
« 今夜はシンくんの夜のチューすDAY | メイン | 今夜はMASAHARUのBack To Back »

2018年3月13日 (火)





ふわふわ トゥンシルトゥンシル 둥실둥실

チカチカ カムバクカムバク 깜박깜박

ピョンピョン カンチョンカンチョン 깡총깡총

こっくり クボククボク 꾸벅꾸벅

ガタガタ トルコンドルコン 덜컹덜컹


やってくれました〜 次のホワイトデーも僕のheart01をあげる!!


転職するかたに励ましの言葉は、「CROSS GENEも反応のいい曲をずっとやるのは簡単だけど



シンくんは、そんなことを考えてたんですね。確かにCROSS GENEの曲は挑戦している感じがします。



shoeCROSS GENEの1年ぶりの単独ライブ

4月30日(月 祝)17時30分開演 国際フォーラムホールC



月〜金 TV TOKYOで放送されます。


신군, 안녕^^
화이트 데이의 なりきりカレシ, 너무 좋았어요❤
달콤한 고백, 고마워요❤❤❤
내년의 화이트 데이도 기대할께요!!


Good morning 🌸
Yey, it's Chuusday finally~ Can't wait to listen your program again. How are you? I hope you're doing great and having a lot of fun last weekend 😊Did you celebrate Takuya birthday? Please tell him Happy Birthday and I wish all the happiness for him this year 💕 And also congratulation for your 7th anniversary of your debut. You've done amazing and we're so proud of you. You are a talented actor, wonderful model, precious leader and awesome DJ Shin. Thank you for all your extraordinary effort and thank you for being our Shin Wonho. I wish you will always be happy and healthy. Take care and see you soon~
I love you, Wonho-ssi 💖💖

昨日は友人とCROSS GENEのLIVE DVDの観賞会をしました。

CROSS GENEのいろんな姿をみせるために、様々な分野にチャレンジしてるんですね♪







How are you? I hope you had a really good day! Did you eat really yummy food today? Are you getting enough sleep lately? Ah I guess you're really busy but I hope you're still looking after yourself.

Today will hopefully be the last really hot day here for a while.. it is saying it will go over 30 again on Sunday and after rain it will probably be a bit humid but maybe we will get lucky.. Is it warmer for you over there now? This year winter us likely to be my favourite season though lol.

Finally chuusday tomorrow. I can't wait although I'll do my best to understand.. I never want to overstate my ability to understand though.. Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm that good lol. There is a lot to learn and honestly your English is better than I am at any other language right now.. Of this I am 100% certain.. So no matter how bad you think your English is, I can assure you my Japanese and Korean are both worse. lmao.

I'm such a flop but I'm trying. like they're not awful.. just not really at a conversational level yet.. I don't think I could speak them very well at all T-T I just really need more time to commit to studying.. it's kinda my bad as I've forced in time for me to play but honestly I did need more structure and assistance and that's in set times, none of which being when I game lol. but I'll keep trying on my own for now. It is hard like this as I truly lack the confidence in myself and do need someone to tell me if I'm doing it right or not.. if i don't then I'll always assume I'm wrong T-T

I think I've gotten better tho.. sigh.

Okay, I should sleep.
Please have a wonderful sleep tonight my hero.
Thank you for watching over us.
I love you so much


13日のほうそうで、リスナーさんのメールで「しんちょうをのばすためになにかやったりしてましたか?」の メッセージに、シンくんが、ちゃんとたべて、えいようとって、うんどうしてえいようきゅうしゅうするのがいちば
かなあ(^^) ぴぎょるを言いたかったのかなと ♪

いよいよ今週から 青い海の伝説 ちじょうはほうそう はじまるね😊
数人のともだちが「ろくがよやく したよ〜🎵」と、楽しみにしてくれていて









How are you? I hope you had a really good day. Please always look after yourself, stay healthy and rest enough. I still worry if you're okay a lot but you're strong and wonderful so i know you'll get thru everything you have to.

I am still working hard so tired but forcing myself some time to relax as well..There are times these days where I wish I had looked after myself better but for a long time I didn't feel like I had much reason to stick around on earth for a long time so it didn't matter much to me.. now it does but boy is it a bit late on some things lol. I'm just gonna do my best from here. But I'm sick of getting tired as I do now. T-T

It was hot today.. for no good reason. so I'm glad it is cooler now but not much sadly lol. it won't cool down again until Tuesday. but then that's just another reason why Tuesday will be a better day.

ok i should sleep. Please asleep well tonight too
Thank you for being my hero
I love you so much

안녕하세요 원호오빠~ ヽ(^。^)ノ
How are you doing?? Hopefully you're spending your days the way you like it, eating properly, having enough rest as well 😊 Btw, sorry my comments are always so late these past weeks because I've been doing alot of Uni activities since we're on the middle of the semester already and we're flooded with loads of work to do ugh ㅠㅠ Iced americano is my energizer these days lol if it wasn't for it I can't survive this overwhelming week of staying late every night 😅

Anyway, let's talk about the radio now~
It's amazing as always of course 😄 also, I'm happy you received a comment from Camila Cabello~! Lol Havana has always been stucked in my ears since i've heard it 😂 ahhh I hope many more international artist will give love to you~ 💕 Thank you for sharing the difficult korean words and teaching us how to pronounce it properly 😄 we learners appreciate this so much~ I'm excited for my summer holidays/ Uni break, fortunately I saw somewhere on internet a folder of free ebooks that can help myself in learning it~ aaahh I hope I can finally make progress in learning Korean this time lmao ??

And, there are lots of events I like to congratulate you 😄 First, last March 13 its Cross Gene's 5th Anniversary in Japan~ ahh you Kings come a long way through the years 💕 'Shooting Star' is one of the first song that hit me right in the feels the first time I discovered Cross Gene so it will always have a special place in my heart 😍 Second, on April 30th there's an upcoming concert on Japan, I'm sure Cross Gene would make alot of fans happiest again like always 💕 Third, LOTBS airing in Japan this coming 22nd its nice to start each day with this wonderful drama 😄 and last but not the least, Today 18th of March, its been 7 years since you debuted as model and actor 👏🏻💖 7 years full of efforts of making people happy and proud of you 💕 we're so lucky having an idol as precious and hardworking as you are 😊💪🏻♥️ Thank you for being who you are and teaching us to love ourselves first and do our best in everything we can~ 😄 You're truly an inspiration for every people who has known you ♥️ I know you will continue to inspire more people through your years in this industry~ I've been only with you for a year and few months and yet, I learned alot of wonderful traits from you 😄 Thank you and Happy 7th Anniversary to you again our Precious Leader 🎉💕 I love you very much always 😘


How are you? Did you have a good day? I'm hoping you all had fun and I know you did so good today..

So today.. First it's our noodles birthday.. Please let him know I love him to bits and I'll be able to show him better in future.. And I really hope he has an amazing day today. I'm so glad to know him and I will be a better fan again in future..

And then there is the joy that is you.. Today I've known about you for 7 years.. It's really amazing to me. To have the privilege of supporting someone so amazing for so long, through the many amazing moments and even the challenging ones. Thinking way back then that I'd probably never even meet you, but getting to one day and it being a beautiful memory I can treasure always.

Today will always be a wonderful day to me as it is the birthday of a wonderful man that I'm glad to know.. and the anniversary of the day I found you, someone who has blessed my life from the moment he came into it.

I really hope you both have the best day today.
Please sleep well tonight my hero.
Thank you for 7 years of you.
I love you so much

CROSS GENEの曲は ちょうせん してるんだね。いい歌ばっかりで ほんと どれも大好きです♪ライブのじゅんびで きっと まいにちが いそがしいよね^^
がんばってねo(^o^)o おやすみなさい…

Happy Weekend Shin~~

Are you doing well? I hope you take your time to sleep well and having good meals delicious

Sorry I was so late to write here bearing I finished my training that I was told you about just yesterday. With this, I think we're starting to know how to implement it on our project now. Start with something simple first, then I hope I could finish the project successfully and on time. Wish me luck, will you? smile

Anyway thank you for your radio on Chuusday. I love it. My laptop was unexpectedly turned off again in the middle of the program, but I managed to listen to your radio recording. It was amazing as always. Your voice always makes me happy and give me strength. Thank you so much for it~

The words on Korean corner were interesting. Sometimes I heard 깜박깜박 when I am watching korean drama. Yes, it's difficult to pronounce, isn't it. Thank you for introducing all these words to us. Then White day Shin sounds really sweet and lovely lovely

There are more to be thankful for Shin actually. Thank your for Omikuji. You're my Omikuji again this past two days. Just want you to know, it means a lot, the encouragement words from you^^ I am so grateful for it~ Thank you for being on our side. I will always support you heart01

Ah, also Good luck for Cross Gene concert and The Legend of the Blue Sea broadcast~~

Take care, keep yourself warm and I hope you have a wonderful time today.

I love you heart04


How are you? You're fine, right? I hope so anyway. I'm okay too. Just missing you guys and keeping myself busy..

Actually I had another important win today. So I'm really very happy that when I get in and fight for what is needed it does get there. And this was very important. So there is much happy here today.

How about you guys? are you getting everything prepared as you had hoped? I'm really hoping that everything is going well for you and your days have all been productive.

Please remember to keep healthy and have fun when you can. And also to rest as that is so important too.
speaking of which.. Please sleep well tonight my wonderful hero.
Thank you for existing.
I love you so much







How are you today? I hope you had an awesome day today.. no special reason, just because every day for you should be so.

I'm doing okay over here.. today did not go according to plan at all but I'm trying everyday anyway. it will eventually. I'm not sure I can do anything more than that.. otherwise my days are much the same as always.

I really hope that you will sleep well tonight. Have a really nice dream too hehe.
Thank you for being perfect..
I love you so much

방송 들으면서 신쿤에 대해서 또 하나 알게되서 좋네요~~
입맛이 없어도 영양가 있는거 챙겨 먹어야 몸이 더 빨리 좋아져요~~ 뭐... 열 나면 약 먹고 푹쉬는게 정답이기는 하네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

구름은 뭉게뭉게라고 알고 있었고 비눗방울을 둥실둥실이라고 생각했는데... 일본에서는 둥실둥실이라는 표현을 더 많이 더 쓰나봐요~~

사전적 의미에 국한되지 말고 의미한 통하면 된거죠~~
위아더월드~~ 위아더췰드런은 아니지만~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

상황극은... 매일 기념일이면 좋겠지만 진짜 그런거면 가계가 휘청거리는... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 월급탕진각 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
매일 기념일같은 그런 마음만 먹기로 합시다요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

이미 신쿤의 마음을 받은 것 같은데 내년에 더 좋은거 준다고 또 마음을 준다고 퉁치면 곤란합니다(?)
계산은 철저히(?) 응(?)
아니면 내년에는 사탕 안 사주고 마음으로 때우려는(?)

하하하하~~ 웃자고 한 소리에 안 웃어줘도 전 괜찮아요~~
오늘 하루 너무 힘들어서 유체이탈 할 뻔 했더니 말이 횡설수설 하네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 하하하~~ ㅠㅠ

신쿤은 내게 빚이 아닌 빛같은 존재!!!!

하하항~~~~ 신쿤 라디오는 이렇게 일주일중에 힘든 하루 보내고 힘내려고 아껴뒀다고 조용히 시간내서 듣는데 역시 기운이 납니다~~ 기운이 불끈불끈!!!!

그럼 담주에 또 올게요~~

나도 안뇨옹~~~~
