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2018年2月13日 (火)

Sick Boy?






そのあとにかかった曲が「Sick Boy」でした。なんだか不思議です!!痛い男笑


冬季オリンピック 동계올림픽 (トンゲオリムピク)

聖火台 성화대 (ソンファデ )

選手 선수(ソンス)

金メダル 금메달(クンメダル)

銀メダル 은메달(ウンメダル)

銅メダル 동메달(トンメダル)















CROSS GENEの1年ぶりの単独ライブ

4月30日(月 祝)17時30分開演 国際フォーラムホールC



今日もラジオ화이팅 💪💪💪

Good morning 🌸
Yey! It's finally Chuusday~ I can't wait to listen your radio^^ Are you doing great today? Please take time to rest and have good meals 💕 Hopefully Shin always be happy and healthy. Last night you posted photo on instagram~ Thank you. That's a really wonderful photo. Like Shin said on the caption, I like Nii as well. Nii clothes are great and looks even greater because of you. Heheh 😊
I took a day off today because of stomachache 😣, but I am okay and I am still happy as it's Chuusday. I will take a rest while waiting for Chuusday radio from you. I hope you are well and having lots of fun^^
Take care and see you soon.
I love you 💖💖

원호군 ^^ 어떤 설날을 보냈어요 ?
좋은 일이 가득한 1년이 되면 좋겠네요.
내일 라디오 기대하면서 기다릴게요 :-D



How are you today? I hope you're having a really good day. if it were in my power to make it even better, I would without hesitation.
Did you eat well? are you staying warm? Did you have fun today? are you happy? please look after yourself really well.

I'm still waiting for my chance to comeback and see you all again.. I'm still hoping for a chance sooner than the concert but it's not really up to me T-T sigh. no date yet.. such a bummer

But I know you guys are just as anxious to comeback too so we can cry together. lol

i am tired tonight so I'll end this here and try to sleep again.
Please sleep really well tonight too
Thank you for making my life better every day
I love you so much


きょうは げつようび!
あした シン君のラジオだねo(^o^)o♪♡♪
きょうも シン君のこと かんがえながら のりきります♡∞

Hello hello 💕
Did you have a great weekend? I hope you can do things you like and having fun~ And hopefully you could take time for a good rest and a good meal^^
I am happy today. Do you know why~ I got Shin for my Omikuji 💖 It's been a while so I am really glad to get omikuji message from you~ If I am not mistaken to read it *with the help of translating site 🤣*, you said that we're not alone since Cross Gene is with us. It's so sweet and lovely. Thank you, Shin 😊 Let's continue to be together for a very very long time, Cross Gene and CandY 😘
Good night and have a great week ahead~
I love you, Wonho-san 🌸



How are you today? I really hope that you had a really good day. Did you eat some good food? And you're looking after yourself and finding some fun in each day, right? Each day is a gift, so we should always give it a good memory. Even in hard or dark times, the smallest little thing in a day can become it's bright and beautiful memory.. and if we don't pay attention for the good things we may miss them completely.. so remember to always look for that brightness, in whatever form it may take, and appreciate that it came to us by recognising and remembering it when you need the memory of it to get you thru the darker moments. Some days will always be harder than others.. and whenever I can I'll be here or working to add to your day.. because then I can be sure that you will never have a day that lacks even the tiniest light..

Sunday has all but ended here.. which means very soon now I'll be blessed with the sound of your voice once again. Only just over 50 hours until then.. I'll be counting down each hour..

I'm not sure if you're aware but you're really the most amazing person. I too have my own treasure box of the best memories to help me through each day.. And you gave me so many of them.. I visit them often, not just when things are tough but also when I'm happy, just to feel the warmth of them.. also when i need to be inspired.. and when I feel my self worth slipping away again.. It is such a difficult thing to keep.. Truth be told, few people in this world will let you keep it.. They'll attack it, both openly and behind your back.. stripping it away little by little.. It's so cruel out there.. maybe that's why it's so hard for me to function it there.. it's not just the anxiety.. i also feel scared.. people really are scary.. and the more you try to stand up for yourself, the more vicious they become.. so yeah.. i guess that's why it's so hard to talk sometimes..
But you were so different to so many people.. where they see fault, you accept that is me.. where they demand change, you tell me to stay true to who I am.. and where they want to tell me that they hate me so I should hate me too, you tell us that you love us, and I should love me too..
Where they want to remove my sense of self worth, you want me to have it..
And so those memories.. The memories of your beautiful patience and persistence to speak to me when Mr fear left me mute.. That when I fell asleep in the wrong place, you showed concern and then so much gratitude.. To even the little things where you worried about my phone because it was not in a case..
And on the days that I feel the darkest inside, those memories are in there and light up my soul again..
And as I've said, I've been going thru such an ordeal.. and tbh it went for so long, and these people were so vicious that somewhere inside, I actually started to believe them..
But because of you I had the belief in me to gather the evidence and stand up for myself.. and for the first time win instead of surrender..

I know me. I know who I am.. and now this one thing has passed, I think the strength you gave me gave me the ability to validate myself to the only person I ever needed validation from.. Me..

So yeah, you're pretty amazing you know..

This is also how you gave me those wonderful friends.. Aside from them being CandY, I learnt what kind of friends I wanted to have.. that I deserved to have.. I learnt that from you too.. because if there is one person in this world I would want add my friend because of who they are, it would be you.. so there is a little bit of you in each one of them lol.

Anyway, I should try to sleep now.. Early day again tomorrow.
Please sleep well tonight my amazing Wonho..
I love you so much

シンくん ライブ ありがとう😆💕✨
待ってました‼ 絶対行く‼と決めてるけど 次の日が 火曜日で 子供の学校😭 どう乗りきるか提案中😢 とりあえず いい考えを探してみるね❤
絶対 行くからね☺

Hello hello Shin~
Are you having fun today? I hope you do, and I also hope that you got time to rest well and eat healthy food. I just noticed previously you mentioned that you like white chocolate~ I love it too, but my favorite is the one with nuts, maybe almond or cashew. I think the mix between chocolate and nuts are really delicious. Hehehe Have you tried it before and do you like it? happy01
Good night and sleep well^^
I love you heart04


How was your day? I hope you are having a nice weekend so far. I hope you're always remembering to eat well. Forgetting to eat is such a pain sometimes lol. But I'm doing better there. I'm kinda hoping you get to sleep in on weekends right now. lol. I know it's hard for you to get to sleep at first so that's why I hope you're not having too early a morning atm.. even if sometimes you have to, it would be nice if sometimes you don't.

Today I had a quiet day myself. I did get to talk to a lot of my friends today tho and that made me feel better.. Sometimes it's hard for me to. Sometimes it's draining just thinking about it. It's not about them of course. I love them all.. They're my friends and they're so important to me.. But there are some days - sometimes even weeks - where I simply cannot find the energy, the strength or even the will to socialise.. in those times, every notification, every message and every call gives me a great deal of anxiety.. But that's why my friends that I have now are all so important to me.. because each of them understands.. It's just how I am.. I cannot control it.. I don't even understand it tbh.. And these friends are so special.. because they'll check on me from time to time, but also they don't push me back when I'm not yet ready.. and then when I can do it again, we just pick straight back up like I was never gone..
It's so important to have those people who love you just as you are.. and that's what family does right? And I have them in my life now because of you, remember.. A precious gift that you gave to me..

It's funny though.. even when I feel like that, I can always keep talking to you.. Maybe it's because it's not a conversation.. I'm just leaving a message.. 😊 But I'm gonna go with it's just that you're too special to me that I'll never leave you go a day without love from me lol.

Because of all this, it always makes me so happy when I can talk to them more easily.. I don't want to be alone.. not really.. I don't think anyone does.. that's another good thing about being able to still talk to you.. it means I'm never alone..

And with that I'll finish this post now. please sleep well tonight and dream the best dream.
Thank you for being the reason that no matter what, I'm never really alone..
I love you so much my Wonho

韓服姿👘が大人(おとな)っぽくて とても素敵でした。😍👍さすがにもうお年玉(としだま)はもらってないよね?😀








ライブでシンくん、CROSS GENEの元気な姿見れるの楽しみにしてます💋

새해 복 많이 받으세요.
😉설날 연휴 잘 보냈어요?
인스타그램에서 크로스진의 새해 인사를 봤어요!
😍CROSS GENE 컴백을 기대할게요.
항상 응원할게요.💪

Happy Lunar New Year~~

Sorry for not commenting here for a while despair These past couple of days are full of work then Chinese new year preparation. At home, my mom prepared few dishes which are all delicious, pork stew, bak kut, pindang with fish, boiled shrimp accompanied by chili sauce and minced garlic. And we also had meatballs, noodles, satay, Indonesian salad served with peanut sauce and lots of cookies and sweets. Ooops sorry I've been talking about food for this long coldsweats01

My Chinese New Year celebration always includes food and family. We usually gather in my grandma's house for the whole day or more. Yesterday we visit our grandma house and today my grandpa's grave. This year is a bit sad actually because one of my cousin is not here. She is in college in another country and I miss her so much. She is so sweet and lovable. I hope we will meet again soon.

Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year Shin~ I hope you enjoy the celebration and have a great time. I guess in Korea, you celebrate this new year too, right? I saw Cross Gene with hanbok and it was so beautiful. I love it so much. weep You guys look so charming and handsome heart04 And I would like to thank you too for your instagram update. Your photos are one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Shin looks perfect as always and that red hanbok looks really incredible on you.

Now, I just want to say that your radio on Chuusday is amazing as always. Thank you lovely

Boyfriend Shin is so lovely and adorable. I love listen to your expression when receiving the chocolate. It seems that Boyfriend Shin will be back again to reply the chocolate from this Valentine? Hihih smile On high school, there's also a time when we preparing chocolate and distribute them to people in our class. It was fun. My friends and I melted the chocolate, mixed it and made it into various shape, color and topping delicious By the way, I also same with Shin. I never late to come to school. Hehehee

Please teach me Korean corner is amazing. I guess if Shin is 선수 in 올림픽, you must've get 금메달~ You will always get 금메달 in my eyes^^

Kabedon is great. It was a simple message, but just like always, Shin always make me happy. It is because whatever you're doing is amazing, and I love you happy01

Woah, sorry if this is getting too long. Thank you for giving your time to read it until now wink

Take care and I hope you will always be happy and healthy~

I love you, Wonho-kun heart01

새해복 많이 받으세요 🌸✨
きのうはインスタで すてきな韓服すがたのしゃしんを見せてくれてありがとう💕とてもよくおにあいでした❤️ひさしぶりに最近のシンくんの顔がみれて、うれしかったよ😊😊💕

あと、今日からはじまる20世紀少年少女 楽しみだよ💓やっと字幕でみれるから、うれしい〜😊💗

새해복 많이 받으세요 ✨
즐거운 설날을
사랑 ♡♡♡

새해 복 많이 받아~
가족들과 멤버들과 함께 즐거운 설날을 보냈으면 좋겠어!
인스타그램에서 한복을 입은 원호를 봤어!
너~~~~~무 잘 어울렸어💕너무 멋있어💕💕
한복의 색갈도 너무 좋았어👍굿

그럼 설날연휴를 잘 지내~
잘 자☺️


안녕하세요 원호오빠~ ヽ(^。^)ノ
새해 복 많이 받으세요 😄♥️🎉
I'm sorry my comment for this week's radio is so late ㅠㅠ I've been really busy and always tired since Wednesday because of my exams~ hoping that it would turn out alright.. Btw, how are you?? I really hope you're happy and doing what you want and staying healthy most of all~ aahh but Im very happy!! After my draining days, I finally saw you all together again as a group 😭😍 I truly missed seeing you all together like that and being happy and hopefully healthy as well~ Cross Gene are truly my stress reliever and one of my source of strength 💕 You all look so wonderful in Hanbok especially you of course :) the Red Hanbok suits you so perfectly like that color was really made for you 💘 I love seeing you all wearing traditional clothes because each of your charming and manly sides truly shows 💓

The radio last Chuusday was very awesome as always~! From the intro, to your choice of songs, teach me korean corner and boyfriend roleplay~ I loved it all! Thank you very much for making our Valentine's memorable even just through this 😄💖 there's no such thing as 'giri-choko' here in our country but instead the couples were the only one who gives chocolate to each other or sometimes from a friend for people whose single lol~ and wooooow, that is so thoughtful and generous of you to give everyone a giri-choko 😊💕 but well as expected from you, you love making people happy and feel loved as always~ 💓 I hope you got something in return too during your school days because you deserve so much more than that :)

The boyfriend roleplay was awesome~ the background music is one of my favorite from Yoon Mirae 💕 oh, and I like white chocolates too~ I love all the varieties of chocolate haha because whenever i eat those it makes me happy 😊

Happy Lunar New Year again~! 🐶 I wish you all the happiness, love, luck, success and good health 😄 I hope you were able to spend this day with lots of foods and laughs because its what you deserve always ♥️
Have a great weekend ahead~
I love you so much 😘


Happy Lunar New Year to you my hero. I hope that this year of the dog will treat you so kindly. And if it doesn't, I will instead, hehe.

Did you have a good day today? I hope you ate really well for the new year and enjoyed yourself some too. It's getting warmer in Seoul I see, but keep yourself warm until the sun warms you every day again. It is cooling down here at last, especially at night. I'm glad as the heat really was quite draining.

Hopefully everything I did today means progress in my life will be made quickly. I'm honestly upset that it has been dragged out this long so perhaps now I finally have others focused we can finish it easily.

Perhaps it is the effect of the new year hehe.

Thank you for all the beautiful posts today. We were so blessed by Cross Gene today. ♡ You really looked so handsome in your hanbok. I actually look forward to seeing you in one with my own eyes. Hopefully with that beautiful smile of yours on your face too..

I miss you and cross gene a lot still.. I truly can't wait to see you all again soon.. I want to cheer you on again as loud as I can.. yeah okay I'll probably mess up my throat again but omg it will be worth it.. If I'm gonna start yelling and screaming, it may as well be in support of the people I love the most.

ok, I'll try to get some sleep now.
Please try to sleep well too.. I know you're busy but you still need your rest.
Thank you for your efforts today and every day.
I love you so much Shin Wonho

신군, 새해 복 많이 받으세요^^
올한해 좋은 일, 행복한 일이 많이 있으시길 빌고,
원하시는 일이 다 이루어지길 빕니다❤

한복, 잘 어울리시네요❤

새해 복 많이 받으세요🐶❤



