
« 今夜はシンくんの夜のチューすDAY | メイン | 今夜はMASAHARUのBack To Back »

2017年6月 6日 (火)





ファンクラブに是非入ってください〜 年齢関係ないのでライブに遊びに






note6月13日23時から 6月25日18時30分から衛生劇場でやります〜〜

CROSS GENEのZepp Diver City Tokyoのライブを放送

MCやソロコーナーはカットしてCROSS GENEのパフォーマンスを一気に見れる70分サイズです〜




あげるシーンで커피소년の「내가 왜 이럴까」がながれていましたが、


「きっと夢だよ」「꿈일 거야 꿈일 거야」でした〜でもクミコヤにきこえますね!!
















안녕하세요 신 오빠~ ^^
어떻게 지내셨어요?
오늘 좋은 하루 보내요~

Im so so happy and I don't know where to start lol xD okay I'll try!!

Flashback from last Sundayyy~ 🙈
First, I really enjoyed Cross Gene's 5th Anniversary gift to us CandY~ Its the best ever present anyone could ask for 😍💕 I was very shocked when "My Face" was released I almost can't believe what Im seeing because its one of my favorite choreography from you guys omggg~ At first, I can't get into my senses that you really RELEASED the dance practice video because its the exact time when I got out of cinema after watching "Wonder Woman" have you already watched it?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you still aren't I suggest you to see it~
Anyways back into the vid lol xD as Im watching the whole dance vid of my face I felt like screaming the lyrics with my heart out and dancing at the same time as you kings of perfectly synchronize choreography, you kingd never disappoint 😍😍

After 30 mins Im on my way home I literally screamed because ohmygod its "끼" and for the 2nd time I can't believe it again like really??!! 2 dance practice video in a day? Wow we're being spoiled by them 🙈😍💗 but yeaaaa we're really grateful for your beautiful and surprise present for CandY!!

And, I'm loving and enjoying my life these past few days because you Kings did THAT again Im speechless you guys always give your best ever, pouring your heart in every performance. I was crying the whole time as I watched you guys perform all together on the stage after 4 months I missed you guys so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ so I felt really joyful,thankful, emotional for short MIXED EMOTIONS. Okay I'll stop now haha. I just want to say how proud and happy my heart was all throughout your performance. 2 songs isn't enough but for now ok I'll accept it since you guys will comeback soon I'm looking forward and Im very excited for it 💗💗

On the other part of the show today, the MC is always pushing you to do "aegyo" all the time lol 🙈😂 and I was like really??! Shin doesn't need to do an aegyo to be cute his face literally screams aegyo he's the CUTEST AS EVER. Haha but I find you really cute and funny as you're doing that "I think I saw a ghost" moment xDD until now it plays on my memoryyy but for me as you said those lines in my mind I was saying "I think I saw an angel." because you're really glowing and look so perfect on that stage. But I wonder why Shin-kun is so shy doing "aegyo" haha there's no need to be shyyy whatever you do it will always be cute and amazing so you don't have to worry about that~ xD 💗

미안해요 this is so longgg ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ I just want to tell you how Cross Gene and You Shin-kun~ always make my day happy and brightest as everrr 💖

Again, Happy happy 5th Anniversary to you Kings! We'll be forever beyond grateful for you in everything that you did with all your best for us! Cheers for many many more years to come~ I'll grow old together with you guys! We won't ever leave your side forever!! 💞

Thank you so much for taking your time reading this Shin-kun~
Its late in here alreadyyy 😅
I hope you're resting well and take care always~ Im very excited for Chuusdaayy I wonder what would be your show about? For sure its beautiful and helpful as always!! 💞
I love you so much!! Goodnight my hero~ 🌙🌟


How wad your day? You looked great today and I'm so glad. Wah and its Chuusday! well, it is now but i still have 22.5 hours to wait. T-T

I'll be counting them dammit!

Did you have a productive week? Seems you are quite busy again. I'm anticipating more of Shin in my life soon, hehe. You really are just capable of doing whatever you want to, aren't you? You were so cute on stage today though. Shy, nervous Shin is cute. But I'd love to be able to make you feel more comfortable like that. You really shine up on stage so you shouldn't feel nervous about it. But then, this is the genuine Shin too and I'm glad everyone sees that too.

Ah, You're just too perfect...

Whatever you brought to the stage in minatomirai, find that in yourself again. You have the strength in yourself too.. You've already proven that more than once. I'm glad the teamwork of Cross Gene is so strong that it's such a valuable resource for you, but its always inside of you. Even when you stand there alone, Cross Gene and CandY are still next to you. We're all proud of our amazing leader Shin. It doesn't stay backstage. It walked out there with you... because it is you. You can't be without something that only exists because you do. You already keep us in your heart.. remember that we are there and you're never truly alone.

And I realise I need to do better in this myself, but I will always remind myself now. I've also managed to get my own heart back on track. It is stronger too and won't listen to the whispers of doubt that creep in. I won't break again.

Anyway, I should get to sleep.
Please look after yourself well. Be careful, huh? Don't do anything recklessly or that could be harmful to you. CandY will always wait for you to make sure you are healthy always. We do worry about you overworking a lot.
Sleep well tonight.
I love you so much Shin Won Ho

Shin-Kun 안녕! happy02

5주년 진심으로 축하드립니다! 영원히 응원할게요! 사랑해~ heart04
Thank you for giving us such amazing gifts. You've spoiled us with not 1, but 2 dance practice!! You sure know what CandYs love don't you? Yes, I love you too.

& today we all get to see Crossgene perform on stage again on vlive and it just makes me miss seeing you guys on stage performing/singing live even more! I want to go to Crossgene concert again! Crossgene always give the best performance all the time and making CandYs all over the world proud! Hope you had fun out there too today!

나는 크로스진 콘서트 다시 가고싶다!
진짜 보고싶어요, 사랑해요. happy02
(싱가포르 팬 입니다.)

シンくんがファンのみんなのために用意してるって言ってたのは、'My Face'と'キ(魔性)'のDance Practice動画だったのね‼️💃🏻





Hi! ^_^

How are you?!???! I hope that you had a really good day today! You deserve that much at least tbh! It was a special day and I hope you got to have some fun on it. And ate really well! You did, right?

Although, I am sure watching CandY fall like dominoes when you guys released those videos was lots of fun. Gah! Why are you, you? Not that I am complaining. You had fun filming those, didn't you? lol. Ugh. I am not going to express too much but I will say that I am sure you got the desired results. sigh...

My power issue was sorted today! Yay.. and then coz my sister and her partner came over to help me get that sorted, something new popped up to be a pain in my neck like immediately after that was over. I can't even begin to understand that situation properly right now but I will go get it sorted on Tuesday. It doesn't make any sense and I am sure based on what I have researched, someone has over-extended their authority, so I should be able to clear it up quickly on Tuesday. Aye.. Told you, I'm the walking cursed. Its insane and I am honestly sick of it. I'd love to be able to spend a whole week only telling good things about my day. Its what I want more than anything tbh.

Anyway, it's freezing and 1am. Since I can sleep in tomorrow as it is a public holiday, I think I will go early and try to get as much as possible.

Its almost Chuusday again and I am glad. I've missed your voice this week. Its been another long one.

I hope you have a good rest tonight.
I love you my beautiful hero.

CROSS GENE韓国デビュー5周年
これからもCROSS GENEについていくので




CROSS GENE 5周年おめでとう💕🙌🙌🙌
私に夢と希望(きぼう)をあたえてくれたCROSS GENEにすごく感謝(かんしゃ)しています。😌これからもずっと一緒にいようね。😉

CROSS GENE 5周年おめでとうsign03birthdayshine


CROSS GENE デビュー5周年




🎊🎉크로스진 5주년 축하합니다🎉😆👏💕
앞으로도 쭉쭉쭉에있을거야💓
항상 옆에서 지켜합니다😌✨
크로스진 화이팅~💪😁❤


Hello Shin heart

Thanks again for your radio program this time. It was fun as always. I totally agree with Shin that age really doesn't matter. Each person should be able to do what they love and express love to their loved ones.

Nari-chan is really genius! For me, it's hard to teach our pet so they doesn't pee on random places, like the sofa, table feet or under the bed T_T Shin's advice might work though~ And I was told by my friend that the very first time we brought our pet home, let them pee outside the house first before coming in and they will know that they cannot pee inside the house? Is it true? How smart!

Ah HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY for Cross Gene~ I would like to congratulate you for Cross Gene 5th anniversary. It is really a happy and blessed day! Even I just started to know you these past few months, Cross Gene already got a very special place in my heart, and I'm sure in every CandY hearts'. I really proud of you guys. And I really proud of Shin, thanks for being such a remarkable leader. You are truly the best leader for Cross Gene, great group full of multi-talented members. Thank for always giving us smile and bring happiness to our life. I am forever grateful that I have found Shin and Cross Gene. I love you so much.

And also congratulations for the 2nd CandY recruitment. I'm not the member of 1st CandY, but I already registered to 2nd CandY. So excited! This would be my first time to join a fanclub and it is an honor to be able to join yours.

I hope your days may blessed with happiness and luck. Sleep well, eat healthy food and be happy always <3
Cross Gene and CandY~ Let's be together forever~

Love you,

祝cross gene デビュー5周年birthday
大好きなcross gene 本当におめでとうございます。heart04

シンくん heart

5周年デビューしたおめでとうございます。birthdayCross Geneは私のために多くを意味します。寂しいときと悲しいときにいつも元気づけます。少し前に苦労しました、でもCross Geneは私を慰めました。私は大学生です、でもストレスをぜんぜん耐えられないんです。そして、ときどき家族の議論は私に傷つけます。でも、すべてが良くなるまでCross Geneはいつも私のそばにいます。heart01Cross Geneの皆さんを大好きです、でも私はこのことを個人的に言えません。heart04一緒に(Cross GeneとCandY)いてくれてありがとうございます。永遠に私たちと一緒にお泊りください。heart

5주년 정말 축하해요! 🍬 🍬 💘💘

안녕하세요 신 오빠~ ^^
오늘 어땠어요?
즐거운 하루 보내시길 바래요~

Shin Wonho~ Our best hardworking,humble, kindest, precious and purest leader.. I can't describe you properly because you're beyond in any words can describe.Thank you so much for doing everything for your group~ I mean, being a leader in an international group is not an easy and simple task, But you are a really strong, hardworking, have great leadership skills, humble. I'm forever and everyday thankful to know you and your group, I've been blessed since the day that I knew you kings~ ㅠㅠ 💖

5주년 축하해~ 우린 항상 널 서포트해주는걸 멈출수없어 조심해!! 필리핀에서 온 많은 사랑 😭😘💕 I've been a CandY for just 5 months but you kings mean so much to me. You taught me alot of important things, You guys had been there for me when no one else was, during my sad days you never fail to make me smile and make my day brighter~ last semester I was really stressed because of too much pressure and demand from school but yes 크로스진 did so much to me through their music. I and we may not know each other personally but it doesn't really matter because through your beautiful deeds, music, happiness you shared it all to CandY~ I'll treasure those precious moments and keep it inside my heart forever 💖 If only I knew you guys ever since your debut im sure my life would be so much happier since then.. I have no regrets for watching your MV "Amazing Bad Lady" that song and choreo is one of the reason why I searched more for them why? Not because of that "sexy choreo" but bc of their unique and beautiful style, they are not afraid to show their own artistic style and beauty in every way they can. Anyways, I may not here from the start, but I'll stay with you Kings forever~ Words are not enough how can I express how grateful i am to you for sharing your beautiful music, talent to us! I'm beyond grateful in everything that you did for us~!!

난 널 영원히 사랑해 신원호 오빠 💗
안녕히 주무세요~ 🌙⭐
필리핀에서 온 많은 사랑! 😘💕



CROSSGENE 5周年 おめでとうございます🎉㊗️
これからもみなさんの ごかつやく、楽しみにしてます(´∀`)👏
CROSSGENE 、そしてシンくんに出会えて幸せです☺️💕


今日はクロスジンの5年の記念日だね~ おめでとう♡

シンくん、今日のV appの生放送さんかできなかったよね(´-`*)

シンくんみたいに 頑張らなきゃ っていつも思いながら毎日できるだけ幸せで過ごしてるよ。もっとたくさんクロスジンに会いたいからここで待ってるよー(^^)/ また何かイベントやカムバックとかあればいいなあ~☆笑
めちゃくちゃつかれてるんじゃない?( ;∀;)
体気を付けてくださいね♡ シンくんが何よりも大事だから!

Gute Nacht :)


I hope you had a really good day today. Busy as usual. You work hard and make us all proud. Don't forget to eat!!

Congratulations on 5 years with Cross Gene. You lead your team so well. So yeah you don't have much control over anyone, they all act like a bunch of 5 year olds and everyone spends most of every interview dragging each other for all you're worth.. but that's why Cross Gene are so much fun to get to know. You're still an admirable leader that has done so much for your group, your fandom and humanity in general. You will take Cross Gene forward in only the best ways.

Cross Gene have been the most beautiful gift in my life for 5 years and I'm so grateful for every day it stays that way. I hope you all enjoy your anniversary. You deserve all the love that you will receive today and in the years to come.

Thank you for blessing me with the gift that is Cross Gene. ♡

And of course, the light that is Shin Won Ho. It made me so very happy to see you debut with Cross Gene as that meant there was so much more of you to discover and so much more opportunity to discover it. While I had the need to study screen arts and actors, you were a gift to that.. but music is what lives in my soul and you had that in yours too. I'm going to be forever happy for the day you debuted as an idol. So let's always remember to celebrate these moments.

I should sleep as it is late and I'm sat outside for the internet lol.
Please have a good night and look after yourself well for me.
I love you so much

今日は しごとがおやすみでラジオまたきいてます~
クミルコヤ…せつなくなります(;_;)シアヌナさん…テオくんにたいせつにされて ほんとうにうらやましいかぎりです。。。
なりちゃん、ほんとうにかわいいね♡ ちょこちょこ うごいてる どうが いやされます(^^)
~とし~はわたしも いつも はずかしいなっておもっちゃいます。シン君は いつも年がだいじじゃないって いってくれるから、 しんじて あいにいかないと、すっごく こうかいしちゃうよね(._.) わたしもどんなにとしをとっても、CROSSGENEの、そしてシン君のファンだよ~ シン君 だいすきです♡♡♡

I haven't been able to post lately and I'm sorry about that. I wish I could have been more attentive lately. I hope you're doing well today. Anticipating CROSS GENE's comeback. You're working so hard as always, and CandY really appreciate it so much.

I want to recommend a song to you: Code Kunst - Don't Shoot Me Mama ft. Car the door. It's a good song ^^ I hope you like it as much as I do.

I'll try to write again tomorrow for CROSS GENE's special day c:





でも〜でも〜ファンとしては、歌って🎶踊ってる💃🏻クロスジンがもっともっと観たい‼️生で観たい‼️日本で一回だけのライブでは、さびしすぎるよ〜〜😢いろいろと事情(じじょう)はあると思うけど、2回、3回とやっても同じファンが参戦すると思うよ‼️あと、平日だったから行けなかったって声もよく聞いたし〜😰これは、シンくんに言ってるというより、アミューズさんに言っています❗️m(_ _)m


あと、YING YANGの練習動画が、一発OKだったか、何テイクか撮ったか、シンくん答えてないよ〜〜‼️😆シンくん、相談には親身(しんみ)になって答えてくれるけど、軽い質問は時々スルーしちゃう傾向(けいこう)がある⁉️






来週、いよいよ「ZEPP LIVE」オンエアですね。
今日の「주먹쥐고 뱃고동」も楽しみにしています♪
12日の「ROOKIE STAGE」、がんばってくださいね!!
신리더님 화이팅!!!
V LIVE도 얀텐2 촬영도 수고하셨습니다.
멋진 모습을 많이 보여 주셔서 진심으로 고마워요♥
새로운 드라마도 많이 기대 할게요♥♥♥

Hi again!

Hope the rest of your day went well too. omg. and you ate something nice and filling.

Omg Seyoung saw the ads at Sinsa! Getting to see him react to them was such a boost! So many CandY made that happen. I wish we could have done more. T-T There is something else though! But it's one day only. This Shinday. Which just happens to be Cross Gene Day. Ah I wish I could be there to see it myself. But I hope you get to. Everything is worth it if you can be happy.

I got so frustrated with everything this week. Nothing can help me do what I want to do. It's all useless to me. Not my work, my house, my sns, my phone or laptop. I got so annoyed at everything for existing when it can't help me. T-T And of course so mad at myself that I can't do anything about it either.

And I honestly thought I'd never get to see you guys react to anything at all yanno. So seeing Seyoung tonight made things feel better again today. I'm so grateful.

Of course though, it has been Shin-sama that has been pulling me through. Each moment of yours that you have shared this week has been that reminder that I'm not really alone.. My fears and my doubts.. my black mind .. wants to come ruin my day again. I wish it didn't have so much power over me. but then you will post and it is quiet again.. just like a dream... I wish I could do more for you. And I'm sorry my messages aren't as good when I'm struggling. I hate that it's getting harder for me to cope again. I really need to find my own strength again. I can't keep falling apart every time something gets hard or doesn't make sense.

I want to go back to the joy I had at the start of this week. I was so completely happy and I honestly didn't think anyone or anything could steal my smile from me.. Guess I need to stop challenging the universe like that huh?

oh dear god all I've done is be depressing again. I'm sorry. I promised to talk about the show again at last. ugh. see, I need to harden up.

ok so omg... You're always giving out the amazing advice and being everyone's hero. I was even impressed by Shin Shin's advice. I wonder if I left sushi on my sofa, would Shin learn that that is a good place to sit? hehe

knowing my luck, I'd wake up and find Kangnam there instead.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Nari-chan is adorable and clever. I do love how everyone, even pets, are all so unique. Like I said, my Jupiter is incredibly protective of me. But I think of every living thing in this world, my favorite personality is Shin's. Shin-sama indeed.

I had to take someone close to me to the hospital today. They had a small accident and put their teeth right through their bottom lip. All the way. I almost passed out when they were stitching his lip. Was really quite hard to see. You really don't like seeing people you care about injured at the best of times. He will be okay though. It's crazy the things that can happen, isn't it? He was surprisingly so calm about it all though. Like he will also have his moments of being loud or whatever, but otherwise he's so chill about everything.

Anyways, have I told you lately how special and important you are to us. Everyone knows how amazing you are. I wish everyone could always fly to see Shin. I want you to know how loved you are.

But It's late now and I don't want to go outside again when the power cuts out so I'll finish and post now.
I hope you sleep really well tonight.
I love you so much. We all love you.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

안녕하세요!! 오빠 신~~ ^^
어떻겨 지내 세요??
오늘 촣은 하루 보내요 💕

Anyways, Im really happy today because its been 5 years since the release of 크로스진 1st mini album "Timeless: Begins" CandY are so proud of you kings~ we'll never stop supporting you no matter what :D also, what a great coincidence my "나하고 놀자" album finally arrived im the happiest today 💗💗 I find the album really unique (because its really big ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) and beautiful because the pictures are large and I really love the concept of it :D I still can't believe when it arrived and I hold it with my own hands, because I thought I won't never have it since its always sold out on shops..

Btw, I watched the 양텐 tv show awhile ago lol I laughed so hard at the part where you crashed yourself on the floor because the inflatable you made is not that aired properly? Idk? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But even though you fell on the ground I still find you really the cutest 💕 I hope you're not that hurt during that time tho ㅋㅋㅋ after that you lied on takuya's instead and you screamed like a child ((which is cute) right after you lied takuya get into you, lol and after that you guys sing~ I really admire your voice when singing if I could listen to it for the rest of my life I wouldn't mind. I also love the part where you guys played the balloon game?? Idk what its called sorry 😅 I find it really really cute when you're so scared of the balloon to pop xD but I don't blame you ㅋㅋㅋㅋ im so afraid of balloon to especially when it pops like crazy omg. I'm looking forward for the next week's episode as well~ I see that the topic for next week is a throwback haha which is the 1990s game my most favorite before when I was a kid is yo-yo, pogs, and pokemon I felt nostalgic reminiscing those stuff~ I wonder what you guys will play next week! Whatever it is im really excited for it. :D

I love your IG post today as well~
I hope that you enjoyed having a walk with your dog 'Nari-chan' she's really cute tho ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I love dogs too and I feel you everytime I take videos and pictures of my dog 'Yuki' she always turns her head on a different direction so sometimes im having a hard time taking pics of her ㅠㅠ

Im sorry if this is really long 😅 I just want to share how happy am I today~

난 항고어 잘하고 싶어요 so that you can easily understand me ㅠㅠ
너무 사랑해요 오빠 신~ 😘💕


How was your day? I hope you had a good one. You spent time with Nari? I hope you had fun together. She is very beautiful.

I would tell you about my day but honestly, it's not worth it. I've just decided to accept that things are how they are and I need to get over it. If i can't understand them to know if I'm even right or not, then they probably don't understand me to know I'm confused and hurt they're ignoring my requests for clarification. So I'll just move on. Right? right.

Anyway, yet another day to mark in Cross Gene's debut week. Timeless: Begins was released today. Any like yesterday, I hope that we will see many more albums from Cross Gene.

So I'm going to bed.
I hope you sleep well.
I love you
