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2017年7月 4日 (火)


さあ〜ウィンくんの質問は「僕がCROSS GENEのメンバーだったら何やればいい?」







そしてルームシェアの話は、CROSS GENEと一緒に暮らしているので、










山好きだよね〜 シンくん水持ってきてくれたね〜やさしい!!




heart04みなとみらいKINGDOM SUMMER 2017 
E★K radio 公開収録 決定!
クイーンズスクエア横浜1Fクイーンズサークル 観覧無料


月曜日担当 森崎ウィン(PrizmaX)


水曜日担当 MASAHARU(FlowBack)



(CROSS GENEはシンくんのみの出演)




How are you?! I hope you are doing really well! You have a lot coming up I see. Always busy Shin.. I hope you are looking after yourself too.

HA! I made it through Monday and got to Chuusday! Go me! Chuusday is special today for two reasons. One of course being Chuusday. But today is the birthday of someone who is important to me. I hope I can give her a good day. She's only young, but she's very smart.. I always say you should listen to wisdom from everyone.. even those younger than you have things to teach you.. I don't always manage to listen to everything myself. I should, aye?

Sometimes I don't think I do a good job looking after others though.. So I've kinda been stressed about this. Wish me luck, huh.. I'm getting myself sorted out again though.

I can't believe how slow this last week went.. I hope they're not all planning on being like this, lol. But its chuusday so I will just be happy I got here.

Anyway, cold, late, and I have a busy day ahead of me. So I should go to bed. I hope you have a good sleep tonight.
I love you very much.


チョンゲサンでシン君がお水をもってきてくれたとき、あげる♪って言ったひびきが、なつかしくて、なんだっけってかんがえてて、そうだ!せいたんさい のときの、あげる♪ってひびきだった(〃'▽'〃)って♡
わたしの おうちの ちかくにも、山があります。たくさん のぼったこと あるよ(^^)
シン君の山めぐりで 来てくれたら いいな~♡

commentするのが とてもひさしぶりになってしまいました😭🙏🏻
でもいつもradioちゃんときいてますよ😊message✉️もおくってます…が、ぜんぜん よまれないのだよ😭いつも かなしくなり へこみます。

韓国の山⛰は、マッコリがあるんですね💕 私は、ちいさいころから お父さんと山にのぼっていたので、山のぼりも好きだしマッコリも大好きです❤️ お父さんは、韓国にも山のぼりに行ってます!こんど、マッコリのんだかきいてみますねㅋㅋㅋㅋ
なんでだろう?山とマッコリが好きだから、というのも あるけど、SHINくんと しぜんのなかでデートするのが もうそうしやすかったのかな?ㅎㅎㅎ SHINくんの なりきり彼氏もとても じょうずだったし👏🏻👏🏻


Did you have a good day today? Hopefully it was relaxing at the very least. And you enjoyed a good meal.

I kinda had a weird day. But it is over and we're back to Monday. So can we now fast forward to next weekend? lol. You'd think I was wishing my life away like this haha. Just trying to get to better days faster.

But first, chuusday. Then we can hit fast forward.

It's extra cold again today and my leg hurts. T-T Hopefully that will pass soon once it warms up.

Ah I guess I should try to sleep to get tomorrow over with.
Hope you sleep well tonight too
I love you



How are you? I hope you are well~
Heard about new variety show~~ I'm excited and look forward to it~ But I'm also worried you might be overworking...Take care of yourself, okay? FiGHTiNG! <3


How are you? I hope you had a good day. I do wonder how you spend each day sometimes. But its good to see that it has both work and play in a week for you.

Saturday is over and Shinday is here.

Shin has a really amazing name though. You are the sunshine that brightens my day, so it suits you. It's also remarkably similar to what my name means. I was quite surprised to hear that. Isn't it funny when things like that happen.

My name has been broken up though for a bunch of reasons. And despite that, Australians still pronounce part of it wrong. -_- Basically I dropped my family name. But government departments still require you to have a surname. So because I was on my own and I was only using part of my given name in English, I put the rest of my given name in as my surname. And that's the story of why my name is confusing. lol.

My brother in law hates it though and still calls me Nat.. But I guess since my sister's is Kat, that seems easier to him.

I think it's best to stick to Summer though as it causes less confusion for people.

I'm still working on the logistics of my trip over. Finding people to fill in for me over here. It's difficult coz I'm still not 100% sure on what I'm doing.. I'm hoping to work it out soon as i should book my flight soon. I'm pretty hopeless at this stuff lol

Anyway, I'm freezing so I should sleep. I hope you sleep well tonight too.
I love you very much

SHINくん こんばんは😊


今のE★K radioの3人は、2年前のSwishで共演してたんだね!あのときは楽しかったけど、5時間くらい立ちっぱなしで、おわったらすごくつかれてたcoldsweats01

あのころとくらべると、日本でCROSS GENEのライブをみるきかいが少なくなってさびしいですweep今年は、日本でもう1回ライブをみれるといいな









Hello hello Shin~

Shin Wonho, beautiful name as you are and it's really suitable with you. Shin is a man who causes everything to be sunny and happy (well, you always make me happy ^^)

Korean lunch boxes sounds delicious. I love korean food, when I go to korean restaurant, I always end up to eat a lot coldsweats01 And that's also happen if I eat japanese food. I love it all. Hehe..

Boyfriend roleplay Shin is so sweet~ Mountain is indeed beautiful, the air is refreshing and the ambience is relaxing. Everything would be much more beautiful when it is together with Shin, right happy02

Ah, it's Sangmin birthday~ Happy birthday to Sangmin and I hope all of you had a blessed day and always be happy and healthy ^^

Good luck for the public broadcast, Shin. I'm sure it would be super fun~~

Good night, Shin. Love you heart


I hope you are doing well. That you're remembering to eat and rest and look after yourself. You seem to have yourself busy between work and having fun though so I will be happy about that.

The new show looks interesting, hehe. This may be a lot of fun to watch. Mr "everything is a hassle" is going to be doing everything for other people. You can come help out at my place if you want. I barely get the time to get near the washing machine, lmao.

I'm looking forward to it.

Ah what else have I not got to from Chuusday yet..

Oh, Room share..

I think the advantages/disadvantages of room share is based entirely on who you are sharing with. There will be some people that sharing with them will be extremely difficult or worse. People that you would rather sleep in your car than share a house with, lol. If they're bad at paying their bills, don't clean up after themselves, take all your food and then complain at you all the time, they're not people you can see an advantage to sharing with, are they?

Then so much in the middle - the 50/50 people. They pay their bills and eat their own food but they're not overly communicative and you share very little in common.

I am glad that Cross Gene are on the better side of that for Shin.

Of course, then there is the people that you can only see 100% for.. I think those people tend to be dating or married though, lol. Because couples share all the time, and this really isn't even a question they're asked, is it? Nor one they think about. Because really thats a share situation too, and its just natural to them.

I have shared with people who were all over the scale for this. Some I was happy they were there, the same 80/20 like you - that would be my sister and brother in law. Others it was 50/50 on. Some we had 20/80.. they were bad at remembering to pay rent, took over most of the house even though I paid most of the rent, and got upset at me that I took the master bedroom.. but it was the only one my bed was going to fit in, lol. And again.. I was paying most of the rent, lmao.

Then others where I wish I could have gotten out of it sooner.

So I guess I have had every one but the 100%.. Maybe one day I will get lucky enough, lol.

But yes.. I think Shin's 80/20 is because that is they type of people that Cross Gene are.. and I think that speaks quite well of them that the 20 is merely a lack of your own time rather than anything they have done. I am always happy to hear about what amazing people Cross Gene are.

Ah its going to be a slow, annoying weekend here now. I hope it doesn't go as slow as I am afraid it will.

Anyway. I hope Sangmin had an awesome day too. And I should look to trying to sleep again.
I hope you rest well tonight too.
I love you very much



How are you doing? I hope you are still looking for the beautiful parts of a day to make sure they are always good. It helps even on harder days to only take the good moments into the next day. I'm not exactly very good at doing this myself though. I will keep trying tho.

Did you eat? I'm trying not to overdo it at the moment. I think my hunger making a return isn't necessarily all good so I'm trying to manage that again. I'm prone to comfort eating, which is not always a good thing.

I tried to watch Ten2 tonight but it was difficult. I'll try again later when it's hopefully not as much...

And it's Mini's birthday. Please let him know that I love him dearly and hope he has a good day. I hope everything made it in time. I'm not sure because the tracking hasn't updated at all.. I'll check into it tomorrow just to be sure. I should have done so sooner but my head has been trying to process a lot of information this week. It's feeling very overwhelmed.

I guess I should try to rest. This week is already going slow enough. Although I'm not keeping up with it very well.
I hope you will get some sleep tonight too.
I love you very much

韓国の山のぼってみたいです✨韓国のけしきが好きなので。でも山で おさけのんだら、あるくの たいへんそう🤣あ、なりきり彼氏 最高でした❤️

안녕하세요 신찬!! (≧▽≦)
잘 지냈어요?? 미안해 급한 일이 있어서 말이예요 어제 ㅠㅠ
고마워요 위해서 대박! 라디오 쇼우~~ ^^

Oh you've been asked which name you prefer to be called.. and you've responded you're happy to be called in any ways~ Im sorry I've been calling you so many names (>ω<) like 'my happy pill' because every time I see you smile my day is brighter and complete! 'my 장구야' because you said you like to be called like that by your girlfriend but Im not 😂😄 but I find it really cute'장구' reminds me of the famous cartoon character 'shin-chan' is that why you liked to be called as '장구야' because of it too?? Well anyways it doesnt matter 😂 I also call you 'baby or precious' because everytime I see you I have this thought always that you must be protected at all costs xD. I also call you '신오빠' and I think this is the most appropriate one since you're a few years older than me~ :D

Ahh I see your name 원호 has a meaning behind which means hope/wishing to have a clear sky or sunny weather?? I love names with great meaning behind it~ my name has too and its great victory or joyous victory. Well anyways, I think your name suits you perfectly (^o^) because you really have a bright personality and for me, I think you also have the ability to make a person smile :D just like these past few days when you update your instagram its always filled with positivity and it makes me happy always ♥♥♥

Any kind of roleplay that 신친 does is always amazing~ but my most favorite is the boyfriend roleplay, but I wonder why you're shy with it lol xD but its still sweet and cute as always (≧∇≦)b Best of luck for your public broadcast radio show Im sure you'll do great! 아자 아자 파이팅 always~ 💪💪

너무 사랑해요! 내 소중한 베이비, 해피 알약, 장구야~ 💕💋

Thank you so much for another amazing program this week~ I'm late to comment but was on time to listen *hehe* Even my roommates know I got シンくんのラジオ to listen to on Tuesdays. It's a sweet kind of routine, especially in the dorms where I don't have much to look forward to. Thanks for that, oppa~
I wish to hear more of CROSS GENE members; You guys have been very quiet lately...I hope you don't over work and eat well~ FiGHTiNG~

うぉの君のなまえ、てんきがいいそらっていみなんだね~ちょうど どんな いみがあるんだろうなんて、おもってたから うれしかった(o^^o) シン君がうまれた あきのそら…大好きだなぁ~

なりきり彼氏…なれてきたかんじ してたね(^^ )チョンゲサンのシン君のしゃしん をみてたから、山のきもちよさが、つたわってきたよ♪


How was your day? Did you eat? I hope you are looking after yourself well. But you did look really well in the photo yesterday so I shall hope that is a yes. Today was busy for me. Had the meeting and then a power issue to deal with.. I just wanted coffee, lol. So much for working less. -_-

Cheonggyesan sounds like a nice place to go. Used to go drinking in the mountains too, but possibly not the same thing. I don't actually drink very often, possibly because when I do I tend to go for liqueurs. I am definitely doing my body a favour by not overdoing them, lol. Also, I utterly hate hangovers and will go out of my way to avoid them.

Hiking in the mountains here can be an adventure. There is very few paths that were constructed. Generally that is only done where it would be dangerous now without the effort. Otherwise its just whats been worn in by other hikers. Sometimes you will find a lookout but for the most part, its just bush all around you the whole way.

When I moved back to Sydney we stayed in some cabins that were really at the very heart of the mountains. There was pretty much no mobile reception there though so that made things a bit difficult on me. But we would be surrounded by birds in the morning and spiders at night, lol. There were some hiking trails around there and my brother in law was dying to get out there on some but when we got to the start, most of them were closed. When fire or storms change the dynamics of the path, they close them so they can do whatever is needed to make sure they are safe for people to walk.

We have 4WD trails up there too! A lot of people here love those. The mountains I live near stretch north to south many hundreds of kms. I've traveled north along the blue mountains for over 10 hours straight before. But even east to west it is a good 3 hour trip to the other side of the mountains too. So there is a lot of room for everything there. The area the blue mountains cover is slightly larger than 10% of the total area of South Korea... They're huge. I haven't been hiking in a long time, but with mountains like that in your back yard, I used to go hiking quite a lot.

Aye, my laptop is having some serious issues so I have to post now so I can restart it, or I may lose this post completely and have to start again. D:
I have already lost the post button on this page O.o
Copy paste it is.
It hasn't been restarted in about 2 weeks so yeah its gonna get that way, lol.
I hope you sleep well tonight.
I love you very much








