そのうちCROSS GENEのメンバーだと知り、インタビューなど何回もしました。
でも、仲良くなりませんでした笑 でも、あのシンくんってすごく気になりました。
Good morning!
I wonder how busy your Sundays can get.. I know they're mostly very busy when preparing for and during promotions and drama filming though.. But I wonder what the extremes are like otherwise.. I imagine sometimes you even get the day off, lol. Hopefully today is not too demanding.
I know you will work hard on whatever you have though.
Please have a really amazing day today. I'm sending all my love and support your way so you'll have a good day.
I love you!
投稿: 夏 | 2017年11月19日 (日) 08:07
Did you have a good day? I hope so. I hope you are warm and rested and fed and feeling happy and loved right now. Even if it's winter or the rain is falling, I want the sun to always shine for you and keep you well. You are deserving of that.. Don't ever think otherwise.. it's not our mistakes that define us.. but how we respond to them..You're more precious and rare thank you think.
Don't ever give up on you, because I'm never going to. And like I've always said, the beauty I see in you is not something that you need to feel pressured to live up to.. It's simply who you always are. So smile, because you are beautiful in so many ways, ant you will always be loved..
Lovely words of love for you. ^_^
But I also love how modest you are about how great you are.. oh sure you get Mr Ego when talking about how tall and handsome and smart you are, but these facts can hardly be denied by anyone.. but like most beautiful people, they doubt how beautiful they are inside. So even if you continue to do so for the rest of your life, just know I wouldn't be here now telling you this if you weren't. 😊
Ok, I must sleep. Please have a good night and sleep tonight yourself.
I love you very much my Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2017年11月19日 (日) 00:10
Hello Shin-kun.. I'm here again~ how are you doing? I hioe you're well.. please take good care of yourself.. WE LOVE YOU
投稿: Cesca | 2017年11月15日 (水) 08:37
Dear Shin-kun,
I really admire your undying courage and love for your fans, it is one of the reasons why you and Cross Gene are the most special idols to me. I'm really happy it's Chuusday as it's also my 19th birthday today so i'm very grateful to hear from you ^.^ I had a nice day but finishing it by hearing your words of comfort made my day. I'm very grateful to the CandY who translate your words each week for us, you truly create special fans. I've been your fan for over a year now and I will continue to stand by your side~ I hope one day you'll be able to tour with Cross Gene and if that day comes I'll be waiting in London, England 😉😆 Or perhaps i'll be able to travel to you... you give me hope :) Take care Shin ♡
投稿: 다니엘 ♡ (Danielle) | 2017年11月15日 (水) 07:38
Shin, I hope you have a beautiful day. 💕 I hope you're doing well and eating well. 🤗
投稿: S | 2017年11月15日 (水) 03:50
저는 이탈리아 팬이에요~
오빠, 요즘은 그냥 힘들어요...어떻게 할까요?
愛してる ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*♡♥
投稿: 마리안나 | 2017年11月15日 (水) 03:20
投稿: まぁちゃん | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:59
Hhmm. Hi oppa Shin😊👋 How are you oppa? I miss you so much oppa Shin😢. Sorry for being unactive😪 Always take care, Godbless😘
投稿: Tricia Bajado Manalo | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:56
Happy Chuusday~
Are you doing well today?
I am pretty busy today, there's a lot to be done by this Friday. I hope everything will be fine~
I am just preparing to listen your program now.
Looking forward for the radio in just a moment^^
I love you
投稿: devina | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:30
投稿: ピ | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:30
シンくんが気になる存在だって、その気持ちよくわかります(笑)누나 너 말야で はじめてクロスを見たとき、みんなかっこいいのに シンくんしか 目に入らなくて だれこの人!!ってなりました😍
そしたらbigの男の子で あのとき すごく気になってた人だ!!ってなって それから大ファンです💓
もちろん顔も 超イケメンだけど、なにかほかにも 人をひきつける 魅力がありますね💕
投稿: れみ | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:27
Hello Shin!! I hope you are staying warm since its getting colder and colder everyday. Keep warm during these cold months so you won't get sick, please.
Recently I've been sad, so I've been listening to a lot of Cross Gene. That always seems to cheer me up!! So thank you for being my personal cheer-upper(s). ^^ I hope you have nice things you can listen to or do so you don't stay sad.
I hope you are doing super well! Love you!
投稿: rae | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:20
家事(かじ)をすませ、スタンバイOK٩( 'ω' )و
投稿: 小鉄 | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:19
投稿: いっちー | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:11
わたしも じつは すぐシン君のファンになったわけじゃなかったんです(^-^)
きれいな男の子だなぁ~ ~~って、ずーっと きになってて、しらべてみようって おもいたったのは、しばらく たってからでした^^;
シン君は これからも ずーっと きになる そんざいだとおもいます(*´ー`*)♡∞
投稿: SAKU | 2017年11月14日 (火) 23:05
I miss you so much! How have you been? <3
It has only been a week but I miss Chuusday and you and your voice A LOT! Can't wait for tonight's program~!
I still hope to hear your new song on the radio, but I'm eager to hear you talking about it tonight, yay~
Oh and who in the world likes exams? lol When I was at school I didn't think much of them, but now they're just...こわい。
See you in what, half an hour! bye~! (It's not "see" though, "listen"? lol)
投稿: FtR | 2017年11月14日 (火) 22:52
投稿: ミッキー | 2017年11月14日 (火) 22:06
投稿: Lian rose | 2017年11月14日 (火) 22:05
안녕하세요 신오빠~ (≧∇≦)b
Happy CHUUsdayyyy!!! Yes my most awaited and favorite day of the week has finally came again 😍🙌💕
How are you doing?? Is your day going well and you're happy despite of being busy with schedules? I really hope so 😄 Im so excited for tonight's 'Please teach me korean' corner i wonder what word will you be mentioning lol is it hard?? Im so curious for that word hahaha because even you a korean doesn't know it~ 😅😂 Hmmm I think you spend your free time while you're waiting during filming is by practcing your lines? Playing games on your phone? Watching some clipa on phone? Im not sure haha.
Ayyyy~ this topic is almost right on time for me because in a couple of weeks i'll be having my prefinals and finals exams~ I think you dislike it too? 😂😂 Ooohhh yes!! The beautiful song that you made during the event~ im looking forward to know what kind of feelings you have as you're doing that song 😄💕 Im sure you'll give a wonderful advice tonight as always. 😍
Have a great night to you!
너무 사랑해요 내 기쁨이~ 😄😘♥️
投稿: 유니 (필리핀) ♡ | 2017年11月14日 (火) 22:02
今夜もシン先生様の「まねッッ」がきける のですね
投稿: ひろしまの赤い목미 | 2017年11月14日 (火) 22:00
投稿: SHIHO | 2017年11月14日 (火) 21:57
たまたまシンくんを知った数日後にCROSSGENEのライブMIRRORがあったので何となく見に行き、そこからCROSSGENE 、そしてシンくんの大ファンになりました✨
投稿: いちごがり | 2017年11月14日 (火) 21:50
Anneyeong haseyo oppa shin, how are you po? Are you already eat oppa ? I'm just asking oppa shin when will comeback the Crossgene? I really love the music of Crossgene ? I hope you read this ..☺☺ oppa shin
投稿: lian rose | 2017年11月14日 (火) 21:36
こんばんわ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Good evening~~~~^^
How was your day Shin? Did you enjoy doing your filmings lately, ? You seems so busy and we miss you q lot. Glad that we often see you in your drama ^^
You always did a good job and we are always happy to see you doing your best and enjoying things,
Im curious on your please teach me korean corner... Hehhe it makes me happy to learn new things. That's why i love this segment ^^ how about you Shin-kun?
I have missed the last broadcast 😭 My phone got stuck and it cannot be opened. Glad that after that night, it gets back to normal.
I am doing some fanart tonight. I miss doing some because i got too busy at work. Its much stressing than i thought. I never knew that it will be this hard. But its okay, i know i can make it ^^ and you are always there to inspire me.
Please take care a lot Shin-kun... I may got too busy but i will make sure to find time to see and talk to you as often as i can...
Oh by the way, i got a new cat. I named her Shiro because she is white ^^ she's so sleepy kind of cat and really loves to play. I wonder how was corn? I didnt see him lately, Nari-chan too. Please say hi to me for them ^^
There's a big kpop concert here in the philippines this january. They say that 24groups will be performing and i wonder if Cross Gene will come. Im still not prepare because i bought your photobook and other merch.. But it would be also nice to see you much sooner than i expected ^^ so im looking forward to that day ^^ i hope that you will greet me when we see each other ^^
I will stop from here. I talk to much hahahah. Looking forward to the broadcast!
あいしている♪(´ε` )
投稿: _Loki | 2017年11月14日 (火) 21:33
Has your day gone well so far? I hope so. ^_^ Stay warm, remember to eat, don't overdo it and rest when you can. And remember that you are very loved so that you will also be happy through the day. I think this is all the best way for Shin's overall health. *nods* And I am very smart so you should definitely listen to me. lol
Sure, I can't look after myself properly for the life of me... but I know /exactly/ how to do it and can look after others really well, so yes. Stay well.
Looking forward to hearing Shin learn something on Korean corner! lol. Thats always fun. I tend to have killed my ability to learn cool new things about English because I got impatient to learn all the words and read the dictionary once.. Was as boring as it sounds... but worth it, lmao.
I wonder do you spend your time waiting the same way you did with LotBS.. There is always something to learn and you don't seem like the kind to pass up the opportunity.
Definitely looking forward to hearing about your new song.. I always look forward to hearing more of the music that comes out of the inside of the cross gene members.. And it will be nice to hear about it from you too. I am glad that the process of creating a song is one that is something that can be explained in detail.
Win is a curious case.. However actually this question is really very interesting.. on an emotional level, pain can go two ways.. It is something that I am always aware of.. I am always self assessing to look at the hurt I cause others, even if it is in the process of being in pain myself, as I do not believe that my own wounds are an excuse to inflict wounds on others.. seeing it like that reminds me of that.
Also say in like boxing.. lol.
Staff-san is adorable. But I understand completely. Shin was not sleeping when I first saw him, hehehehehe... Instead, G-dragon was stripping his clothes off him in the middle of the street. 😂
And I think that is possibly the most interesting way anyone could ever have 'met' someone 😂 I love it.
But yes.. That half naked boy in the street became someone that I care for a great deal... and he always will be..
I will be back after the show!
I love you immensely, my hero.
投稿: 夏 | 2017年11月14日 (火) 21:24