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2017年9月27日 (水)


シンくん本人から、BZZA感謝祭!Vol.2~Halloween Party 2017~のお知らせがありました。

10月29日(日)昼の部13時30分から、夜の部 17時30分から








모자 モジャ 帽子👒

티셔츠 Tシャツ Tシャツ 

바지 パジ ズボン👖

정장 チョンジャ スーツ

넥타이 ネクタイ ネクタイ👔

◯◯사이즈있어요_? ◯◯サイズイッソヨ? ◯◯サイズありますか?

다른색은 사이즈 있어요 _? タルンセグンサイズイッソヨ?違う色のサイズありますか?

계산해주세요 ケサンヘジュセヨ 計算してください。














今度のBZZAですが、全部あげる♡って事でシン君等身大パネル作ってくれないかな?今からイベントまでに商品化はむずかしいと思うのでラッキーな方にプレゼントでどうでしょう?遠征組が持ち帰れる梱包(こんぽう)付きで٩( 'ω' )و




Hello hello Shin~

Are you doing well? Do you have enough rest and eat lots of healthy food? I hope you do^^

Tomorrow is Chuusday~ Yey! Can't wait to listen your program again. Thank you for always present us with lovely and great show.

Did I tell you that I was away for few days because of company event? Well, you could say that it was kind of MT. We're going to the beach and I was lucky to get a sea view room^^ Just few steps from the terrace and I arrived at the beach. I got to see sunset and woke up with beautiful blue sea~ I wish I could share the view with you^^

When going on a MT, usually there are team building games, right? At first, I was so lazy to join. Hehehe. But apparently it was really fun. We randomly divided into 10 small teams and we were playing treasure hunt^^ So we need to finish 7 different challenges (mini games) to get all the clues that will lead us to the treasure. Too bad my team didn't get the treasure because we finish on 6th place, but at least we had fun and finish all the challenges happy02

After the treasure hunt, we had carnival session games. It was really nice and fun too. I played mini golf, ring toss, hammer game and arrow shooting. My favorite was the arrow shooting, that's my first time to shoot arrows with actual bow and I hit the target on second try~ Yey!

But now I was really tired, my legs are sore and I am so sleepy. But overall, the MT was so fun and I enjoy it so much.

Ah, because I was away, I will need to catch up watching your webdrama~ I am excited to see your amazing acting^^

Okay, I will go to sleep now and I hope you already asleep too.

Good night, Shin.
I love you heart

シンくん アンニョン(*^^*)


せんしゅうの火ようびの朝、しんぶんの ばんぐみprogramに
『EKラジオ シンからのお知らせ』と書いてあったから、
なんだろう~って、いちにちじゅう 気になっていました^^

火ようびの朝、しんぶんの ばんぐみらんに


안녕하세요 신오빠~ (*^^)
How are you these days?? Hopefully you're doing great happy and healthy 😄

Oh and its finally October its your birthmonth already~ may your month be filled with lots of happiness, positivity and all the best ❤️❤️

Your instagram is literally loaded with lots of fluffiness these days 😹❤️ I love it~ lol earlier right after i woke up i saw your last post with Corn i can't stop laughing because its just too cute and funny at the same time! Thank you for always sharing beautiful pictures for us 😄

Also its only the beginning of the week but i feel like im in the mid-week already 😅 we're loaded with lots of tasks for school.. but still im glad that its finally chuusday again!! Im so excited for the show~ 😍

I hope you're enjoying and having a quality time this holiday week with your friends and family 😄💕

Take care always~
I love you so much, Have a great night my happy pill 😘

Hi Mr Perfect

How did your day go? I hope you had a good day. I had a something day but it's payday tomorrow so I'll be able to complete step one of the master plan. hahaha!
Is that like an evil laugh? I feel like it's 50% evil and 50% excited. I've already had a big plan on step 2 so it's actually looking even better these days. ^_^

I'm not saying any more tho. 🤐

So random information but, everytime someone mentions peach, the first thing I think of is "Thank you for rescuing me, but your princess is in another castle." Because Princess Peach. Which then reminds me of Noona You, because the MV was referencing Super Mario Bros, and then I get the song stuck in my head. So when someone says peach, I get a free imaginary performance of Noona You. This is the crazy way my head works. I think it is probably because I have so much pop culture stuck in there from my various interests. Its kind of crazy making though because this is what happens. My head end up on a whole other subject when the subject was peaches.. I just wanted to tell you that.. Because peaches and Cross Gene. it's not actually important. lol.

It's chuusday tomorrow and I'm so excited! I should go to sleep so that I'm not tired tomorrow coz I actually have things to do tomorrow and I will soon. Chuusday is the most important day of the week you know. I miss your voice so I'm happy I will get to hear it again soon. Its not the only thing I miss tho but its not okay if i don't hear it every week now.

How is the weather up there? Australia is still doing that impolite version of spring where it's like summer during the day and winter overnight. I prefer the nice 27° day version. not this 38° during the day and 4° overnight. It is promising me 26° for the rest of the week though until Sunday when it goes over 30 again. I'm excited. 26-27 is really my favorite temperature. I find anything under 25 to be cold and everything over 30 to be awful. I can tolerate low 30s but yuck when it's high 30s and over 40. I went through one day here that it was nearly 50c. It was still in the 40s overnight. Australia experiences what they call "significant weather events".. Which is to say either deadly heat or other extreme weather. We have a cyclone season here too. And while the cyclones are the same as a typhoon/hurricane and form over water, because we live in the tropics, the tropical storms develop often and come visiting anyway. We're pretty much prone to everything except volcanos. and that's on top of the wildlife always trying to kill us, lol. You need to be tough to live here, lmao.

But i do hope that you are always keeping yourself warm enough. I imagine it is getting cooler up there each day now. Please do look after yourself and stay healthy. I'm doing much better with that myself. I want to walk more often though but I also don't want to leave my house most days. I get harassed a lot out there. Almost every day last week. Only one was really awful though. I don't understand why it's like this though. I'm not that much to look at, lol. I just want to be left alone and I don't understand why I have to be stressed to leave my house. T-T isn't this stuff just manners and basic respect for others? It's honestly really making me so frustrated and upset these days.

Aye, anyway, I'm really tired now thus I'm rambling so I'll go to bed now.
Please have a good night and I hope you get some rest.
I love you so much T-T

CROSS GENEのファンミツアーを沖縄でしてくれたら物凄く楽しいですね。


Shin-Kun~ 안녕! happy02
Let's talk about the show now. lol.
We are same same about the rain. catface I also love it when in rains while I am indoor, but it is more inconvenient when I am caught in the rain outside. rain I am fine getting wet but I don't like it if my belongings get wet. I think my belongings worth more than myself.. hahaha.

Let's see, about fruits.. I usually don't eat fruits so I don't even know how much they cost actually. Maybe the more common ones here like Apple, Orange, Banana are not expensive but in my memory Peach (or Strawberries) are expensive! If I were to choose a favourite fruit, it will be grapes, seedless grapes so they are easy to eat. I don't like a hassle. hahaha.

Ahhh around a month left to Shin-kun birthday! Time flies! Did we really last met in April?! It has been such a long time ago isn't it? Wish I could attend your party too. I'm sure it is going to be fun!! Maybe you could drop by Okinawa to visit the aquarium? fish hmms..

Tomorrow is Chuusday already and I will probably miss the Radio tomorrow night. T.T I'm sorry, I will catch up. Also, it's 추석 week too right? Hopefully you will get some rest & maybe spend time with your loved ones too. heart04

추석 잘 보내 새요!
사랑해요~ happy02
싱가포르 팬 입니다. heart01






BZZA vol.2のお知らせうれしかったよ~up








私は元気にしています〜 今週は先週と比べたらひまでした。ろんぶんを読んだりじっけん計画をしたりしましたし海外からセミナーをするために研究責任者も来てくれました。その方はすごくかっこよくて本当に尊敬しました。女性で若くて本当にかっこいい研究をしている方です。その方は今年スウェーデンのある研究所に研究責任者になったそうで素晴らしいトークをしてくれました。「いつか私もそんなに素晴らしい科学者になれるかな〜」と思うぐらい感化されました。(笑)

本当に。。いつか私もそう言う人になれるかな。昔私の将来についていつも心配しました。なぜなら、私は学ぶのが大好きで、いつも勉強ばっかりで、暇の時でも家からそんなに出なくて、ずっと私の自分の小さい世界で住んでいました。子供のごろ、将来のことを思ったら、「絶対に遺伝学を勉強して、いつか海外どこかで自分の研究室を作りますよ!そして、運命の人に会って家族になりますよ!」と思いましたが、大きくなったら周りに色々なことを言われて、怖がりましたし「この夢をあきらめようかな。。」と思うようになってしまいました。「家族をできても、子供をできても、長い時間働き続けたい」など言ったら人に「それにオッケーと言える男性がいないよ」とか言われて、そして私のことが好きになった男性もそんなにいませんでしたし、大学から卒業した前に、その夢を諦めました。そうしたら楽に研究ができるかもと思ったのにできませんでした(笑) 逆に、寂しくて寂しくて寂しくて私のことをもっとも嫌いになりましたし自信もなくして、「好きな人は私の仕事が嫌いになったらどうする??」、「誰もと付き合わなくて、研究だけをやっていこうとしたらいいのかな〜?」、「でもそれでも、そうしてもいい研究責任者になれなかったらどうする?!」とか怖がることも増えました!
おもしろいでしょう〜 (笑笑) 日本に引っ越して色々なことをけいけんしたら、自分と言う人間をもっとよく知るようになりました。ですので、自分のことが大好きになりましたし、そのなくした夢もまた追い続けようと思いました。でも!怖がるものがまだまだたくさん残っています。。どうしてもまだ自分の恐怖を消すことができませんでした。どうしたらいいでしょうかな〜

夜中なのにこんなに真面目な話をした私を許してください。(笑笑) 書き始めたら、最近思っていることを言っちゃいました〜 また後で明るく書きますからね〜 (*^_^*)

ちなみに、BZZA vol.2もありがとうございます〜 申し込みました hehe (笑)

じゃ、また後で〜 おやすみなさい〜〜 ✨✨🎶



How was your day? Did you work today? I feel like that with everything going on, you were busy today one way or another. Both Shin and Cross Gene have a great deal happening right now I think, so your days are no doubt full. I hope you are getting rest during it.

This is earlier, but most of them will be now with Daylight savings happening here in Sydney. This goes now until March next year so now midnight in Korea is 2am for me. I don't mind staying up that late for you though.

When I was in QLD, they don't have daylight savings, so chuusday always ended at 1am. But when I moved back to Sydney, it was early March 2016.. so I had to go through a couple of weeks of daylight savings. I almost didn't make it.. but I stayed up to listen. Last time around I had both Chuusday and Legend of the Blue Sea.. I actually don't mind so much for the dramas because most people are asleep so i get almost all the local bandwidth for the stream, lol. Australian internet leaves a lot to be desired. Ever see Eat Your Kimchi? Well they came to Australia once and the tl;dr video they did on the differences between Korea and Australia is actually hilarious. They also found out that Iced Coffee over here is made with ice cream and milk, lol. That's why i mentioned it. I actually don't know anywhere in Australia where you can get cold bean water. lol

but I'm off topic again. Point is, I get to watch you without lag.

Actually it's really funny, coz i got the gamer pack for my internet. coz i don't want lag there. It prioritizes the PlayStation for bandwidth, so I'd get better stream watching on my PlayStation. Maybe i should check into that.

Aye.. I'm just looking forward to seeing you again. But i get to hear you again soon. One more day and finally chuusday. Which I'm still so grateful for. there is actually so much that I'm grateful for. I'll write you a list one day. I think that's important for sure.

I'm sorry for dumping my stress on you yesterday.. it didn't really get it off my chest but i found a new resolve to prove myself wrong and be the best member of the team that I'm capable of being. I'm going to use my worries of inadequacy as motivation. I'm still honestly terrified of being a disaster for the project and messing it up, but I'm hoping that fear will be the thing that makes me more careful so that I don't.. at least, that it won't be anything I did.. I honestly care about this project too much to let that happen to it. It's funny, because I believe strongly that sometimes love is accepting that you're not good for the one you love.. but I guess I'm just a little bit selfish because I can never seem to bring myself to give up trying.. it's the same with this.

Otherwise I've been a really good girl, lol. I've eaten at least one meal every day. And I've done a lot better with keeping hydrated too. Well since that one 40c day where I ended up really dehydrated, I've paid more attention to my water intake. So I am doing better looking after myself now like I said I would. So I hope that you are staying healthy too. That's what's most important. I think so anyway. At the end of the day, so long as you are happy and healthy then you have done well.

I wonder what you will do this week on chuusday. you really put a lot of effort into your shows. I wish that for all the effort you put in, I could understand it better. I feel like I'm letting you down a lot like this. You give us so much information in a way that's smart, clever and funny.. but I don't always understand it. How can i be so blessed to have chuusday in my life, but not be able to understand it most of the time. Its moot fair on you. I'll keep trying though. Working hard to get there one day.

I'm more focused on Korean right now though to be honest. Not that that's doing well considering I saw a Korean translation of one of your interviews today, and just seeing the wall of hangul caused my brain to shut down, lol. Too much is still too overwhelming for me. Hopefully there will be English translation soon though because I love reading your interviews. You're very smart and insightful. And funny. And I want to hear more about you. Just silly little things. I'm too curious, I know, lol.

Oh well, I should try to sleep I gures. Its heading to 1am here.
I hope you have a good night and a good sleep. I hope you have beautiful dreams too..
I really miss you heaps.
I love you so much my hero 💕


How was your day today? I'm just going to hope it was really good. I'd like to think it was right now..

Did you remember to eat today too. I want you to be healthy and I know that means your body need energy from food every day.. so please don't forget.. or it will end up broken like mine T-T

Are Nari and Corn well too? Just how many pets do you guys have in that little dorm? lol. X Zoo... hehe

Ah I had a good day. Saw my sister again. She needed some help from me so I helped her out and we had dinner together. I didn't get everything I wanted to do today done, so I am disappointed in myself. But I also let myself get caught up in my own worries again so that doesn't help. Today being a crisis of being conflicted in several different ways..

One is like I have been chosen for this really amazing project.. but I have guilt about taking the position when I don't believe I am good enough for it or that I would deserve it.. But also I really really want to do it. So I have the true war between my head and heart going on right now, where my head really wants me to withdraw so they can find someone better, and my heart doesn't want to let go of it..
It shouldn't be me.. but I also desperately want it to be me..
I have actually been having this crisis of conscious for quite some time now. And sometimes I try to compensate.. to do things and work harder on myself to be more deserving, so I can feel more at ease doing it.. Also I want to make sure that they don't have too high an expectation of me for it. I don't really know what they think of me but I don't want them to be too disappointed either..

But still, I really want this oppurtunity.. I don't want to lose it or mess it up and blow it... I would do, or give up, anything for this opportunity. So I am stressing everywhere about everything. I spend all to many hours a day in my own head going over everything. Questioning my own self worth, both in the positive and the negative - am I just being too hard on myself? Or am I really not worth this? Going over the things I think I need to fix or change. Chastising myself for past mistakes, scared of making another one. Carefully monitoring my every thought, not just for possible answers but for possible problems with me as a person that could be a problem during the project itself. Knowing the influences I have had in my life and checking and double checking for any possible toxic traits in myself that could put it in jeopardy.. Truly going crazy over here..

Uhhh, ... Yes, I do overthink everything. Why do you ask? lol

I want to do it.. and I want to do my best.. I don't want to put the project at risk in any way and I would rather remove myself from it than cause it any damage. Its really that important to me.. But as much as I feel like that is the best thing for the project, my heart wants to be the one doing it.. And they want me to be the one doing it too, but I have to protect it too..

More things from my head.. I feel like I overshare with you sometimes but I kinda also feel like I should talk to someone about these things, and I can talk to you.

Aye... Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to suddenly get amnesia for your past so that you can just start with a clean, blank page... Can I find a way to do that do you think? stop stressing about the things that shouldn't matter, and just rebuild myself forward.. I think the project itself can be very healing.. but maybe I need to stop picking at the old scars so that they can heal and fade..

Sigh.. Why is everything so heavy?

But as usual, don't stress yourself over this problem.. I know you love to help your CandY but I don't want you having to be concerned about everything. I CAN do this, I can work my hardest and maybe I will even prove to myself that I was a better person than I thought I was.. Just keep cheering for me, like you do for CandY.. Just knowing you are on my hearts side is enough. 💕

Anyway.. The drama keeps getting pushed back T-T I really want to meet this Sa Minho that is taking all your time tho. lol. Plus he has Pink hair and looks and sounds like Shin, so he's already got great potential to be awesome, lol. Plus yeah, I am supposed to be bragging about how awesome Shin is already... smh..

Aye, I should go to bed. In about 30 minutes daylight savings will kick in and I will lose an hour.. Clock jumps from 1:59am to 3:00am. So I should go to bed soon so that it doesn't get too hard on me in the morning..
Its Shinday tomorrow. ^_^
Please have a really good night, I hope you are comfortable, and resting, if not sleeping.
I love you more than even myself.. Yeah I know its not saying very much, but I think it is still important.


