CROSS GENEのリーダーシンから、キャスパーのことを話してくれました。
CROSS GENEそしてシンくんの応援よろしくお願いします!!
チャラ男シンちゃん(シンくん?)の親友のfacebookにペアルックが写っていたけど、その写真はいらないから という発言が笑えました。
やれなくて後悔するより、やって後悔したい・・・ なるほど。本当にそうですね。
ペアルックかぁ~。👫SHINくんの ″ その写真いらない ″ 発言(はつげん)、うける~。😂確(たし)かに二人(ふたり)だけの世界だからねぇ~,。😆SHINくん、うらやましい?😚なら、私と…。🙊🙈はい!🙋却下(きゃっか)~。😭😭😭
CROSS GENE Fighting💕
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2017年9月12日 (火) 11:47
How was your day?? Did you eat? I know you're busy but don't forget to. How is Sa Minho? Are you enjoying your time together? I hope he is helping make your days brighter too. Can you tell I'm excited? lol. Even on the stormy days, the sun will inevitably peek through the clouds again.. And even the smallest rays of sunlight are warm and help you to dry when you've just walked through a rain storm.. So even on the days we are not cold and wet we should appreciate such a small gift..
Is everyone doing better today? Everyone seems busy at least so that's nice. I hope many people come to see CG3 perform. But even so, I am sure they will give a top class performance and I wish I could come and support them too.
But now Monday is over and Chuusday is here! I'm really happy about that too.. I do love Chuusdays the most. Honestly I could sit and just listen to you talk all day. Everything about it is mesmerising and fascinating.. It's pretty much my favourite past time to watch and listen to Shin do anything really.. Maybe it's just because beautiful things that shine brightly always catch others attention.. Maybe many things really.. or maybe it's for multiple reasons.. either way, you could be putting 1000 stamps on 1000 envelopes and I'm sure I'd still watch you do so happily and content..
But I digress because listening to you is also amazing..
Oh well, it's almost 1am here so I should put out my bins and try to sleep. I miss you very much..
And I love you infinity..
Remember to rest when you can!
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月11日 (月) 23:58
Hi ^_^
How was your day? I hope it treated you well. Did you remember to eat? Was it good? I'm sure you picked something delicious..
Today was something something... lol. I haven't decided if it was good or not. So far it just was. It was better than yesterday though so that's a plus. I'm still more tired than usual though so hopefully that will pass soon.
I'm worried about people I care about right now.. They're caught in the path of a hurricane and the damage has been scary to look at. I do hope they are or at least will be okay.. So much happening out there right now and I'm constantly worrying about everyone now. Too many people I care about going through too much right now.
I really need the world to calm down right now, lol..
You still make every day more bearable tho. When some days I'm not sure I een want to get out of bed, I remember our hard working Shin and I get up and keep working because that's what it Wonho does.. You are there for that every moment. when I'm stressed or upset or worried.. i remember that if you can sit on a building, I can get out of bed, lol.
I hope one day soon you will see the amazing way you really do help CandY. You're everything candy could ever wish for tbh.. I think we'd do prerty much anything if we knew it would make you happy.. Might get some new experiences and have a lot of fun along the way..
I'm also looking forward to when I can see you again.. still not sure when but i hope it's sooner than not. I just want to see you smile with my own eyes again.
Okay, I should try to sleep.
I hope you have a good night too.
I love you so much Shin Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月10日 (日) 23:40
How are you? I hope you understand English?
I am writing to you from a distant Russia. I want to wish you good luck and patience, you need it because you are a leader. Also I want to say that I really like your work. Surprise us with your songs. I listen to their pleasure. Good luck to you.👍👍👍
I hope, what in the future I will see you with my own eyes.😍 I love you Cross Gene.❤❤❤
投稿: Dina Harunova | 2017年9月10日 (日) 14:08
How are you? I hope you understand English?
I am writing to you from a distant Russia. I want to wish you good luck and patience, you need it because you are a leader. Also I want to say that I really like your work. Surprise us with your songs. I listen to their pleasure. Good luck to you.👍👍👍
I hope in the future, when I will see you with my own eyes. I love you Cross Gene.❤❤❤
投稿: Dina Harunova | 2017年9月10日 (日) 14:03
“Juicy~♪ju ju ju juicy~☆🍇”
投稿: kanruna | 2017年9月10日 (日) 13:17
How are you doing? Are you busy? remembering to eat? Are you happy? I hope your work is going well for you at least.
I'm busy trying to balance things I can't lol. Trying to respond to different things from different perspectives.. Like for example how do you react to a problem when you don't know everything around it.. But with my work experience I have to exclude even more that I do know to keep the reaction organic.. Its kinda like knowing Clark Kent is superman but having to keep acting like he's just a reporter.. It's not fun actually and I'm wondering what I can do to make working on this stuff better and easier.. Coz I think currently it's not working well for me.. In my work i need to be able to predict all possible responses to act accordingly.
So /I/ may know Clark Kent is superman, but how would I react to a relevant situation without that knowledge. Then I need to apply that to how I word things. Do you understand what I mean?
Actually it makes a mess of my head. Makes me feel pretty crappy sometimes too.. Things I'm thinking about when I consider going back to work again. I'm not sure I can keep the stress up of trying to think like different people at the same time. I'm trying my best anyway, but I'm not sure it helps any more.
Did you guys resume filming yet? but More importantly, did you at least get some rest while you could? I'm hoping so.. I'm excited for this next drama. I know Shin will do a good job, He always does.. but I wanna see!!
Also I've got to finish doing so much. I hope to find the time to soon.. You'd think I had a lot of free time now but really I don't lol. and i need to get back out there working and have less again anyway lol. Christmas is coming and I'm not sure I can make it a good one for anyone right now like this. T-T
To top it all off, the world is crazy rn. I'm not sure I even want to get out of bed! lol
Anyway.. I hope you have a good day today..
I love you so much.
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月10日 (日) 07:39
How was your day yesterday? Are you remembering to eat and look after yourself? Keep yourself well..
I already broke my promise of every night, didn't I? I'm sorry.. Last night was very draining and I needed to step back into the quiet for a while.
Today i am really tired, have a headache and still feel sick.. I don't like September much at all, lol. Like the song goes, wake me up when September ends, lol.
things have been out of my control for a little while now though so removing myself from it was best. I don't do well in noisy crowds already. Removing myself from it is the only thing i have the power to do. So i did that lol.
Just remember that you are loved.. and you always will be.. I think that's the most important thing right now.
I was glad to see you last night.. And your adorable insta posts. Thank you for always thinking about us..
I should go cook.. I'll try to be back later but i really am very sick right now and thus really exhausted.. I'll do something as soon as possible anyway lol.
Please have a good night
I love you so much T-T
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月 9日 (土) 16:45
だから、CROSS GENEの選択を応援します!
1人でもかけたらクロスじゃないし、寂しいって思ってたけど、これからもずっとずっとCROSS GENEを応援していきます💪
CROSS GENEはいつもhappyにしてくれて、私の心の支えであり誇りです!
投稿: ゆう92 | 2017年9月 8日 (金) 23:02


卒業したキャスパー、5人で新しくはじめるCROSS GENE、それぞれの新しい未来をこれからも応援しています
원호군 사랑해
投稿: monbon | 2017年9月 8日 (金) 10:49
投稿: タコちゃん | 2017年9月 8日 (金) 10:45
How was your day? Did you have fun? And you ate right? Aye, I miss you. My day? It was good. Quiet mostly. Mani and Kat came over though and I did some shopping with Kat.. There is some things I'm getting to do now that I'm enjoying lol. Like cook myself lunch.
So someone is jealous huh? lol, can't say too much I guess.. When I do go out with my sister and brother in law like that it does tend to remind me that I'm on my own a lot. So I do feel it... its even just the simple things you know.. Like they'll pick a place to eat together, buy a meal to share.. meanwhile I'm trying to work out how old the fruit salad looks and if I'm willing to risk buying it, lol. Sometimes I just want to be able to do or share all of these kinds of moments.. Be there with someone to enjoy the things I can't if I'm on my own. Take all the cute photos.. Order food together. Have that extra warmth when it's cold at night, even with a blanket.. Even just sit in bed together and play games together all night... Ah, but living alone also has its upsides.. I only need my own permission to spend a lot of money. I can have the house exactly how I like it. I always only have to cook what I want to eat.. and i can sleep in the middle of the bed like a starfish... but it is lonely in there..
Maybe one day.. but for now because this is how I have to live, I'm happy enough like this.. If I have to wait for the stars to align so that me and Mr Right can be in the same place to meet, then I'll happily wait on the empty bed.. Because starfish.. lol
aye it is late and I need sleep. But I'm still waiting Ten2 so tomorrow yes?
Please have a good night tonight my hero
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月 8日 (金) 01:27
大好きな、シン君 いつも、私に元気をくれます❗ 本当に ありがとうね❗ 人生には、いろんなことが おこるけど シン君も 自分で、決めて まっすぐ進んで下さい。私 ずっと 応援👊😄📢するからかね💕💕 でも、CROSS GENEが、いつまでも 存在することが 私の希望です😆🎵🎵 私の元気の源だから💝
投稿: あきんこ | 2017年9月 8日 (金) 01:01
強力な我々 はあなたのため、常にここで。我々 はあなたが大好きです。何もかも大丈夫。
投稿: _Loki | 2017年9月 7日 (木) 23:11
これからもCROSS GENEを楽しく応援していくよ。
そしてEM YOKOHAMAさんも、シンくんの言葉を一番早くファンに届けてくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。
投稿: むう子 | 2017年9月 7日 (木) 16:35
シンくんの想いが シンくんの言葉できけるラジオがあってよかったです。
ドラマの さつえいも がんばってね💕シンくんの明るい役、とっても楽しみです😊
投稿: R E I ♡ | 2017年9月 7日 (木) 00:38
잠은 제대로 자고 있는거야?
밥 제대로 챙겨먹고 있는거야?
아무것도 해주지 못하는 것 같아서 정말 미안해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ😢😢
投稿: TOMO누나 | 2017年9月 7日 (木) 00:10
How was your day? I hope you got some rest and remembered to eat. Also keep hydrated.. Important any time of year. Coffee apparently doesn't count... I feel very hard done by with this.. I get headaches a lot from forgetting to stay hydrated so don't forget aye. How about if i promise to remember water and food, you promise to take the best care off yourself you can as your circumstances allow? We can try to stay healthy together lol.
Coffee apparently adds years to your life though. Do you think mocha counts? Mocha should count for everything.. If it did then I'd be fine for hydration lol.
I'm sure you are doing an excellent job with Sa Minho.. If he is bright and part of Shin, then he is a person I'm very much looking forward to meeting. I hope that he will join Nine and TaeO as one of my most beloved. He has a challenge out-doing drunk kleptomaniac TaeO though lol. I can't wait. Really excited for this and so proud of you. You seem to have risen to the challenge of returning to acting so well. I knew you could. You were promising from the first day.. and what made you so special in all of your roles was your power of expression. You can say so much with just one look. TaeO really gave you the ability to shine with that, but you already did with Kyungjoon. For what time he got to be awake anyway. I remember after big finished I had to show some people how fluffy and sweet you actually were coz you portrayed Kyungjoon very convincingly and they didn't like his personality at all..
Please always believe in yourself maybe even just half as much as I do. Even half will give you all you need to face any challenge, that's how much I believe you are incredible.
I knew you would give such amazing advice.. That is one of my favorite bits of advice for others. You will regret the things you didn't do a lot more than anything you did.
And as I was discussing with a friend earlier, the goal is then you remove any regret at all. By changing your perspective. Perspective is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure. Even if it was simply a lesson learned, that's still better than regret. And I really love your parents.. They really sound like such amazing people. And it is true that even if you don't agree with them when you are young, when you grow up you will understand why they felt the way they did. In families the goal is always to look out for each other. When you accept that they are doing what they are doing because they love you and want to protect you, then you can accept that there is a reason for what they are doing and discuss is meaningfully with them.. Hopefully anyway.
Im very tired right now so I will talk about Hyper Shin Chan and the other points tomorrow hehe.
I hope you have a great not sleep tonight.
I love and miss you very much. I hope to get to see more of you very soon.
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月 7日 (木) 00:06
Hi shin how are you Please take care yourself and i will support you And Your member's cross gene i will support for all candy's you are the best and cute man in the world and cross gene
投稿: | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 23:06
Hi shin! I hope you're okay...
投稿: Saranghae shin | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 20:57
を応援してください!私たちはあなたを愛して!我々 は遺伝子を渡り、キャスパーの両方をサポートしています。
あなたは親切なので、とてもいいです。あなたに来るより多くの祝福を願ってください。幸せな、ご了承ください。我々 は、あなたとあなたのグループのために最善を尽くしている知っています。
投稿: _Loki | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 20:37
投稿: hiro가지 | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 19:35
投稿: SHIHO | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 19:27
シンくんのそういうところが とにかく大好き✨✨
CROSS GENEもケスパも 変わらずに おうえんさせていただきます。。。
٩( ᐛ )و
投稿: 부리부리자에먼 | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 18:36
これからもキャスパーのことも、CROSS GENEのこともかわらずおうえんして行くし、見守っていこうと思ってます!
投稿: riechoco★ | 2017年9月 6日 (水) 17:52