
« 今夜はシンくんの夜のチューすDAY | メイン | 今夜はMASAHARUのBack To Back »

2017年5月 2日 (火)


シンくんが使ってるイヤホンはSHURE SE215でした〜〜〜cafe












(ちなみにゴマ油が入ってるか聞いたんですが、???でした。シンくんは多分作れないんでしょうね笑 だからみなさんに作って〜と言ったのかもね)














(携帯のレンズが汚いわけではありません笑 加工してます〜)









It's finally Tuesday! Yay~~~
I wonder if your week was busy, or happy, or just fine... I hope the following week will be a great one for you ^^
If you are curious how I am doing over here, things are going well :3 a bit of ups and downs like always, but just alright^^

I should be sleeping right now because I have a class early in the morning (It's around 2 am now here) But I don't feel sleepy at all so... How about I write about Law of Jungle? I think I haven't talked about it yet... It's such an interesting show! You know oppa, I normally don't watch this kind of shows, but I was looking forward to this one ^^ The first episode (where you appeared) was quite scary! I tried to imagine myself in that situation... I definitely wouldn't survive with too many bugs and stuff that were there! But the part with the tribe was so interesting. The way they get their food from the nature, it was really nice to watch. They seemed to be very nice people ^^ Looking forward to this week's episode as well~

Tomorrow is a busy Tuesday for me, but I'm glad in the end I'll be listening to シンくんのよるのチューすDAY!
Love ya~

PS: I already finished learning kana, but I don't know kanji. Today I took a look at a Kanji book and It looked so difficult... I don't know if I'm ever gonna learn that... How did you learn it I wonder...? :S


how are you? i hope you are well. are you looking after yourself? are you happy? doing anything interesting or just chilling? ah well, chuusday tomorrow so the gaps without you will start anew and it won't seem as long again.

I'm not too sure what I'm doing with myself tonight so i won't write much. I've already written a great deal today and my heart feels tired. It's carrying a heavy load now and i feel under prepared for this. i used to think i was incredibly strong and i can already endure great pain. but i am not as strong as i thought because the pain was capable of being much greater than i ever thought it could be.

i think i still just need time to adjust.. i just hope i will be able to do that soon.

i guess i should sleep now.
please sleep well yourself.
i love you very much
good night

前回“Something Just Like This”の歌詞やMV含め全部がお気にいり♬とコメントしたら、先週シン君がColdplayを流してくれたので幸せな1週間を過ごせたよ(๑・̑◡・̑๑)シン君ありがとう!!あまりのうれしさに6才の娘達に(双子)『シン君もColdplay好きだって♡』と報告したら子供達も喜んでくれたよ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

子供達はよくMVを観るけど、長女は“BILLION DOLLA”のフルが大好きです♬1回観ても『またやって!』と催促されるの(●´ω`●)

シン君の子供の頃の写真すごいかわいかった(*≧∀≦*)インスタもマメにやってくれて嬉しいです♬VLIVEも待っているよ٩( 'ω' )و



How was your day? I hope you had a great day. Did you eat well? Are you busy again or still getting to chill a bit? Aye I'm always so full of questions but I really do get curious about how your day went and if you're happy.

Mine was interesting. I have to write something and I like to understand everything properly before I do that. It's good because it can help me understand things that confused me about it before. So I've been busy doing that in what free time I've had over the past few weeks. So like me to want to learn everything i can, but also so unlike me to take so much time doing it. lol.

I guess i just miss Cross Gene a lot. lol.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my time spent with Cross Gene. it's always something special. Maybe I'm just being extra nostalgic now as the 5th Anniversary approaches. I am so glad to have been here to make it to this point with Cross Gene. I couldn't ask for more than this.

I should go to bed as it is Monday tomorrow and back to work i go. eh. But I hope that you sleep soundly tonight.
I love you.



How's everything? I hope things go very well on your side ^^
CROSS GENE members are having Episode 2 of their Vlives, right~? I'm so happy to be able to see the members often, and I look forward to see more vlives in the future, and of course, to EP2 of Shin oppa's vlive ^^
Love ya~

PS: Good morning oppa~ Have a nice day ahead! <3

Dear Wonho🌸
I love to listen to your radio even though I can't understand Japanese. Your vioce is so beautiful.

신오빠 정말 만나고싶어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
빨리 만나서 이야기를 하고싶어요ㅠㅠ
그러니까 매일 서로 더 힘내자 ~ 😭💪🏻🔥💦💕


How are you? I hope you had a good day today and are doing well. It was nice to see you in some free time. I think everyone worries that you might work too much so this will mean a lot to your CandY.

It's nice to know you still have much love for mountain climbing too. I was happy to see you were doing something you love and are happy.. despite the wind. Hopefully any more wind in your future will only help carry you forward.

I'm still sick T-T. But less stressed now without a doubt. Hopefully it will mean I can sleep properly tonight. I do have the great ability to over-think things and only see the negatives involved. I don't like being a negative influence in peoples lives so it can stress me out a lot when I'm afraid of hurting someone. Kinda like that song by Lee Hi. I realise that sometimes others also need to be protected from me. But I think now that I'll be okay. I do have those people who care about me a great deal despite my faults and maybe I'm not giving them a proper chance to show me that. But I still think it's only fair to want the best for them and accept that sometimes that's not me. That's part of my belief in what love is anyway.

But time to look forward again. I want to go fill my heart and mind with only the most beautiful moments and memories. I think that for someone like me, as hard as it was to believe I could ever truly be happy, and honestly it's still a bit difficult to believe right now, I'm still looking forward to a future where I can be.. I lost my Hope for a very long time. I don't want to go back to that time again.

Aye. I'm so lame sometimes huh? I'm sorry. But it's nice that you listen to us like this. It gives me comfort that at least once a day, I'm not talking to myself. xD

I think I'll test out the theory that I'll be able to sleep now.
I hope that you too well be able to sleep well tonight.
I love you so much.

火曜にシン君の好きなチャプチェでハングル講座したので、きのうのヨンソクちゃんのV ライブでしょうゆの単語がわかった〜😊すこしでも会話の単語がわかると、とってもうれしいし、ハングルの勉強が楽しいです✨
韓国も黄砂スゴイのかしら?カラダに気をつけて番組にレッスンに파이팅 💪次回の放送も楽しみに待ってまぁす❤️


How was your day? Hopefully you had a good day. And you ate well. Are you happy? I like it when you are happy so you know I will always want that for you.

So it was childrens day today? That is so cool. I used to say we needed one of them in Australia. Both parents had a day but I feel like people don't really like kids over here all that much. Which is sad because they are the future. And we were all kids once, right? Ah you were such a cute child though! I think I was pretty cute as a kid too. Wonder what went wrong there, lol.

And all the kids on Law of the Jungle too omg. Also so cute! You were of course the tallest child on the island, lol. There is so much life in you when you let it show. You're pretty amazing you know.. Well you should be now. I've told you often enough.

I am good all things considered. I have developed a cough which is unpleasant. I think I need to buy more warmer clothes, lol. Might be a good idea anyway. I don't get a great deal of time to do things like that though because no, I am not always alone. I do have those responsibilities that take much of my day. And there is no one else that can do it.. No one alive, anyway. its only me. This is why I can't always leave on a whim to support Cross Gene even though I would want to. I hope you understand.

I do hope that you had a good day though. And that with what you do and don't know yet, you are sure you want to be on the paths you have chosen. It would be heartbreaking for you to wake up one day and regret any decisions that you made. I think others would understand if you decided to take another path. It might be upsetting for them but you are the important one in your decisions, okay.

I hope you sleep really well tonight and have beautiful dreams.
I love you so much.



ではまた来週のラジオをたのしみにがんばります( 'ω')👍✨


Good morning! I wonder if you are awake now xD I'm just getting ready to go to bed!(It's passed 2 am here) Tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day for me ^^ But I'll be meeting with friends after a while so it will be fun I guess ^^
Will you have a busy day today, oppa? I send you lots of love and positive energy! FiGHTiNG~~~


How was your day? Busy I see, but you looked like you were happy, yes? And I hope you have eaten too. I can be preachy about that today because I did eat, yeah. Don't you actually go dieting on me tho omg.. If you get any smaller you might really disappear and I for one would be very very very heartbroken if this happened.

I have a cold.. coz well, its cold. sigh. But my lip has healed in case you were wondering, lol. Benefit of lip injuries is that they tend to heal fast. Not my first, probably won't be my last, lol.

Ah but I am onto the next dilemma already! I am trying to figure out if you are a dream or a miracle.. I think given I am not sleeping and therefore may actually BE asleep it could go either way right now. Obviously I would prefer you to be a miracle because if you are a dream that means you will go away when I wake up and I would like you to be somewhere in my life for .. well the rest of it if possible please.

I guess I should climb into bed and pretend to sleep again, lol
Please have a nice night and sleep well when you can.
I love you so very much.













昔はほぼ洋楽しか聴かなかったけど、今はK-POPしか聴かない私もCOLD PLAYはちょっと知ってたよ。シンくんがかけてくれた代表曲、大好き🎼❤️🎶シンくんもCOLD PLAYが好きで、なんかうれしかった❤️



今週もシンくんchoiceの曲が良くて😍👏coldplayさん好きです(^ ^)✨









I hope you had the best day you could. And to please look for the joy in your day. It's out there, I promise.

I'm probably not looking after myself as well as i could right now. But my life kind of changed on me and it was both the most amazing thing and the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. I know I can do it, it's just going to be very hard.. but everything worth doing is always going to be more difficult, right? And I want this, so I'll make it through.. I always find a way.

I'm going to try to get myself back on my feet again tomorrow. Um... today, lol. I have to eventually.

How is OOO going? I am sure you're going to give it your best shot anyway. honestly it's just scary to look at all those pieces, but it really isn't. it's a bit like anxiety. it looks overwhelming at first but by the end you realise it was easier than you thought it would be. you just need to push forward against your own doubts. This is my every day so i am an expert on this one. and i like your concept because i firmly believe that you will regret the things you didn't do more than you will ever regret anything you did do. So i Hope you always see it through. I'll be here giving you my support every time.

There is so much more I want to say but for all my going to bed I've not slept all that will this past few weeks. I'm really very exhausted and if I want to do as I say tomorrow then I should try to sleep again..
Please have a good sleep tonight and beautiful dreams.
I love you so much.


Shin-Kun 안녕! happy02

어제 큰 조언에 감사합니다. 역시 우리 리더님 너무 현명한요. good
지금부터 나는 다른 사람들로부터의 부정적인 것을 무시하려고 노력할 것이다.

아! 나도 장어와 잡채 좋아해요. 나는 한번 잡채를 만들렀어.
그래서 아직도 맛 없다. 다음에 다시 도전 할 거야. restaurant
그리고 태오한테 더 많은 이야기를 듣는 것이 좋다.

오늘은 어땠어요? 뭐 했어요? 나는 너무 궁금해요. 잘하고있어지?
보고싶어요. 다음 Vlive를 기다릴게요. heart04

사랑해요~! happy02




원호군 안녕하세요 .
어제밤도 츄스데이 즐거웠어요^^
그리고 태오군이 와줘서 기뻤어요♡
태오군이 심청이누나를 빠진 순간 이야기도 들울수 있어서 좋고요 ㅋㅋ 또 나와달라고 전해주세요 ㅋㅋ .
잡채는 양파도 넣으면 더 맛이있는거 같아요 .
정글의법칙 양탠2도 매주 본방사수 하고 있는데 신원호군의 새로운 매력을 폭발하고 있네요 ㅋㅋ
다양한 활동 앞으로도 기대할게요♡
