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2018年1月23日 (火)









コーンちゃんのことばかり笑 コーンちゃんに嫉妬しちゃいますね〜〜heart01











このたまねぎみたいに、むいてもむいても魅力 このフレーズ、うまいな〜〜〜〜と







このまえペットショップに行ったら...しばけん🐕 と まめしば🐶がいたんですが、誕生日がなんと!わたしといとこと同じでウケましたwすごい偶然ですよね😆💓




그럼 오늘도 좋은 하루가 되면 좋겠네☺️


ラジオ聴き返して書いてるよ!今週は特に選曲が良かった〜🙆🏻‍♀️ヨネジチムソはもちろん、あとの4曲も私好みだった〜❤️その中でも3曲目と4曲目が特に好き💓4曲目の「With Me」は、なぜかタクヤくんがMVに出てたHyolyn x JooYoungの「Erase」を思い出させる曲で、私はやっぱりこういう曲が好きなんだと思ったよ!「Erase」は大大大好きな曲で❤️今でもよくMV観てる〜💻タクヤくんが超カッコよくて、MVがさらにステキ✨になってるよね❤️ちょっと前の曲だけど、リクエストしたらシンくんかけてくれるかな?

そのタクヤくんは、カタコトだった時代を思い出せないほど、今は韓国語がうまいんだね❗️ネイティブの人にそう言われてタクヤくんも嬉しいだろうね😊ところで、私は都合がつかず「私のホストちゃん」観に行けないけど、シンくんは観に行ったんだよね!どうだった❓ラジオで感想もうすぐ聴けるかな?タクヤくん、1位の白スーツも着られたみたいだし🧖🏼‍♂️他ファンの方々にもカッコイイって騒がれてるみたいだし、大好評だね👍🏻💕日付変わって、今日の東京公演の最終日もみんなを虜(とりこ) にしちゃうのかな?💘

なりきり彼氏は、いつもより声が低めで落ち着いた感じだったね!シンくんがいかにコーンちゃん🌽🐱を溺愛(できあい) ❤️してるかが伝わってきたよ〜!うらやまし〜い😆




Happy Weekend, Shin~

Do you enjoy your time today? I hope you do. I am happy because I get Shin for omikuji again~ And you wrote that today is a good day. And it's true^^ I hope you have a good day too. And tomorrow is still weekend~ So I am feeling so happy happy02

Today I help my mom making grilled rice. It's so delicious delicious First of all, we make steamed rice while preparing the chicken and the seasoning. Then we mix it together and divide it into small portions then wrap it with banana leaf. The last step is to grilled it and it's done~ In addition, I made tamagoyaki because I was craving for it. Hehehe I hope you eat well too today, tomorrow and every day~

Good night to the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. Wishing you a very good night. Sweet dreams!

I love you heart01

ここ最近は寝る前にMIRRORとZepp LIVEを観るのが日課です。
CROSS GENEは最高のartistですね。



韓国はすごくさむそうですが、コーンちゃんと ぬくぬく♡すごせてますか?😊
今月のハルハナにのってる ダンボールでねむってるコーンちゃんかわいいね〜🐱💕あのダンボールお気に入りなのかな?コーンちゃんとの生活は本当に幸せそうだね☺️私は、かってる犬と毎日いっしょにねるのが1番幸せな時間です😌シンくんとペットショップデート💕幸せでした☺️고마워요~❤️


How are you today Mr Perfect? I hope you had a really nice day. I hope you are warm and healthy and well fed and happy and having a lot of fun. Because this kind of day for you would make me the happiest today. My day was not really much else so you can add the joy to it like you always do, lol.

Actually while working recently I am thinking a lot more.. I have certainly been on an adventure this past year, but I guess that was very personal an adventure no matter who else was there, because it was mine to go on in the first place. However I didn't do it alone. It was necessary though so I am glad I have come all this way, even though sometimes it was hard.

The biggest thing I realised is that in the end, for the most part, it wasn't actually hard.. I was the one who saw it as hard, but it wasn't. I was - for lack of a better way to put it - I was making it hard on myself.

Where I came from, the things I experienced before, the people that were part of my life before, all that stuff - it had left me with a very distorted view of reality. For example, when you are in any kind of relationship with a narcissist - as a parent, a partner or even a friend - you forever have to 'earn' their love..
And anything you do, anything at all, that they don't like, is the worst thing in the world and you best be extremely sorry for the next 15 months if you want to hope for forgiveness. Such things are not how life really is with good people..

But when that is your life experience, the smallest thing you do that could be wrong (and you are forever looking at everything you do and trying to predict mistakes so you can avoid or correct them) is a huge deal to you..

So for example, I still don't have the television connected to the actual signal here. I don't use TV. I'll watch movies and play games, but I don't watch TV. Because for several years of my life, I would get into serious trouble if I changed the channel and forgot to put it back on the channel it was left on. Its ridiculous, isn't it? But it was such a real thing. I remember many a night hiding in my bedroom with the others as we were screamed at from the lounge room because the channel had been changed.

Also looking sad. Even through some really bad depression, if my ex was around I /had/ to always be smiling and looking happy. If I didn't, then I would get in trouble for "making him feel bad".

Another thing I couldn't do was enjoy things I once had or wanted to. My interests had to be the same as theirs. So enjoying things I wanted to was also bad.

I can see how crazy and unfair these kinds of things were. But it is a bit like when I found out about gaslighting. I used to believe that no one could gaslight me.. That I was safe from it simply because I have no doubts about my memory.. but of course they tried and I found out that they could gaslight me in the end anyway.. I am now paranoid that I won't be believed.. That people will always think the worst of me so I keep everything I need as evidence of my truth..

And now, even though I could see those things were crazy, they still affected me very deeply. And so I still believed that everyones love for me was conditional on me being on my best behaviour for them.. That I could lose it over the smallest thing.. That it would end forever over a misunderstanding..

And that was my actual mistake..

It is still incredible to me that the people that I have in my life now can love me as they do, but I am learning to accept that there is reasons for that - and I may not see them now... but they do, and thats what counts.. And I should believe them.. because my mirror is dirty and I am still cleaning it.. So I should trust the reflection of myself in their eyes..

And I of course I need to trust that they aren't going to run out on me over the little things. It will be /really/ hard at first for me not to fall into the pit of despair and apologies, but I will try really hard to have more faith in the connection that we have, and that it isn't about to break so easily.

So I added some more goals to my year..
I need to learn to see myself better.. To think more of myself, even if others think its immodest. I need some immodesty right now to fix a couple of decades of damage, right?
And to have more faith in those around me. To believe them..
To keep the black mind at bay and enjoy some white for a while, lol.

Healing I think isn't going to be completely easy.. but I think I have the right foundation now.. Because with the things that I have experienced just this month alone, I have learnt what is important.. and I won't let go..

So that was my deep ponderings this week as I worked.
I know you are always telling is that we should love ourselves, but it is so much easier said than done. For my whole life I have learnt otherwise.. So I need to retrain myself from scratch.. and since I can't go back to being a baby again, i need to do it with all the memories and experiences I already have had. They will be my constant weight, but I hope that they will fall off as I go.

things are looking much brighter now because I know what I must do.. ^_^
Hope I can shed these demons before the year is out.
Anyway, I must sleep. Tomorrow is another big day.
I hope you have an awesome night and sleep well tonight as well.
Thank you for always giving us the strength we need to face all our problems like this - it is Shin's special gift I think.
I love you so much Shin Wonho


Shin-Kun~ 안녕! happy02

아, 태오와 시아는 결혼 했어구나~ 알려주셔서 고마워요. (네, 비밀~)wink
난 한국어 아직도 못해요. Shin-Kun 많이 만나 해야지!
내 한국말을 들어 줄래요? 나도 Shin-Kun의 영어말을도 듣고싶어요. book

Shin-Kun은도 양파 다! ㅋㅋㅋ

사랑해요~ happy02
싱가포르 팬 입니다. heart01

Hello hello Shin~

Do you have a great day today? I hope you're doing great and having fun smile Today I am so tired, I just got home and finish cleaning up, now I am ready to go to sleep happy01 I got home late because I am looking for farewell gift for my friend. She will move to another company starting next week and I wanted to give something memorable to her. I end up bought a jacket and an empty notebook to write our messages. I hope she will like it^^

Your update on Instagram today is really awesome. Thank you for sharing with us happy02 The photo is beautiful, the sea and the snow are so pretty, Shin also looks adorable heart01 NII clothes always looks great on you. Keep yourself warm and stay healthy in the cold weather~~

Take care and good night!
I hope you're sleeping well tonight^^

I love you, Wonho-ssi heart04

안녕하세요 원호오빠~ ヽ(^。^)ノ
Aaahhh finally you posted an update for your instagram~! Thank you very much for listening in our comments and DMs 😊💕 sorry if we pushed you so much to post but we just really miss you and want to see that you're doing
fine~ 😅😭 also, thank you too for showing that you're keeping yourself warm with those NII down coats 😍 I'm very glad seeing you enjoying the sea despite of cold weather~ this may sound too much but your update literally completed my week and had been the highlight of this week too haha so I'm very happy 😄💓

Btw, I hope that you really had a great week too despite of being busy or anything~ 😁 Please stay healthy and look forward each day with a positive mindset as much as you can, but of course do not force it too as its not good right?~ everything takes time in every situation I believe 💕 But let's stay strong and keep fighting everyday, just like your advice about never giving up no matter how hard things may it seem to be~ 💪🏻💞 I'm always grateful and proud to look up on a person as wonderful as you, you're truly a very precious human in every CandYs life never forget that~ 😄💗
Hopefully you're sleeping well now and will have a great weekend ahead~💞

마음 다해 사랑하는 원호오빠 😘♥️



(かなり ながく生きてるけど💦)

シンくんもあたたかい服きて、あたたかい食べ物たべて すごしてね🙌


シンくんがかけてくれた♪봄봄봄 聴いて、さらに春がまちどおしくなったよ🌸🌷








ウォノくん インスタありがとう😆💕✨寒そう~⛄韓国の冬は本当に寒いから日本と違ってダウンやコートは極暖ですよね。韓国に旅行に行ったときそう思いました。このところ最低気温がマイナスなので韓国のダウンが欲しくなりました。ウォノくん風邪引かないようにお仕事頑張って下さいね✊💖次回のラジオ楽しみにしています🎵🎵

ウォノくんこんばんは😃🌃           インスタ🆙ありがとう😆💕✨寒そうですね❄❄❄ こちらは冬でも最低気温がマイナスになることは少ないのですが、ここ数日は本当に寒くて朝布団から起き上がるのがとっても大変です😫。ところでこの間のラジオでドラマ「青い海の伝説」でテオとシアヌナは結婚❤👫❤しましたって話してくれましたが、それから私の妄想が始まっています。テオはハッカーで絶対に頭の良い賢い人だから仕事は何をやっていくかな?シアヌナのお父さんの仕事をサポートして大成功したりして😉

Hi ^_^

How are you? How was your day? I hope you're well! Thank you for your update on Instagram today. It was so good to see you again.

Did you eat well today? I'm glad to see you're staying warm thanks to the good work you do for NII. I was so happy when you became the new face of NII and I'm even happier with watching them look after you so well.

Today I didn't do much. My sister came over today so that was awesome.. and of course Shin updated and that just made my whole week. We've missed you terribly. I still wonder though what you've been up to and hope we get to find out soon. Always proud of you working so hard.

I hope you've had a good week though. and some fun. you should always have fun with what you're doing. And remember - the difference between an ordeal and an adventure is perspective.. So if you're not having fun doing it, then you're doing it wrong. lol. So always look forward to things being fun and then have fun doing it. It's all about how you look at it and think about it.. it is neither fun not bad.. that's all up to us, okay!

I need more time more than anything else lol. I've just got to learn to manage it better. and I will.

Ok, speaking of which, I should sleep to give me more day tomorrow.
I hope you sleep well tonight too
Thank you for being the bright light in my every day.
I love you so much my hero







원호군 잘 있죠 ?
다시 한번 댓글 쓸게요.
나리키리 남친 페트샵 데이트 진짜 즐거웠어요 .
난 ... 망상 따윈 한 적이 없는데 이번에는 좀 ㅋㅋ
같이 shopping할수 있었어서 행복했어요 ♡
아프지말고 행복한 1주일을 보내요 ^^


How are you going? Are you good? Everyone being good to you? Not been eaten by Godzilla? blink twice if you need help. lol. Ah we just miss you heaps. Hope you are being looked after properly.. Hope you're eating and resting well. We want only the best for our Wonho.

i was really busy today. worked all day and now I'm really exhausted. I'm really hungry too and I've already eaten dinner lol. but well.. i worked really hard. I kinda don't care what i eat rn too. I just want to eat anything.

Because it's summer here the grass grows really fast and it's hard to keep on top of it to keep it down.. Personally I'd rather move into a unit or townhouse at this point. I'm a little tired of having so much space to maintain.. I'm just one person T-T

And i didn't choose this place as one person.. there were other people who were in other rooms that we're meant to pay towards the rent and do maintenance too.. it was them that wanted the garage and yards.. sadly they moved away and i was left holding the lot.. lol. I did see them again recently though so we're still good.. I'm just hoping to move to somewhere that's more suitable for just me soon.

Oh wow I'm sorry. i fell asleep on you. i told you i was exhausted. I am not sure if this post makes any sense or is any good but I'll post it anyway lol. I'm sorry it's late.

I fell asleep again in there lol. So now it's really late lol. I'm still hungry btw.
Please have a really great day today.
Thank you so much for all you do for us.
I love you more than anything.. including avengers infinity wars lol
talk to you later


원호군 안녕하세요?
이번 라디오도 재밌게 잘 들었어요.
"나리키리 남친" 코너에서 평소에 보쿠라고 하는 원호군이
갑자기 오레라고 하니까 심쿵 해버렸잖아요~ ㅋㅋㅋ

다음에 원호군과 얘기할 기회가 있으면 한국말로 말하고
싶어요. 원호군이 일본말이 너무 잘해서 지난번엔 다
일본말로 말했어요 ^^

