そしてシンくんが、CROSS GENEの話しをしてくれましたが、
「今年も最高なパフォーマンス頑張ります。心配しないでください。僕たちCROSS GENEはみなさんのそばにいます。約束します」と!!
昨日はメンバーのヨンソクのお誕生日でしたが、CROSS GENEのメンバーで過ごせたのでしょうか。
投稿: 愛 | 2018年1月 9日 (火) 15:13
Happy Chuusday, Shin 💕
Did you sleep well last night? I hope you had a great time yesterday and today and everyday ☺️☺️
Oh no it seems that I forgot to write my name previously 😰Sorry if I confuse you. I won't forget again now. Hehehe~
Another update from you on instagram, I love it. Your posts are always awesome, and the most recent photo is beautiful 😘 Your outfit is nice and I love that jacket especially 😆 Thank you so much each time for sharing with us. Any update from you is special and make me happy~
See you soon for the radio 💖💖
I love you~
投稿: devina | 2018年1月 9日 (火) 09:37
안녕하세요 원호오빠~ ヽ(^。^)ノ
Yayy! It would be Chuusday again few hours from now, can it be just Chuusday everyday? 😍😂 Ahhh if only its possible haha! By the way, your instagram update earlier was very wonderful to stare for number of hours because everything on it was on point~ the background, your outfit, and of course your own existence 💕 I mean, I'm sure that picture would still look beautiful and perfect without those, because everything around you becomes brighter and happy 😄♥️ oh and with the caption '어디가?' I can't help but to wonder where you're going to lol. Wherever it is, I hope you had lots of experience and memories 💕
Also, I saw there's an upcoming show that you'll appear at 해요TV im looking forward for it~! We always believe that you could do anything 😄
Its almost 2am here so I'll sleep now~
I hope you're resting now and will have a great day this Chuusday ♥️
영원히 너무 사랑해요 원호오빠~ 😘💕
投稿: 유니 -eunicorncandy- (필리핀) ♡ | 2018年1月 9日 (火) 02:42
I hope you had a really nice day today. ♡ I hope that you all could have a nice time together for Yongseok's day today.And I hope he had a really great day today too.
Ah it is the last post here before chuusday! I'm excited for chuusday this week.. and Thursday too haha. I will post for that soon too. I'm glad that there's so much Shin this week and I thank you for being such a sweet idol for CandY. You take such great care of us and i am unable to say the words i want to, but hope you understand anyway. You have made this CandY so very happy and I feel peace and comfort and happiness that I've not expected. My superhero ♡ I will continue to hold onto those feelings so that they never leave me again because i want to always be this happy.
well there is still Wednesday which weighs on my mind. but it is almost over too. I'm not a very brave person but i think my determination on this one will hopefully do the work of my lacking courage. then Thursday we get to see you again and Friday I'm going out for dinner! exciting week aye? see the blessings you bring.. and 2018 has only just started.
I should sleep now. please sleep really soundly when you go to sleep too!
I love you so much my Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2018年1月 9日 (火) 00:04
投稿: kanruna | 2018年1月 8日 (月) 18:37
Hello hello Shin~
Do you had fun on weekends? Thank you for your updates for these few days. Your updates make the first weekend on 2018 to be so special^^ I hope you are happy too when sharing updates with us~
Ah, today I am a bit late to go to work
It's because the streets begin to be crowded. I guess people start to work/go to school just today. Tomorrow I will wake up earlier so I won't be late again^^ And tommorow is Chuusday~ Yey. I am really looking forward to listen your radio again.
What are your plans for today? Are you busy today? I hope whatever that is, you will enjoy it and having fun
Take care~
I love you
投稿: | 2018年1月 8日 (月) 12:02
안녕하세요 원호오빠~!! (≧▽≦)
How are you these days?? I saw your consecutive updates on Instagram aaaahhh~!! I always feel some relief whenever you post anything on Instagram because even just through there I know what's going on with you and it seems you're doing good so I'm very grateful and happy for it 😄😍 it never fails to complete my day as always 💘 so i hope you'll keep updating if it won't take much of your time, but if you can't of course we understand 😊💞 also, you did well on your Photoshoot for NII like you've always been~ you really make us more and more proud of you each moment that we've known you! Ah, can I mention this again? Not to be cheesy or too sweet but you're one of the biggest reason why I look forward for every single day of my life~ because with every work or activity that you have you always put your best effort on it 😍 so I want to be like you and do my best for everything as well! You're truly an inspiration ♥️ sorry I can't express this fully in words 😅
Btw, your update earlier made my decision on what style of eyeglasses I should choose haha i love this coincidence~ earlier at the mall, I really had a hard time what frame of glasses to buy 😂 but when you post that short adorable vid of yours gave me an idea that i should choose that style because it suits you perfectly~ lol i know I don't look as perfect as you but it drived me to try that style of glasses too haha 🙈😅
Tomorrow is my first day of school this 2nd semester of my academic year 2018-2019.. Aahhh im so nervous but, I want to leave everything behind last 2017 all of the negativity, failures, sadness at school i want to move on from it because i won't grow if i lived on the past right? And I always remember your remarkable words where you've said that no matter what happens I shouldn't give up on my goal and try my hardest always 😄💪🏻💕 I won't make this longer lol its 1AM here 😅 I hope you're sleeping well now and did had a a great weekend!!
May you'll have lots of positivity and smiles this week too! 😊 I can't wait for Chuusday 😍💖 Let's always do our best!! I always believe in everything that you do my my happy pill 😆💕 파이팅 항상~!! 💪🏻💪🏻♥️ 영원히 너무 사랑해요 나의 모든것 😘😘
投稿: 유니 -eunicorncandy- (필리핀) ♡ | 2018年1月 8日 (月) 02:15
投稿: ま り こ | 2018年1月 8日 (月) 00:15
How was your day? I hope you had a really nice day. I hope you ate some nice meals and chilled out for a while.
It was insanely hot here today and I've got really bad ringing in my ears and breathing today so I'm hoping i feel better tomorrow. it's either the heat or the change in diet to help me with my 2018 goals.. not about size or looks but totally about good health so I'm not hurting myself deliberately lmao. My body probably just freaking out over how much less coffee I've drunk this week lol. it's been replaced with iced honey tea.. ^_^
I'm really tired too.. But I'm really excited because we're so close to chuusday again. It's been an interesting week for me so I'm glad to be reaching another new week and another chuusday. I'm actually feeling pretty hopeful as there has been good outcomes no matter the challenges.. and Wednesday is my scariest one yet so it will be nice to go into that with Shin's voice from the day before.. I will actually be alone for that which i didn't want to be but the timing was bad for my sister.. pity. personally i want it done sooner but can only take what you've got, right.
ok i need to sleep again so I can get a break from the noise in my ears T-T
please sleep well tonight too my hero
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2018年1月 7日 (日) 22:42
投稿: 愛 | 2018年1月 7日 (日) 22:08
投稿: kanruna | 2018年1月 7日 (日) 20:32
Hello hello Shin^^
Are you having fun today? I hope you do. Mine was fun too~ My mom and I visited my grandma today. It was nice, we're talking about many things and having lunch together. It's been a while since I met her (I think it's last month) and I am happy that she looks happy and healthy
Thank you for your instagram updates. It's always nice to see your updates^^ I hope you enjoy the NII photo shoot, you look so handsome and the clothes are really nice
Ah congrats on your new shows. Both sounds really interesting. I am sure Shin would shine so bright on those shows as always. Can't wait to watch it~ I hope I could find a way to watch them^^
Seems that you start to be busy again. I am happy for it, but remember to take time to rest and eat well
Shin to be always happy and healthy are the most important things~
Happy weekend~
I love you
投稿: devina | 2018年1月 7日 (日) 03:48
今年もシンくんの かつやくを楽しみにしています(*^^*)
2018年、シンくんといっしょに 皆が笑顔で すごせますように(*^^*)
投稿: かんな☆ | 2018年1月 7日 (日) 00:52
How was your day? Did you eat well? It was quiet today huh? I hope it was nice anyway. I'm really tired now and it's hot here. I just want to lay under the aircon and go to sleep but my visitors just left.
some things are more stressful than others and today we turned one into a positive. I'm hoping thats the future normal for me.
Now if my other negative this month could have an equally promising happy ending. I'm just gonna keep hoping for that.
I'm going to go to sleep now and tomorrow I'll shower you in lots of love. coz you are Shin and you deserve lots of love.
Please have a nice sleep tonight too.
I love you so much my Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2018年1月 6日 (土) 23:13
Hey Yo, Shinくん!
うん…… これだけ😆😆
投稿: マカオJ | 2018年1月 6日 (土) 01:17
How was your day? Hoping you ate nicely and had some fun. I really loved your update today. You seem to be busy again and I'm looking forward to everything you're doing. I am extra glad now to see you had some days off at the end of last year as you seemed to just dive into this year too.
So you will crash course English huh? If anyone can do it, its you. I'm really excited for that one actually. I think you may be better than you will admit, even to yourself...
I tend to think that about myself a lot with myself too haha. I should know but i am defeating myself before i get to really try by believing i can't from the start.. but it's a goal to speak both to some degree by the end of the year so let's see how i go.
I will make sure to watch you straight away and let you know what I thought ^_^
I ate 2 meals today in breakfast and lunch for a change.. usually it's lunch and dinner.. i had some teas too as i needed to calm my nerves.. But I'm really tired right now as I'm very drained. I'm just also anxious to get to the 10th to get something over with. I want it completed so i can get back to worrying about my usual daily stresses.. I'm strong though as my hero Shin is always by my side. Benefits of being CandY lol ♡
Ok, I need to sleep as I have so much going on and to prepare for this weekend that I don't want to stay up too late tonight or this weekend.
Sleep well tonight my perfect Shin.
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2018年1月 5日 (金) 22:29
投稿: いまりまり | 2018年1月 5日 (金) 21:16
投稿: 愛 | 2018年1月 5日 (金) 20:32
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2018年1月 5日 (金) 02:54
投稿: 愛 | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 23:55
신군 안녕(*・ω・*)!새해복 많이 받으세요~🐶🎍
今年も沢山CROSS GENEに会えますように😌💞
投稿: ♡ むすめ ♡ | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 23:45
Did you have fun today? looks like you were busy today. You looked good though so it's never a wonder why they chose you.
But oh my you are busy again. The new shows both look interesting. The first is right before my birthday so it's really like a gift of the universe.. It will bless me with me Shin 😄
I'm really going to enjoy the second one though. You will pick it up so fast I'm sure.. ah if only i could go on such a thing in reverse..I'm really excited grateful for everything coming in 2018 that i know thus far.. I hope it keeps going up.
ok I'm actually really tired and can't e what I'm writing properly so I'll sleep now. Please sleep well too my hero
I love you so much
投稿: 夏 | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 23:19
投稿: まるちゃん | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 22:29
投稿: コスモス | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 21:28
投稿: kanruna | 2018年1月 4日 (木) 20:52