) 15:19
Hi ♡
How was your day today? I hope you had a nice day.. one that wasn't too demanding but allowed you to keep yourself as busy as you wanted to be. Did you eat well too? I only kinda ate dinner but had a nice lunch.
I've been very bad about getting anything done today.. but the weather here has been all over the place. I'm hot, no I'm cold, oh wait it's hot, ah no it's cold again, okay now it's wet?? As you'd expect it's messing a bit with my ability to stay completely healthy.. I'm going to keep trying though as it is important. lots of honey teas ^_^ Today I think i could have done better lol.
Been thinking a lot about many things.. my life and decisions to this point and what i want to achieve in the future, what i need to do to make it happen.. There is much i want to do, but do properly and with love and care. Its not so much about not rushing through things, because time will take as much as it needs.. but already understanding the importance of things before they arrive so that I can create happy forever memories from them. I was always very much reactionary with life. It was something that happened to me and I didn't push back enough.. just fixed what i had to and kept going.. But as I thought I realised how big an impact each decision i made for myself has had on my life now and in the future, and I am going to think about all my future days more carefully now. I know what I want to create as my future, but it will take my own efforts to achieve.. So yeah.. that's what I'm thinking today.. I imagine this is something you have done a lot too as you have moved along your own path and worked hard for your goals, right? But I didn't really have any goals to work for before. Just deadlines and making it through each day.
What about you though? What is it that you want to have in your future life? I don't mean in the big dreams and goals.. I mean how life is an every day thing, not just those moments.. They will always be on the agenda, but around them there is so much living to be done.. how do you want to live? I guess that seems like a weird question and of course everyone will say happily.. but this is just another goal.. what will it take to achieve it?
ok I think it's time I put my strange brain to bed, lol.
I hope you have a good night and a really restful sleep. Dream nice dreams, okay?
I love you always my hero
投稿: 夏 | 2017年12月 2日 (土) 23:08
投稿: SHIHO | 2017年12月 2日 (土) 21:35
History BoxのMIRROR LIVE最高です。
CROSS GENEは世界一のグループですね。
投稿: 愛 | 2017年12月 2日 (土) 19:28
ok, I've done that now and it will never happen again lol.
Hi!! ^_^
How was your day? Was it busy? Did you get to spend today being Cross Gene's leader, Shin? We're all so impatient to see you all as Cross Gene again. Sure we love Actor Shin Wonho and TeraTaku and X Hearts and X Peace... but all roads lead to Cross Gene and we're feeling very Cross Gene deprived right now, lol.
Did you remember to eat well today too? You probably wonder what you have to say to stop us asking if you've eaten and are resting enough, lol. Ah, I think there is nothing you can.. but w like hearing from you that you are.
So congratulations on 2000 Days.. For this though I want to say thank you. Thank you all for starting this journey and taking me along with you as your CandY. Thank you for staying the course and continuing even through all the obstacles you all face, both as a group seeking recognition and in living life as an idol. Neither is easy and you have put so much into these 2000 days that I don't think I can give back my appreciation in the same quantity or quality. Thank you for your love for Cross Gene too. It cannot be understated how much that brings to all of our lives. Shin is Cross Gene's leader but also CandYs. Thank you for being the kind of person that is a positive and amazing inspiration and role model to others. You are the kind of person I would want my kids to look up to. Thank you for giving your all to be such a person too, to be a person that others can speak of proudly like this. And thank you all for 2000 happy days. I want to spend many thousands more with you all, so thank you for never giving up.
Ok, I'll finish now but I'm so glad I found you and found Cross Gene and days like today make it all the more special.
Please have a good night and sleep well.
I love you very much
投稿: 夏 | 2017年12月 2日 (土) 00:26
シン君 このじきになるとクリスマスソングききたくなるよね♪でもやっぱりことしはシン君がうたってくれた クリスマスソングがさいこうだったな^^
History Boxもとどいたよ~いろんなことおもいだしながら、みたよ♡でもどの日もまださいきんのことのようにしか、かんじないんだ。あっというますぎて、シン君大好きなのも ずっといっしょだし(o^^o)
かんこくのチャイナタウンも いってみたいな♪フォチューンクッキーもたべてみよう(^^)
投稿: SAKU | 2017年12月 2日 (土) 00:14
ラジオと何よりCROSS GENEに会えるのが
そして早くCROSS GENEのパフォーマンスも観たいです。
投稿: 愛 | 2017年12月 1日 (金) 22:59
Hey Yo, Shinくん!
History box到着しました😄😄
Cross Gene満々😍😍
投稿: マカオJ | 2017年12月 1日 (金) 22:11
안녕하세요 신오빠~ (^・^)
How are you today?? I hope you did had a great day/night and you cheered up alot, like I've always said you deserve all the happiness and lots of love you are receiving but I still think you deserve more~ 😄💕
Today, I was too busy with everything ㅠㅠㅠ because I have 3 pre-final exams to take the following day.. the worst part some of the topics that are included in the test were not yet discussed so I really had a hard time and I spend so much hours trying to understand just one lesson ㅠㅠ sigh. honestly I don't understand why are they being like this, for me its really unfair.. because where do you see a student taking an exam without any proper understanding about some lessons that aren't discussed by professors right?? I don't know in times like this I just try to look on the bright side and just believe that they are just preparing us for our future. Okay I stop this Im so sorry again for the rant 😢
Btw, your instagram updates are always right on time for me 😭💘 whenever i feel sad, really down you will post~ I know this is just a coincidence but im still very grateful for it 😄♥️ even before I sleep you've managed to take away all the frustrations Im feeling. Also, i just want to say that Corn really look so cute and sleepy?? as always 😂😂💞 hoping that you'll post a picture too someday with you, nari and corn haha 😊💕
Oh and up to now I still haven't watch the 2 dvds yet haha I don't know how would my heart handle all the emotions i might feel as im watching those haha. So to be sure I'll watch it both maybe on the last day of my semester which is next week~ 😄
Happy 1st of December!! May this Month be filled with lots of positivity, good health, joy and blessings for you and Cross Gene~ You guys deserve nothing but the best always 😄💓
Have a great day/night to you~
Take care always 💞
영원히 너무 사랑해요 내 기쁨이~!! 😄😘💖💗
投稿: 유니 (필리핀) ♡ | 2017年12月 1日 (金) 03:00
シンくんあんにょん(*^^)💕history box、ジロジロ鑑賞中(かんしょうちゅう)ですw
わたしもこんど、長崎県ってところにあるの中華街に行くよていだよ( ´ ▽ ` )たくさんたべてきます😁🍜🥟🍴
投稿: ま り こ | 2017年12月 1日 (金) 00:51
Hi ^_^
How was your day today? Hopefully you are rested and feeling well. Did you eat well too? I appreciate that our Wonho is looking after himself so well. Thank you so much.
2000 days tomorrow!! Y'all have come so far too. Everyone is getting their History Box in time to celebrate this too so although delayed, it makes the timing really nice. Even Yongseok updated his Instagram. I'm impressed. lol. We still need y'all to upload that video tho, lol. Way too good to vanish completely. Y'all do such cool things! But then they just get forgotten. So that may be why I'm so excited for History Box. Can't wait to see all the things that wouldn't have ever seen the light of day otherwise.
oh yeah, I was totally amused by the whole Cross Gene version of Strolling in Japan this week... You strolled in Chinatown... in Korea... in strolling in Japan corner.. Again, I'm impressed.
Shin really is Cross Gene's biggest fan though.. looking at some of your older interviews I see you worried about the same things as any other CandY. I think that that is part of why you're such a great leader.. because you're also a fan, lol. And we know that good fans are always going to look after the group well. Anything for Cross Gene, right? All that we put ourselves thru for this will be worth it.. We'll make sure of it. 😊
I'm not sure who the cookie thinks you need to contact tho. Or how.. or when.. this cookie was kinda nonspecific. Life tends to be more detailed, so the cookie needs to give more information.. this way we can get a bigger cookie. lol.
Alright, I'll be back tomorrow night! I hope you have a really good night tonight and sleep really well again. Have nice dreams!
I love you always!
投稿: 夏 | 2017年11月30日 (木) 23:13
投稿: | 2017年11月30日 (木) 22:09
Hey yo, Shinくん!
アハハハ~ これだけ!
またね! Byebi👋
投稿: マカオJ | 2017年11月30日 (木) 21:16
投稿: ほしかわ | 2017年11月30日 (木) 19:15
韓国のおでん、気になっていたんだけど、きほんてきには、さつまあげだけの1しゅるい なんだね😃
昨日history BOXがとどいたので、今日はDVDを見ます💕
投稿: りぃ | 2017年11月30日 (木) 10:21