
« 今夜はシンくんの夜のチューすDAY | メイン | 今夜はMASAHARUのBack To Back »

2018年2月 6日 (火)


ディープなCROSS GENEのシンくんでした。いかがでしたか?








シンシン🐼がCROSS GENEのメンバーのことを教えてくれました。

シンくんは、A型 繊細で几帳面?全然違います。O型かB型に近いかも〜


ヨンソクは、AB型 バカだそうです笑

タクヤ、セヨンはO型 おおざっぱではないね〜フレンドシップ 周りにいい友達が多い











シンくん、안녕 🤗

Happy Chuusday, Shin~~
How are you? Did you sleep well? Did you eat well too? I hope you always be happy and healthy^^
Do you know, today I am wearing a shirt with a wonderful message. It says, Wake Up and Be Awesome~ Hehehe So I feel awesome and really glad today because it's Chuusday and I will hear your radio with awesome DJ Shin happy01
Take care and have a blessed day~
I love you heart01


きのう、ヨンソクくんとセヨンさんの生誕祭行ってきたよ〜!🎊🎂🎁🎈🎉さすがCROSS GENEのメインボーカルの2人🎤🎤歌がめっちゃうまいよね❗️まぁ、前から知ってるけどね❗️ヨンソクくんの力強くてかっこいい歌声と、セヨンさんの美しくて雰囲気のある歌声が大大大好き❤️❤️❤️それぞれ2時間のライブだったけど、もっともっと聴いていたかった〜🎶バンドスタイルで、おしゃれに大人っぽくアレンジされた、X HEARTSの楽曲もすっごく素敵だった〜🌹🌹🌹サンミンくんのラップもいつも通りかっこよかったし、歌声も少し聴けて新鮮だった〜😄サンミンくんのラップなしのソロ曲をいつか聴いてみたいな〜😊それから今回は、特にセヨンさんのhigh notesにしびれた〜😍😍😍ほんとに、すごかった〜😍😍😍

それからセヨンさん、HYの「366日」をカバーした時に、感きわまって歌えなくなる部分が後半あって、誰を想って涙しているんだろうと、すごく気になっちゃったよ〜🤔歌う前に、みんなこの歌詞のような経験があるよねって言ってたし〜💔最後の方でコメント言ってる時も、ウルって😢きてたし、「 Without You 」を歌う時も、なんとなく泣きそうな雰囲気だったし、今回セヨンさんって本当にピュアな人だなぁと改めて思ったよ〜❗️✨✨✨話し方も優しくて癒し系だしね💝

シンくんもセヨンさんのに、ちょこっと映像で参加してたね!😁悪役のシルバー、迫力あったよ❗️でも手下 2人(ヨンソクとサンミン) に怖い声で「わかったか❗️」ではなく「わかった❗️」「わかった❗️」って言ってたのが、なんとも可愛いかったよん💕💕💕タクヤくんはホストちゃんで忙しくて、映像での参加もなかったのかな?それでまた思い出したけど、「青いウォノの伝説」をもう一度見たいんだけど〜🙏🏻YouTubeにアップすることは無理なのかなぁ〜?



と言うことで、シンくんのラジオのコメント欄に、ヨンソクくんとセヨンさんの生誕祭の感想を書いちゃった!セヨンさんの方が後だったから、印象が強くてコメントが多いけど、ヨンソクくんも、もちろん素晴らしかったよ〜❗️「雪の華」と「蕾(つぼみ) 」を歌ってくれたのも嬉しかったし、ミュージカルで日本に滞在してるから、本人も言ってたけど、日本語がさらに上手になってたし〜👍🏻

ちなみに席は、ヨンソクくんのは7列目の真ん中あたりで、セヨンさんのは、いちばん端だったけれど最前列‼️どんなイベントでも、1列目で見たのは初めてだったので超ラッキーだった❤️\(^o^)/❤️そして、ヨンソクくんの生誕祭で初めて発表があった、 4月30日のCROSS GENEの単独ライブでも、そんな奇跡が起こってほしいな〜と思った✨✨✨



そしてそこで知ったCROSS GENE単独ライブ決定








How are you? I hope you're well. Please stay warm and will rested. And no forgetting to eat, okay?

Tomorrow is finally chuusday. I'm glad as I've missed you a lot. I am always excited to hear what you've got prepared this time.

I'm going to be sleeping early tonight as i got very little sleep last night and will get little tomorrow night.. so tonight, i should get a good amount lol

Please sleep well tonight too.. Everything is best tackled with a good amount of rest.
Thank you for all the love you give to your CandY
I love you so much







シンシンが自信なくしてたのは、誰かがカツラ買うの忘れてパンダ🐼になってしまったから?笑 シンシン元気だしてね。またラジオ出演してくれるの待ってますhappy01

Good morning Shin-kun 🌸
Did you have a good night sleep? I hope you do^^ Ah, weekend is over 😭 But I am happy because tomorrow is Chuusday ☺️ So let's start this week with a smile~
I am on my way to work now~ It's not raining, but it's cloudy. I think I could arrive before the rain is pouring 😂
Hopefully you are happy and healthy. Keep yourself warm and remember to rest and eat well.
I love you 💖💖

사는게 바빠서 6일자 방송 찾아 들을 시간이 없었는데
오늘 일욜 아침 늦게까지 이불속에서 뒹굴거리면서 눈뜨자마자 유튭켜서 라됴 찾아들었어요~~~~ 울 신쿤 넘나 씹덕 터지는... 귀여워 죽겠어요... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 하아... 방송 다 듣고 박력있게 자신있게 이불 속을 박차고 나와서 하루를 또 시작해야 했는데 신쿤의 우타동 듣고 너무 감미롭고 막 그래서 또 잠들뻔 했잖아요~~ 책임지세요(?) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이제 곧 설날인데 신쿤은 일본식 떡국 "오조니" 먹어본 적 있나요?? (전 안 먹어봤어요 ㅋㅋ) 나중에 키리모찌 좀 사다뒀다가 야매로 만들어 먹어보려구요~~~~ (키리모찌 오븐에 구워먹으면 맛있는뎅~~~~) 예전에 어디선가 읽은 적이 있는데 설날에 어르신들이 오조니 먹다가 목에 걸리는 사고가 종종 있었고 어떤 며느리가 기지를 발휘해서 청소기로 흡입해서 빼냈다는(?)그런 내용의 글을 읽은 적이 있어요... (그냥 생각나서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 그럼 이만 적을게요~~ 또 올게요~~ 뾰로롱~~


How are you? Did you have a nice day? I really hope Shinday treated you nicely. Do remember to look after yourself well for me. I kinda slipped back into some old habits like too much coffee and not enough sleep but I'll get myself back on track this week.

Today I spent the day getting my house in order. So much washing and cleaning. Why can't clothes wash themselves? 😅 I think I'd dislike that job less if my laundry was an inside laundry.. coz it's outside, it's full of spiders 😢 i hate spiders.

I wanted to start though as it's kind of a pre-move clean. I'm looking at moving somewhere with cheaper rent soon, which will allow me to save more. and since I should be able to start working full time again after that it will be more again. Although I understand my idea of full time may be a bit full on and I shouldn't overdo it for now, i can at least try a normal full time. Plus i want to leave myself some time for some classes. I've stuff to learn and I'm going to step it up. With other issues more handled now I can throw myself at my bigger goal at last.

Because it isn't easy, I've been needing the freedom to do this. Still not sure if I can succeed this year...but I absolutely won't if I don't try.

Always my philosophy on everything. Even a 1% chance of success if I try is better than a 100% guarantee it will never happen because I didn't.

I may sound like a pessimist most of the time but that's only to prevent too much disappointment.. I'll still give it my all even if i realistically know we are fighting very long odds.. It's not about being hopeful.. it's about having no regrets when it's over.. It is easier for me to accept that i gave it my all and failed than it is for me to live with the regrets of the things i didn't try when the opportunity was there.

That's what drives me thru every comeback.. Even if we don't succeed in our goals this time, I know I didn't hold back on trying and I have no regrets..

anyway, I should sleep now.
Please sleep well tonight when you can.
Thank you for being my daily inspiration to never give up.
I love you so much


Happy Weekend Shin happy01

Do you have fun yesterday? I hope you always have a nice weekend~

I have a great weekend myself, because of two things. The first one is I watched an orchestra yesterday. It was so beautiful. They played Sibelius and Tchaikovsky composition. Well, actually I don't really know about classical music. Hehehe But! I love music in general. Plus I got 50% discount for the ticket bleah So I decided to watch it~ It feels different when you listen to the song at home and listen to the song being performed in front of you. It's amazing how each musical instrument produces the unique sound and how those are being played together to create such a beautiful harmony^^

The second one is I am happy because your instagram updates. Thanks again for update last night. It is a very beautiful view. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Shooting Ying Yang there was a great memories isn't it? smile I love the song and also the choreography with the fan. You guys indeed look so graceful and charming~ The first time I saw that choreo, I fell in love with it, so pretty and wonderful lovely

Because of these two things, it makes me think that I really want to see your live performance one day. I love listening to your songs. And I know it would be even more amazing when I see it live. In addition, your choreography for the songs are also splendid and awesome. Thank you for your high quality of music and performance. I love Cross Gene heart01

Hopefully today would be a great day for you, but please always remember to take time for a good rest and eat well. I hope you always be happy and healthy smile

I love you, Shin-san heart04

*I am trying call your name in various ways if that's okay for you. I wonder which one is your favorite^^

안녕하세요 원호오빠~ (^・^)
How are you?? Did your week went alright? I hope it did, and you're happy healthy~ are you busy with works already? If so, I know you'll do your best 😄 but don't push yourself too much and overwork please~ what you're doing is more than enough already that makes us proud every moment of our lives that we've known you 💕
Ah, and I just noticed its been a year and a few days already since Cross Gene's last comeback~ I remember when I fell so hard to the point where I stream songs and watch the MV every hour even if im in class and just put earphones lol ahh i miss those days so much ㅠㅠㅠ I'm sure when Cross Gene comeback soon the concept would be very unique like always 😄💗 I'm everyday grateful for discovering a group and people as wonderful as all of you are~ words would never be enough how much you make me all so happy 💘

Also, thank you for updating your instagram for 2 consecutive days~ the scenery that you posted awhile ago was the place where you shoot yingyang right? Its still so beautiful~ thank you for sharing it with us 😍 I hope you had a great time when you went there :) btw speaking of consecutive, from monday to friday you were my omikuji haha I'm very happy that its distributed now again almost the same as the other members Omikuji I got since I joined planet~ because last January I think I only got you for only 2 times? 😅

Oh starting on monday it would be the week of my first exam for this semester.. aaahh I'm nervous again 😥 but fortunately there's Chuusday night before the exam Im afraid to take~ so I think it would really help alot to calm and motivate me enough 😄

You posted your IG update so late there its like almost 2am? hmmm I wonder what are you into to stay up late like that~ but no worries, maybe you'll just wake up kinda late and not too early.. like what you've said you're always giving yourself alot of sleep time to have that youthful skin 😊💗 Oh, I hope this day of yours went fine and did whatever that made you happy 😄

Take care and Happy Sunday!! 💓
I love you very much my happy pill 😘


Did you have a good day? Eating and resting well? don't forget to stay warm too. Are you happy? You definitely seemed happy to me. 😄 That many exclamation marks on a post is always a sign of a happy Shin! I'm really glad. It makes me so happy to know that you are.

It was hot here today but it is summer so not a surprise. We got a storm come thru after and it was crazy. lightning right outside.. the thunder was so loud and rumbled for a good minute. a strong storm to wash away the tiring days. soon it will be valentines day too... what should i do for my handsome hero on such a day? I'll work out something like I always do.

then the Lunar New Year and somewhere in there is going to the movies lol. I'm trying not to spend money but yanno... seeing black panther is a necessity, not a luxury. lmao. My fangirl heart needs to be fed just like my body does.

Are you busy tomorrow too? Well i know that you're doing really amazing.. just wait till i see whatever it is and tell you how well you did.. then you can remember this and see how I'm always right about these things. I'm always proud of you because i know you're always doing you best and of course i will always be proud of that. There is a reason your fans are always proud of you that comes from you. You are the one that makes us proud of you everywhere you go. So fighting my Wonho.. I can't wait.

I have to sleep now as it is after midnight. Please sleep well tonight too, okay?
Thank you so much for always being someone that people can be proud of and look up to.
I love you so much Shin Wonho


血液型のわだい たのしかったよー!




Hello again!
I almost forgot to say thank you for the Omikuji today! I got Shin and what you're saying is so sweet and motivate me to do my best effort ☺️
Thank you so much! I love you 💖

Good morning Shin 🌸
How are you doing today? Did you sleep well last night? I really hope you do. Please take a good rest and eat well even when you're busy ☺️
I just wake up, but I might be sleep again a bit more. I am really tired because I had full day training for the past few days. Thank God it's weekend so I could rest a while, before the training next week again 😅 The training is pretty interesting actually, it's related to the certification for one of my project that I told you before. I will work hard because I know you always give your best effort too in every work that you've done. I think you are really amazing and truly inspirational 💕Thank you for all you do^^
Ah I saw the your Nii video earlier 😆 It was lovely~ Nii clothes are great and it looks even greater when you're wearing it. What are your plans for today? I hope you're having fun in whatever you do 😘
Take care and have a blessed day~
I love you 💖💖

シン君 こんばんは^^
シン君 おはだ きれいで うらやましいな☆☆ おはだのゴールデンタイム10じ から2じ なんだよね~ さいきん おそくまで おきてることが おおいから きをつけなきゃね…^^;
歌ドン うれしいな♬シン君の うたごえ♪もっともっと たくさん きいていたいな~


How are you today? I really hope you are doing well today. You definitely deserved to have a good day if you ask me, hehe. But i think you deserve to have a good day every day. I really hope you do.

I know I had a better day today.. I'm really happy about that.. I'm kinda hoping that tonight I might finally sleep well... I guess I shouldn't hope for too much too soon but really, a good night's sleep would be so amazing right now.

I will write to you so much more from now on. So let's hope I can get the sleep I need tonight and you're bright, cheery Summer who writes long posts to you every night before bed will be back again soon. I'm so tired of being this tired all the time, lol.

Sleep well tonight too please, Mr Perfect.
Thank you for always being by my side too.
I love you always my hero


