ジェイクキス、H.O.T 、G.O.Dでした〜〜〜〜
普通は僕ですが、これって日本人感覚なのかな〜〜〜 25歳じゃ、僕じゃないか〜
言ってくれたんですね。優しいですねCROSS GENEのことも聞いてくれるだなんて〜
シンくん上から目線じゃなくて笑 上から何見てるの?
Hi oppa! Chuusday today, right? I'm happy!
I hope you see this cause I really need to tell you this: TAE O IS BECOMING SO COOL!! like that part he told Siah to confess to Joonjae, and then he left and waved Siah goodbye... IT WAS SO COOL! I wonder what will happen to them, I'm actually dying out of curiosity *ha ha*
So the drama is coming an end... I really enjoyed it so far, I wish for a happy ending!
Oppa probably knows how all CandYs are so excited for Cross Gene comeback right? I hope you're doing very well with that! CandY is here and will support you and will always love you! <3<3<3
投稿: FtR | 2017年1月17日 (火) 08:37
投稿: | 2017年1月17日 (火) 06:04
How you doing? I do hope you are well. It's Chuusday!!!! So I'm awesome!
I predict a long day ahead though. Coz I'm waiting for it. Always happens lol. But I'm sure it'll be worth waiting for as usual.
I had the weirdest experience the other day. I'll write you about it at some point. I'm not sure how to explain it properly right now. But it's good.
I am very tired and I need to sleep, but my hair is still wet. I was going to get it changed at the hairdresser the other day but I couldn't decide what to do. Even asking my friends didn't help lol. Wish I was better at making decisions.
So we got Yongseoks interview today. Manly and classy huh? So far I like the sound of that. Cross Gene are indeed men. But to hear you all feel like this comeback is more you. I like it best when you are exactly who you are.
It makes me sad sometimes that pop is as much selling an image as it is selling music. This is one of the things I really admire with Sia. She is not a face, but a voice. She is not showing an image but her music. And her music is very powerful so I'm glad it takes all the spotlight.
I always want for people to see Cross Gene for their talent, their music, their hearts and their message. I feel sometimes that we lose the music under concepts and the genuine you under fanservice. When they become more talked about than the song, it is sad.
Ying Yang was such a beautiful era because the only thing anyone could talk about was how good the song was. This is what I want for a Cross Gene and their music.
And when it comes to the members, I want for people to talk about and be proud of how talented they are, and how they're such amazing, beautiful people that deserve the world.. rather than anything else that's not who they are.
So the idea that you, that Cross Gene feel comfortable in this comeback, this made me so incredibly happy. Who you show should always be who you are. And who you are is someone that people will love very dearly.
And I think you will find that when you take to the stage in "clothes that fit", your time on there will be it's most genuine.. and you will reach people then.
I should sleep now.
See you again later.
投稿: 夏♡ | 2017年1月17日 (火) 01:26
Hello Shin♡
How are you? Everyday it makes me wonder what will become of TaeO as the drama approaches the ending.
I warmly watching you,trying hard for CROSS GENE,and listning warmly not mention the radio.Everyweek I'm waiting Tuesday!I'm looking forward tomorrow.Because Shin♡ is there,I can do my best everyday.
I love you,Shin♡
投稿: AnneT | 2017年1月17日 (火) 00:03
体力的、メンタル的に大変だと思うけど、あと少しシンくん❣️파이팅 ‼️
投稿: 美香子 | 2017年1月16日 (月) 20:09
Did you have a Good day? Are you Warm? Healthy? Full? Rested? Happy? I need to find new ways to make sure the answer to all of that is always yes.. hmm. Leave that to me.
I am much cooler today. I have Monday anxiety coming but I will deal with it as it comes..
Normally I would be in bed writing this on my phone, but I broke my charger today.. and my battery has 1%.. .. I am in so much trouble tomorrow. lol. I have a portable charger so I will just take that with me and buy a cable on my way out.
So close to the end of the drama now. Its sad because I will only have Chuusday to look forward to every week again, but as much as I love TaeO, I am really looking forward to having Shin and Cross Gene back..
Well I should go to bed..
Sleep well and have a good day today..
投稿: 夏 | 2017年1月16日 (月) 00:22
投稿: コスモス | 2017年1月15日 (日) 09:45
大変なこともいっぱいあったと思うけど、ひとまわりも ふたまわりも成長(せいちょう)した俳優シン・ウォンホが大きな舞台(ぶたい)で演技大賞(えんぎたいしょう)を受賞(じゅしょう)する日を心待(こころま)ちにしています。😉
シアヌナを抱きよせるテオにΣ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
投稿: naomi☆直美 | 2017年1月15日 (日) 02:31
1月になると本当に寒くなるね~空気が冷たい(>_<) ドラマの撮影もあと少しだね!
シン君の声…私も好き♪CROSS GENEの歌は毎日きいてるし、ラジオも何回も聞いちゃう。シン君の声きくと、とっても落ち着くよ^^~~シン君が“俺”って言うのも“僕”って言うのも、どっちも好き(o^^o)
投稿: SAKU | 2017年1月15日 (日) 01:19
Ah the week is being very long. How are you going with it? It's almost over though.. not that that means much because it just continues the next day on the new week, lol. But it doesn't take a genius to know I'm waiting for one thing.
Are you good though? I'm sure I don't need to list everything I worry about every day again. You'll have it well memorised by now. Haha. I do want the best for Shin though so it will be nice if all is covered.
Another hot day here today. I actually miss summer in Japan.. it was so tame compared to this. 42c today. But it's much cooler tonight.
Days like this, as much as i hate the idea of being stuck working in an office, I'm glad i have work that i can sit in front of an air conditioner to do if i so choose...
Its would probably be easier to deal with tough circumstances when you're doing what you love though. At least I'd imagine that would be true. Lol
Ah I should go to sleep. I keep dozing.
Let the boys know I miss them heaps.
I can't wait to see you all again soon.
Miss you most though...
投稿: 夏♡ | 2017年1月15日 (日) 01:11
やっと気付いた!!「緊張感」の反対の感情は「情熱」だよ!(笑笑) Hehehehehe (笑笑)
投稿: Rabia | 2017年1月14日 (土) 17:36
Cold weather but 🌝
Pls take care
From 👵👽
投稿: | 2017年1月14日 (土) 16:34
Hello from Turkey!
Firstly,I noticed that I was wrote wrong "Tae Oh" name in my previous comment. But It's too late for to get back
You has always perfect character! You are respectful to your senior. So I proud of you. There is not much difference between us but i'm taking you as an example for myself!
I look forward to the new episode by The Legend Of The Blue Sea.
Always do your best!
投稿: Tuğçe | 2017年1月14日 (土) 05:46
I hoping you had an amazing and awesome day, or at least resting well if it was demanding.
I'm doing well. I was very very tired today but it was very hot here today. 44c.. it's still 35c even though it's 1am, so it's going to be difficult to sleep tonight. I'm tired enough to fall asleep but I'll keep waking because of this heat. It will cool down on Shinday for me though..
I almost wish I was up there somewhere. It is probably just my sunburn speaking though lol. That and I want to see snow! There is only a handful of places in Australia where you can see snow and I've never been there so I've never seen it snow before.
I remember when I was little, because it never snowed here in Australia, and I only ever saw snow in books and shows about Christmas, I used to think it was some kind of Christmas magic. I'd get sad on Christmas morning when I would wake up and there was no snow. It wasn't until I was in school that I learnt why it never snowed on Christmas day here.
I think though I still would like to have a Christmas where I get to wake up and see snow.
A summer Christmas is probably a weird idea for everyone in the northern hemisphere though. Usually it's really very hot so people go to the beach. I've had some beach Christmases. People build sand men some times lol. But mostly you just get really sunburnt.
New Year is the big one here in Sydney though. The do fireworks on the harbor. They're on the harbor bridge and Opera house. It can be awesome to see. But there is so many people. This year they were saying that there was already 1.5 million people in Sydney for the show at 11am. I didn't go this year because I was watching an award show on live stream. Hehe.
But the most important day of the year is coming up soon. I'm looking forward to it the most.. Cross Gene comeback day!
It doesn't matter what season that happens in, it's always the best day.
Omo, I remembered when 어려도 남자야 was released it was actually so so so hot here in Australia. And at some point my laptop overheated and shut down in the middle of the mv. I still joke that it was Yongseoks fault for being topless. Lol. But then, I blame everything on Yongseok. Hehe.
Ok, I should sleep. It's 2am now. Whoops.
But hey... Thank you.
For the dozens of things you do without knowing that make my day better.
投稿: 夏 | 2017年1月14日 (土) 00:14
신 군 안녕하세요~♪
드라마도 나머지 3회네요.
태오 어떤 누나를 골라도 좋아요.TT
태오가 행복하면……TTTT
신 군도 과거의 장명에 출연했으면 좋겠다……
언젠가 시대극에도 도전하세요♡
엣 의상을 입은 신 군을 보고 싶어요.(*^^*)
감기 조심하세요!
投稿: 마에마유 | 2017年1月13日 (金) 19:12
あとすこし、撮影(さつえい)頑張ってね✧(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑✧
ソウルは雪だけど、日本もすごく寒いよ〜(›´ω`‹ )
投稿: MIKAN | 2017年1月13日 (金) 13:22
シンさんは今日も元気ですか?私は元気です~ 音楽を聞きながら今晩の授業の準備をしています^^ 今Superflyさんの「愛をこめて花束を」と言う曲を聞きます。本当に大好きな曲ですのでリピートし続けます(笑)。
心配や緊張しないで働いてくださいね~ きっと大丈夫ですよ~ (*^^*) 体にも気をつけて風が引かないようにしてね^^
ちなみに、ラジオで流れている音楽についてなんですが、今度、「 シン君がカラオケで歌うのが一番好きな曲」のテーマで音楽を送れば嬉しいです~~
以前「カラオケで人気がある曲」というテーマまどがあったんですが、私はシンさんがカラオケに行けば歌う曲も絶対知りたいですよ。できれば私もカラオケに行ったら歌って欲しいですし~ Hehe~~ (*^^*) よろしくお願いします~
じゃ、また後で~ アンニョン~~
投稿: Rabia | 2017年1月13日 (金) 12:59
Hey there
Did you have a good day? I really hope so. I'm doing okay. I didn't really do anything I planned today but that's okay. It wasn't really anything important. And I got to see Shin TaeO at the end if the day so that just makes today a good day.
Aye I knew they'd go this way.. oh well. I'm just glad that Shin is getting the opportunity to show everyone what an amazing actor he can be.
My sister gave me tickets to go see that movie I talked about today. So I'm excited for that now. But that's not til the end of the month.
I'm kind of hoping that you get a chance to rest between the drama and the comeback but I'm guessing you won't. You seem like the type who wouldn't even with the opportunity though. Just don't push yourself too hard.
Rest well tonight and have a good day today.
投稿: | 2017年1月13日 (金) 00:50
シン君の番組は毎回録音して何度も聞いています。何度聞いても飽きず、シン君の日本語能力の高さに惚れ惚れしているよ。これからもシン君を見守っているし、聞き守っています(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)これからの活躍がとても楽しみ♬壁ドンの言葉を信じて待っています(*≧∀≦*) ちなみに、ダイエットはまだ続けているのかな?風邪の流行る時期だから、食べて栄養つけないと(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ほどほどにやってね。
投稿: フレブル | 2017年1月12日 (木) 10:45
신군 안녕!
신군이 나오는 드라마를 한국에서 볼 수있게 돼 기쁘다♡
열심히하는 모습을 불 수있어 행복해요♡♡♡
만나지 못해도 항상 생각하고 있어요♡
신군 파이팅!!
投稿: 김 | 2017年1月12日 (木) 08:06
You did so well tonight. I know you're working so hard to do your best for everyone.
I'm proud of you.
Please have a good day today. I want for nothing more than that.
投稿: 夏 | 2017年1月12日 (木) 01:50
배우 신원호 화이팅❣️
꽃미남 천재 해커 태오 대박❣️
それから、ドラマEP16 見ました‼︎
テオ サランへ💞
投稿: jasmin❤️ | 2017年1月12日 (木) 00:54
投稿: うさぎねこ | 2017年1月11日 (水) 22:37
Hello Shin-san. My name is Yağmur. From Turkey. How are you? I hope, you're really good. I wonder some things about you. Can i ask you? Okey then, i will ask ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 1- What is your favorite color? 2- What is your favorite food? 3- What is your hobbies? And, When you get angry, What do you do except to breathe deeply to calm yourself down?
投稿: Shin Yağmur 신 야우무르 | 2017年1月11日 (水) 22:32
신쿤 안녕!
가끔은 한국어로 써야겠어요😓
한국어를 쓰는 연습이야!!ㅎ
올해부터 한국어 수업이 수요일부터 매주 토요일에 바꿨어요!
그리고 장소도 요코하마에서 신주쿠에 바꿨으니까 요코하마에 있는 우리집에서 멀어졌어요ㅇㅅㅇ
하지만 매주 신주쿠에 가니까 신오쿠보에 가기가 편했어요!^^
올해도 한국어 공부 열심히 할게요!
신쿤이랑 한국어로 회화하고 싶으니까 더 열심히 할게😊
다음주의 츄스데이도 기대할게요!:)
드라마 촬영은 무리하지 말고 힘내세용!
독감이나 감기에 조심하세요~><
그럼 안녕❣️
또 봐요~
投稿: なな | 2017年1月11日 (水) 20:38