How are you? Are you still well? I'm fine too I guess..
You were really good on Weekly Idol and I'm glad to see your smile.. It makes me happy to see you smile.. Also this time you won the game! lol Naturally a legend.. You always win exactly how you want to. I'm proud of you.
You just have that kind of luck though.. Can I borrow some? I need it for something special, lmao.
I'm gonna go to bed now. It's been a long day, having to act the part all day for everything and everyone.. I just want to curl up in a ball and be me until sleep comes.. But I hope you have a good night and sleep too.
I love you
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月21日 (木) 22:15
안녕하세요 신오빠~ ヽ(^。^)ノ
How are you doing? I hope you're doing great! ❤️ Im lovin your instagram updates even more these days, it seems you and taku are always having quality time together 😍💕 han river looks really beautiful especially at night right? Also, i had a great time watching you on weekly idol yesterday 😂😂 you're indeed a game genius! I love how happy you looked when you won the game~ looking forward for more appearance of you and cross gene on variety shows! You guys are really fun to watch always no matter what tv show it is 😄 I almost forgot to mention today is my 250th day since i started stanning cross gene but it feels like i've known you guys for a very long time already ㅠㅠㅠ whenever i listen to your songs im feeling a deep connection with the beautiful lyrics everytime ❤️ im very thankful for having the chance to discover and love as wonderful and talented you guys are~ here's to more days, months and years to come! 나는 크로스진을 영원히 사랑할 것이다 하!!
Have a wonderful night my happy pill 😄 hope you'll sleep well tonight! Take care always~ I love you so much 😘
投稿: 유니 (필리핀) ♡ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 21:27
投稿: monbon | 2017年9月21日 (木) 21:16
今回のラジオもシアワセな気持ちで ききました。
さりげなく こんなこと言われたら、
歌ドンは、 となりでシンくんが歌ってくれているような
投稿: かんな☆ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 20:50
おなかがすいたときに、おもちのように 食べてますw
投稿: むう子 | 2017年9月21日 (木) 20:46
投稿: ほしかわ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 19:15
投稿: マキ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 18:51
Hello Shin
I am listening to your utadon again this week~ It's so beautiful and powerful^^ I love your voice and your choice of songs.
Disneyland! Never went to the Tokyo Disneyland >,< The last time I went to Disneyland is 2 or 3 years ago in Hongkong, but I didn't ride on the attractions much because it's so hot (because of summer) and mostly we choose the indoor ride to avoid the heat^^ But it's still fun and memorable day. I love Disneyland and same as Shin, most of the time I was so scared to get onto some rides, but I would ride it too eventually! Some are not so scary as it seems, but there are some which are scarier as it seems
Shin in Weekly Idol again! Congrats~ It's great, you look so happy and cute^^ I love seeing you smile and having fun. Congrats for winning the game too! Yey! Seems difficult to getting all the ball out, but everyone done great job!
How are you today? I hope you are having a great day~ I saw your post with Takuya again, Han River looks so beautiful night^^ Hopefully both of you have lots of fun too.
Good day, Shin. Take care.
I love you~~
投稿: devina | 2017年9月21日 (木) 15:56
I've just heard your acapella last tuesday. I can really say that you areso awesome! Although for me it seems you have similar voice on that 😅
I hope you'll sing more on your radio broadcast. But Im also hoping you will sing a english one. Maybe that would be so great to hear you singing english song :)
By the way, I've seen your post last night. How was your night strolling? Did you have fun? ^^ surely you do!
Please be more happy or be just the same. Seeing you with other members together makes us happy.
By the way, goodluck to the show on 26th :)) fighting!
I love you~ take care always!
投稿: _Loki (Vanery) | 2017年9月21日 (木) 14:38
投稿: SHIHO | 2017年9月21日 (木) 13:33
しんくんのラジオを毎週楽しみにしてて終わると、あーまた来週かーって寂しくなるけど、コメント毎日書いてるともうすぐ火曜日かーって気分になれそう( *´艸`)クスクス
投稿: ごらこ かな | 2017年9月21日 (木) 11:25
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2017年9月21日 (木) 10:38
投稿: popoちゃん | 2017年9月21日 (木) 10:31
今日も一日頑張りましょう! \(^^)/
投稿: Rabia | 2017年9月21日 (木) 09:30
신 군 ~♡
Today it's the first time I comment hehe..
I really liked your phrase "It's okay if you gain weight, I like you without a change" It really make my heart flutter ♡
I would love to eat ramen with you one day.. Please eat well~ I'm also really excited for your new drama ^^
신 화이팅 ♡3♡
投稿: Valeria~ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 09:22
신 군 ♡ 사랑 해요(⌒▽⌒)
投稿: 유코❤︎ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 06:51
Please do your best at your work.
Thank you very much for being there, giving your love to us! I love you.
投稿: Aine | 2017年9月21日 (木) 03:39
Hi oppa
Fighting! I'm waiting for your new drama, and in the weekly idol today you looked so good and shined as always I hope you always shine forever❤️
Maryam from Iran
投稿: Maryam | 2017年9月21日 (木) 03:25
投稿: 愛 | 2017年9月21日 (木) 01:57
なりきり彼氏( ´艸`)3分あったらチューできるのにーΣ(|||▽||| )
投稿: リンダ | 2017年9月21日 (木) 00:29
昨日のラジオも楽しかったです!ありがとうございました。私もお元気ですよ(笑) 最近凄く忙しくて、休まなくて働きます。今日は16日目です(笑)。今も研究室にいます。はい、大丈夫です〜 (^o^)
なんか、自信がない時がたくさんあって本当に困る時もありますが、うちの研究室責任者(先生)はいつも私をチャレンジしたりしますし凄く勉強になります。チャレンジが大好きですよ✨ (ふふふ)
今週の番組も本当に楽しかったです。シンさんは本当にディズニーランドが大好きですよね。私はまだ行ったことがありませんが、シンさんはディズニーランドについて話したら私も行ってみたくなります〜 あ、でも、ディズニーシーに行きましたよ!最初行きたくなかったげと行ったら好きになりました。また行きたいです〜〜
やめたいよって思う時があると言うのは人間ですからと思います。自然に見たらやめたいと言う動物とか生物などがありませんね。自然で生き物は諦めたら死にますので(笑) でもmodern timeの人間は違いますね。(笑)
ちなみに、いがいと私は「もう嫌だ!研究をやめたい!」と思う時があります(笑) でもまたよく考えたらやめたくなくなります。みんなそうなのかな〜
今週のなりきり彼氏は最高でした〜(笑) 凄く好きでした。料理を作る男性はかっこいいと思いますし、シンさんが言った言葉は私のお父さんの言葉に似てますし凄く好きでした。(^o^) お父さんもお母さんも(まあ、家族みんな!) 美味しい食べ物を食べるのが大好きで、お父さんはいつもお母さんを食べさせます。お母さんは昔凄くほそかったんですが、年を取ると太っちゃいました。でもお父さんはいつもいつもお母さんを食べさせて、「私は君たちのお母さんがこのままで愛してるよ〜 けんこうがよければ問題がない〜」と言います (笑) 私はお父さんの素直なその言葉が大好きです。。❤
歌ドン。。先週も今週も凄かったです!!今週は特に泣きそうになりましたよ(T_T)(T_T) シンさんの声は凄くきれいですし歌は本当に上手ですよ!(T_T) 本当に誇りに思いますわ〜 (*^_^*)
シンさん、体に気をつけて仕事頑張って、楽しみながら生きてくださいね〜〜 愛してますよ〜〜
じゃ、後で〜 アンニョン✨
投稿: Rabia | 2017年9月21日 (木) 00:14
投稿: Niya | 2017年9月20日 (水) 23:07
How was your day? Mine was something something.. I got to see you in Weekly Idol today so that was easily the highlight of my day. My sister and brother in law bought me a dinner again too.. They're trying to make sure I eat properly since I'm so bad at it..
It was very warming to hear what you said.. Not because I diet or worry much about my weight.. but for the reason there is simply no point to me worrying about my weight.. I cannot control it at all, even with a diet. Because of damage to my body, it doesn't produce enough of the hormone that powers the metabolism normally.. but how much hormone it produces fluctuates. Some days the tablet I take with the hormone in it is just enough. Some days it's more than enough. and others it's not enough. When it's not enough, any food I eat will become extra weight.. So my weight goes up and down and round and round all on it's own. I can't do anything about it.
Of course because of the deficiency, it can go on faster than it will come back off again.. There are other symptoms too that let me know if I'm in a bad patch and I can switch to keto during those times so that all carbs being burned are stored rather than new.. It kinda helps but I can get grumpy without rice and mocha, lol.
So to know there are still people to which this kind of thing doesn't matter helps a lot.. I'll probably never be back to the same size I was before the damage occurred but for me it's more important that my body gets enough nutrients to function than what that ends up looking like in a mirror.. I kinda have bigger priorities with food, lol. There is a bitter irony to this condition that makes me proud that Shin is so body positive..
Shin's love truly is unconditional, isn't it? I love that about you.. And for you, you deserve unconditional love returned.. I think that is the best way to be though.. That when you get into a relationship with someone, loving them as they are is the reason you're there.. Like if you would want them to be someone else then you're clearly dating the wrong person, right? lol. But I would want my relationship to work with more compassion and understanding.. No one is perfect and we're all learning every day. Mistakes will be made, sometimes even deliberately, but I don't think that would be enough for me to want to walk away.. Within reason of course.. My physical well-being has to matter of course.. But away from that because I think I've become smart enough to learn not to stay around people who would raise a fist to me now, lol.. So not even thinking about that because that's already off the table...
I think other mistakes are part and parcel with any relationship.. And I'm not one to give up on things so easily that a mistake or two would end things.. Not gonna say I won't make my own in how I respond to the situation and that's why compassion, mutual understanding and a foundation of forgiveness that already exists is important.. The forgiveness being always there I think is really important, because it can help you both move to the next step in overcoming any issues that may arise between you. So long as the other things are present and both of you respect each other, are willing to understand each other and to learn how to make your relationship grow, I think and an unconditional forgiveness is important.. it may not seem like an unconditional love like that, but I don't think you can love just anyone like this.. There will likely already be a strong bond between you both..
Ya, I'm tired so i think I went a bit overboard on the topic.. I just want a love like that.. One where I feel safe enough that I can love them unconditionally and forgive them unconditionally, and they feel the same towards me. That our goal is always the happiness of each other and our happiness together.. I think a relationship like that, where we take care of it and each other, through both our good and bad days, where there is mutual respect and trust, and there is only a goal to finding the way for us both to be happy and loved every day together... I think it is the kind where you would be able to wake up every day as in love as the first.. Sure it's idealistic, but I think that it can be made to work..
It also may be why I'm going to be single forever. lmao. That's okay though because I have Shin, and I love him unconditionally..
I should stop. I'm probably not making much sense, lmao.
Basically, thank you Shin for being such a wonderful person, and giving me hope again that maybe one day I will get to be with a person who loves so unconditionally..
I hope you have a good night tonight..
I love you so much, Shin Wonho
投稿: 夏 | 2017年9月20日 (水) 23:01
投稿: ごらこ かな | 2017年9月20日 (水) 22:40
Annyeong Shin-kun.
Please stay healthy.
投稿: ddypresh | 2017年9月20日 (水) 21:56