
« 今夜はシンくんの夜のチューすDAY | メイン | 今夜はMASAHARUのBack To Back »

2017年5月16日 (火)















だそうです笑 それを敬語で言えばいいんだね〜イエ〜〜〜〜頑張って イエ〜〜〜

















シン君 げんきですか?
もちろんげんきなすがたテレビでみれるし、ラジオでげんきなこえをきけるけど(^^) まだライブから1ヶ月ちょっとしかたってないけど、さみしいです…(^^;)


How has your day been? I must admit to feeling extra happy today when they posted the planet blog. It's not surprising really that you work so hard and are this amazing, but it's nice to see more of your days, even just a little bit. You really do have an incredible work ethic though and you've always impressed me like this.

The extra.. omo do I understand that position. I've traveled a lot between Sydney and Brisbane and most of the time in a car. There is almost 1000kms between the two so it's not a short trip. There has been significant improvement done to the highway between the two in recent years but back then the trip took 12 hours by car. And because of traffic through the towns on the way, people generally did the full syd to brs trip overnight. And so there is many a night i was the second person. You stayed up with the driver all night and kept them company so they didn't fall asleep. It was interesting to hear that you do the same. But of course you have that concern for the safety of all. Again I'm not surprised.

Mr Multi Idol. hehe. Glad that recognition is getting out there now. Everyone should see how incredibly versatile and talented you are. As an artist your strength really is of your own making. Every bit of it is from you. and it truly has no limit.

Ah I'm just excited to see all of this being said now. You are a professional. You are multi talented. You are an incredible, detailed actor. You are such a beautiful vocalist. And a really awesome radio dj who moonlights as a rapper. hehe.

My superstar.

I'm going to bed early tonight.
I hope you sleep really well.
I love you so much

明日の放送も楽しみにしてまぁす😍シン君、体調に気をつけてお仕事파이팅 💪



私は好きな人に「私の10%しかしらないでしょう」と言われたらどうするんだろうかな~ Hmm.. まあ、まず、その人は「好きな人」なのかそれとも「愛する人」なのか、それは大事です。


でも、もしそう言われたら、「頭の中を何パーセントが知っているかわからないですが、心の中にあるのをよく知っていると思います。」と言うかもしれません。愛している人の心がよく理解できても、頭の中(考え方)にまだまだ知らないところがあると思います。それはどうしてですか?愛している人とは心と心が繋がっているからかな。それとも、本当の愛には物質的な理路(りろ)がそんなにいらないからかな。Hmm... I need to think about it.

チャラ男シンちゃんはすごいですよ~ 今週の相談はすごくよかったんです!私は毎週の月曜日、ボス(先生?)と1-to-1の定例会があります。今までいつもすごく緊張してしまいましたが、最近、定例会にも普通にデータの話をする時も「Dr.Mooreは「先生」だけではなくて、「仲間」だ」と思っていたら定例会は凄く楽にうまくいきます。「仲間」だと思ったら、緊張もしませんし、意見はどんなにへんだと思っても先生に言ってしまいますし、本当にうれしいです~~ チャラ男シンちゃん、ありがとうございますね~ みんなに本当に役に立てると思います~

シンさん、今週の壁ドンは最高でした!!!(笑笑笑) 今までの壁ドンの中Top5にいけると思いますよ~(笑)これからもこう言う壁ドンをよろしくお願いします~ Hehehe~

じゃ、今から実権に戻ります~ 体に気をつけて、仕事を楽しみながら頑張ってくださいね^^





How was your day? I hope you are doing well. And that you're eating some good food. I forgot to eat myself again tonight but whats new there, lol. I have been pretty busy today though so its just a typical day for me.

The thing is that when I am not fully busy, my thoughts are. So no matter what, I haven't really given myself much of a break recently. Not necessarily bad but I should try to sleep more often. But the silences are hard. Although not completely physically alone, I am still very much alone most of the time. So introspection is really all I have most of the time.. and I have been doing way too much of that lately to fill in the gaps. But its also not a bad thing because I can work that much harder on my own personal goals for myself. And thats been going pretty well actually. I think I may have found the ladder back up. We'll see I guess.

Anyway, Its almost chuusday again. And monday might be good too, I dunno yet. Not quite into the daylight yet. But I am hoping you will have a good week ahead.

I can't believe it is the last full week of May already. Time really has gone so fast. I was thinking before it was 11 months ago that I first went to Japan. I landed there on the 20th of June so this past year seems to have passed so quickly. Its a bit crazy.

And this is how disorganised and chaotic my thoughts are right now. My head really is all over the place. Maybe I should sleep.

You know you're amazing, right? Smart, funny, caring, helpful, kind, bright, fair, genuine, decent, adorable, loving, sweet, fun, talented, determined, hard working, strong, beautiful and just so much more.. So so many of all the best traits a human can have and you.. you just have them all. And that is why you are truly a hero - my hero. Not in a super cool sense but in the most practical and needed way. Everyone should be like you. I am sure the world would be an incredible place to live if everyone was.

And this is just part of why I love you.

So I will sleep now.
Please have a good sleep and beautiful dreams yourself.
I love you so much.

Shape of youは少しセクシーな歌詞だけど韓国でも人気なんだね。Galway girlも最近良く聞くし

あと今週のヤンテン2と주먹쥐고 뱃고동は、シンくんのおいしい顔が沢山みれておもしろかったheart04


I am so glad we all got to see you again today! Thank you for that. And thanks to Casper too. I hope the rest of your day was good too. You seemed happy and I am so glad. Look after yourself well please. I would like for us to always have a happy and healthy Shin... and anything I can do to make sure you stay that way, consider it done..

And I got to see you more than once today. Today is a good day, haha. Really missed seeing you a lot this week as it was just one of those weeks.. but I am glad I got to today. Ah! Maybe I should only post about you on here. That seems to be luckier than my boring day, lol.

You seem to be really enjoying yourself out there now though. And, well, food. I can't tell if you're going on there for the challenge or the food. lol. Both is good. I like going on food adventures to try new things. I haven't been able to recently but I hope to be able to again soon.

And of course Shin is a genius. But I've always said that.

Its really late so I should try sleeping now.
Hopefully you're already sleeping now so I hope you sleep well.
I love you very much.

うーん、最近書き込み少なくない?まあ、V LIVEとかが始まったせいもあるかな? シン君の焼きそばコーナー続くよね~。本当に呆れるほどの味が出てくるよね~ さて、質問です!シン君はそこで焼きそばをディナー代わりに食べているのですか?www 横浜の県民ホールは2500人収容だって、だから? 今度日本全国、各県47都市コンサートツアーというのやってみたら?どうでしょう・・・(^^♪~


Hello Shin~
It's saturday, getting near to Chuusday!! Yeyy!
The yakisoba seems delicious happy01 I am happy when Shin eats delicious food~
Does it taste like tonkotsu? I also like tonkotsu happy02
Ah CandY are so lucky to get Shin's advice lovely Thank you for each of your advice. The consultation corner is really nice. I agree with Shin, we will be less nervous when we think that we're talking to friends smile
How are you today? Are you busy? I just saw Casper Vlive with special guest Shin~ It's great heart
I hope you rest and eat well even when you're busy~
Lots of love from Indonesia heart04



I hope your day went well. Really glad it's Saturday tomorrow as this week is really dragging and chuusday is still too far away. Missing you a little extra right now.

Did you eat well today? You must be really busy right now so please don't forget to look after yourself for me. For you too.. No one wants our Wonho to get sick.

Ceci photos today though. You looked amazing.. but you always look good. ShinTaku always represent Cross Gene well and always make CandY proud.. I'm glad to see you both being more appreciated. Both individually and together.

I managed to watch 10 after the show had aired. Sadly the stream I use was down so i had to wait. But these episodes and the new show are giving me so much joy. you're really so adorable when there is food around. And I get you see that at least you're getting to eat while you work.

Your shows recently are all so beautiful to watch too. I know most people prefer the usual game or skit variety for idols but this - getting to see you go out and have experiences you wouldn't normally - this is just so much better and I'm so glad i get to watch that happen. And I love how genuine your responses and reactions are. It's the most beautiful part. Like you say, Shin shows us the real Shin. That is refreshing to be honest. I don't want to see some over the top reaction to a situation that's only done like that for the laughs.. I'm not that great with expressions anyway so i miss the jokes and I definitely won't understand it if it's not genuine.

Honestly I do have a sense of humor, lol.

Really once again everyone is getting to see what a beautiful person Shin really is. No matter what way you area looking at him. The most beautiful person, both inside and out.

I hope that even more people will get to see the amazing Shin Won Ho and also appreciate the things that make him special and one of a kind like this. Even to see how hard you are working on the shows, getting hands on and doing your share, even if it's overwhelming to see. I'm proud of you. I still want the whole world to know you.. To find out more about you so that you can be loved as much as you should be.. and so they too can feel the joy of being so proud of someone so incredible.

I think it's important to always look deeper with you. sometimes I'm spending so much time looking at your soul that I forget sometimes that you're so handsome.. but then sometimes i forget to look at your heart when I should .. because i should know better that what's inside is not always accurately reflected on the surface. I'm truly sorry for any times I forgot to trust that your heart is deeper than I can see sometimes. Please instead try to remember that I see so much more to you and I love every part of you..

I can't wait to see you on tv again tomorrow. I will sleep now hoping i can get there sooner.
Please rest well tonight too.
I love you so much.






How was your day? I hope it was good. You deserve only the best days.. I wish I could always make sure you have them.. but I'm not always the best at that. T-T

I'll try to do better in future to only make sure I only say things you can smile about. Sorry for my less than happy writings yesterday. I won't make excuses.

I have good news today in that we located the keys my brother in law lost in Sydney and all is well with my car again. And since Thursday is deadline day, all the pressure from this week is once again off my shoulders. I'm going to chill tomorrow and do some shopping and get my house back in order. Looks like someone robbed it right now with the mess I made trying to find the spare keys.

Hilarious that we found keys lost in Sydney city before we found the ones lost in my house. See. I'm hopeless. T-T

This is probably what I get for rarely using a bag.

I guess i should try sleeping again and shake off the rest of this week's stress.
I'll hopefully be back to my usual cheery self in the morning.
Please try to sleep well tonight yourself.
I love you very much


MIRROR ではヌナノマリャが見れなかったので来月放送のZepp のライブは必ず見るね💕


こんにちは WonHo!

最近、忙しすぎで全然ブログにコメントを書けなくてごめんね‼ でも、書かなくても毎週、必ず番組を聴いています。書かなくても、いつもそばにいます。

本当に焼きそばを好きだよね‼ 私も好きですよ。自分は料理人で、いろいろ物を味わいしないといけない。

I miss you! I miss you all!
Eat well! Sleep well!





豚の背中の油 ってあんまり美味しそうに見えないけどね(;´∀`)

ちなみに【焼きそば】ってさ、本当はそばじゃなくて、ラーメンだと知ってましたか? なんで焼きそばっていうんだろうね~ (・・・どっちも好きだけど( *´艸`))

『日本のラーメンはどうですか』 って聞かれたら、
やっぱり日本に来てからもう半年たったのに、ラーメン食べたこと一度もなかったのを気づきました Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ!
なので、先週、オーソドックスの 3しゅるい(とんこつ・みそ・しょゆ)のラーメンを食べてみました🍜

そして、 ラーメンの『ラー』の意味を知りたくて、ラーメン屋さんのお兄さんに聞いてみたら、彼も知らなかったそうです(;^ω^)


How are you? I hope that despite anything you are fine and had a good day. Like no matter what okay. Whether you had a normal day or something great happened or something not so great like you stubbed your toe.. anything, I hope you still had a good day. Like look for the rainbow and don't listen to crazy people.

I wish i could say I did but my day has been incredibly awful. It started bad from the moment i woke up - I overslept - and just kept going down from there. Currently my car is stuck at the local train station coz my brother in law - who was borrowing it - lost the keys at work. I can't find the spares here and well I'm going to be honest, that train station is not the kind of place I want my car to be sitting over night. I'm not too sure I will sleep well tonight at this rate. I'm still hoping to find the keys. But I'm so tired too.

Not the first thing to go missing today too. Something getting lost took up all my morning too and threw me and my day out. It may already be obvious that I don't always cope with stress well. Especially on limited sleep. On top of that i sent an email i regret, sliced my finger open on a knife, dropped my laptop, and only managed to rewrite a little bit of my paper. Hopefully it will still make sense. Also i think i let myself get hurt too easily and I need to do something about that.. If it's not the intention then I should be better at dealing with these things. sigh.

However i did remember to pay my rent today.. sadly this is a big thing coz i usually forget. lol.
oh, and my cough is gone. yay.

I did manage to spend my lunch break productively.. I tweeted about some of my favorite animated characters. lol. What? That's productive.. Like.. um.. okay so people could read about them and it might give them insight into my world. See... productive...

okay so not really. but it's there now. 100% best tweets on the internet.

Im glad you're here.. see, even at the end of a bad day, talking to you can cheer me back up. Thank you.

I should go back to trying to find my spare car keys. I probably won't though. Wanna hear a secret? I haven't seen my house keys since I moved in. I'm hopeless with keys. You could give me the keys to your heart and I'll misplace them in 3 seconds flat. So like don't trust me with them xD

Okay. Please please please sleep really well tonight and have very beautiful dreams.
I love you more than I love chocolate and coffee. ♡♡♡♡♡





シンくん、お疲れ様でした^ ^


会社で思い出し笑いしてしまいました^ ^

안녕하세요 . 어제밤도 즐거웠어요.
ペヤング사 관계자분이 라디올 들어주셨으면 CF일이라도 ㅋㅋㅋ 아무래도 맛있게 먹었으니 다행이였어요 .
えいせいげきじょう ZEPP 라이브 방송 기대할게요 ♡♡♡
정글의법칙 스마토라편 끝났네요 ㅜㅜ
고생이 많았어요 진짜로 .
그래도 즐거웠다고 했으니 다행이고 그런 원호군이 자랑스러워요 .
예능계 불루집 라이징스타 신원호님 !!!! 양텐2도 뱃고동도 홧틴 !!! 물론 츄스데이도요 ♡♡
